check out this hair

Her is very pretty.
I had to laugh when I read: Client will not shape/cut her ends. She's probably been the victim of a 3" "trim" before...
She's pretty with great long hair. The after look would be more finished if she'd let them even up the ends. How do they get it so shiny and wet looking?
Wow! Those were some dramatic differences...and nice! And you're right, that last girl's hair was awesome...she had a lot of hair!!! They were all beautiful.

Thanks for sharing that site with us.
Gorgeous!!! The before picture is da bomb!

How do they get it so shiny and wet looking?

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Megonw, it's easier for straighter hair to reflect light better than curly hair and since a silkener is a texturizer by another name (am I right, ladies?), the tight curls of her natural hair are straightened a bit so it shines more. I think they also give the hair a good conditioning treatment and probably apply a leave-in that adds sheen. The same shine can be seen on healthy pressed or relaxed hair with a good leave-in. If you've got shades, don them and then check out the shine on Supergirl's hair.

I thought it was also interesting to read she didn't want her ends trimmed. Gotta be an LHCF visitor who's been paying attention to warnings about SHS's.
Tebby1017 said:
Her hair is very pretty. If my hair could look like the after, I would definately go natural.


[/ QUOTE ] would you handle all that hair? (I might go natural one day and I need some tips. That's about how my hair would look if it was that long and natural.
they need to make a shop here in Detroit or at least the metro(s.field, dearborn) That would be great so i can go and get me some silkener, course that prolyl will be done next year cause i wanna get my hair to a certain length and then they can start the cuttin stuff to even it up.
Well, I was thinking of getting my 9 year old daughter's hair Silkened as it would maintain the curl pattern and help with the excess shrinkage on wash day. She's a 4a. Well, I called the salon and the price starts at $150
Whoa! The silkener is a mild lye relaxer applied for 5-9 minutes!!! $150!!!! I don't even spend that much on my own head... and I have an Affirm relaxer!!! Yikes!
Wow!! I am on the next plane to New York. Their hair looks awesome. The curls are soo loose and pretty. It reminds me of my hair when I was drinking the wretched protein shakes. I wonder if I could get someone to do this for me in the South. I'm going to cry. Why is it that all of the cool hair things come out of New York, Atlanta, or Los Angeles? I'm just going to have leave South Carolina.
i think that they use a product called bbd glass for all the shine and it helps with definition. there have been alot of threads about curve and glass. also i think someone who had been there before said that they used affirm for their silkners. i wonder what her hair looked liked curly before the silkner? ( i think her before pic was blown out)i personally would have left alittle more curl in it but it still looks nice although i like the before pic better.
There are also so awesome before and afters on this site. But yes, the young girl's hair you've pointed out is da bomb.
Wow! Most of those ladies looked fantabulous!

What is Silkener and can it be applied over relaxed hair? How do you finger style hair?

Blossom said:
Wow! Most of those ladies looked fantabulous!

What is Silkener and can it be applied over relaxed hair? How do you finger style hair?


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A silkener is just a texturizer so no, you can't apply over relaxed hair.
That would just overprocess.

I assume by finger styling they mean using fingers to define and seperate curls. That's just my guess:)

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Sassygirl, that price too much for your poor heart? They should not give out that info without a doctor's consent.
That is my freakin hair goal! I LOVE that girl's hair, BUT how would you handle all that hair?!?!

My hair was long like that when I was a child, pre-relaxer days, and my mom used to always style it in 2 long plaits.