chelating shampoos

I know ORS creamy aloe is chelating. Used it today, and it was pretty good. Also if you use a chelating poo is there a need to still use a clarifying one?
I used Ouidad water works shampoo yesterday and I really liked it. It wasn't as stripping as I initially thought it would be.
Thanks ladies! I use a regular clarifying shampoo once a month, but I think I may need a chelating one because I have really hard water where I live.
Ladies, I find that some conditioners can be chelating, as well.

I have hard water and some deep conditioners with EDTA in them have been just as good, when I don't want to use a clarifying shampoo for the job.

I find that I use my Kenra Chelating much less often.

Also, I look for chelating ingredients in moisturizing shampoos.

The shampoo DOES NOT have to say it is chelating, in order for you to get the benefits of chelation. Just check the ingredients.