Check out this site!

Wow, I'm so impressed! I'm thiking of transitioning to natural but my hair is 4b, really thick, and I wonder if I could get more curl definition like they do without chemicals. I wonder if there are salons that can do this in England.
I just read their website and I've realised that the "silkening " process is a mild lye relaxer left in for 10 minutes to slightly relax the curl. I thought it was a chemical-free thing. But, still I like it.
Nope, just used a mild creme of nature on my sister's hair yesterday to loosen the curl or texturize. The hair frizzes less when this is done. I should have taken some before and after pics.
when hair 4b hair is texturised how does it look when wet, is it curly? Or does it look like it's natural? I'm really interested in doing this.
<font color="violet">I like that site I saw that site three months ago though.They have tons of pics though.</font>