check out my new braids! (-pics-)


Well-Known Member
i got my box braids done this past weekend. the plan is to keep these braids in for 7 weeks. i was not totally impressed with the place where i got my braids done, so i am tempted to want to remove them myself when the time comes. i've had braids done before so i know what has to be done to remove them... i've just never done the whole job myself!

when i used to wear braids back to back, i never paid much attention to how i cared for them. washed every 2 weeks. put oil on my scalp when i remembered.... so i came up with a reggie and if anyone had any feedback, i'd love to hear it. :) i'm trying to use items i already have and avoiding buying new products...

wear a silk scarf every night.

wash braids with neutrogena anti-residue formula (1x week)

spritz braids with my moisturizing mix : giovanni direct leave in, coconut oil and water (as needed 3x week)

spritz braids with infusium 23 1x week

apply MT to my scalp 1x week, typically the night before washing the braids

DC 1 x week with Burt's Bees Hair Repair, Shea and Grapefruit Deep Conditioner or Giovanni Deeper Moisture Conditioner under heat...

i'm not sure how the DCing will go because i don't want to gunk up my braids. i'll make my first attempt tomorrow evening.

question: am I doing too much to my hair? i hope that 7 weeks won't allow my hair to become matted. i used to wear braids for 2.5 to 3 months at a time, and only get the edges and nape rebraided after 5 or 6 weeks... but that's when the max i did was slap some oil on my scalp... at 3 months, i'd have some detangling issues...

the braids will put me at 21 weeks post relaxer. :)

thanks in advance!


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Your braids look very pretty ! Are you stretching your relaxer or transitioning ? I'm currently
19 weeks post not sure if I'm going natural or stretching but I'm giving myself until June.
Your braids look very pretty ! Are you stretching your relaxer or transitioning ? I'm currently
19 weeks post not sure if I'm going natural or stretching but I'm giving myself until June.

i'm stretching. i plan to get a touch up in march. i'll do braids again in the summer. i just needed a break from my hair! :)
Very pretty, LivingDol! I don't think you're doing too much. I think it's good to take care of braids like regular hair.
i'm not sure how the DCing will go because i don't want to gunk up my braids. i'll make my first attempt tomorrow evening.

Your braids are gorgeous! I've never tried to DC with braid extensions before; Let me know how that turns out.
Awwww Im missing my braids already!!!! But yours looks good and the reggie sounds good....When I Dc'd mine like that just make sure you rinse really really well to keep form having the leftover splotches of condish!!
ooh i love them.... i had some about 2 months ago... but i didnt like the texture of the hair my sister picked out.. but that haor looks lovely, what kind is it.?.... i said next time i will use the yarn for mine.
They are very pretty.....I'm impressed!!!! This look like a good protective style for me....not too big and not too small....I just don't have the patience for the small ones. :perplexed do you have a shot of the scalp so I can see how big the sections are? what kind of hair did they use?

Again VERY PRETTY!!!!!
Your regi sounds similar to crown and glory.You may want to check that site out. That's what I'm doing and so far I love it. I've een in braids since Jan 5th and I plan to keep these 10-12 weeks. I like your shampoo choice. I'll have to try that out.
Those look really good! You've got me wanting to go get some hair :) I haven't had them since I've know how to take care of them
They did a wonderful job with the braids, but I would like to caution you, I would'nt do the dc/or con too often. Especially as long as you want to keep them in. Take it from a person who's done it. I am natural and did my own braids used oils, and infusium and after a month my hair was matted! On top of that it was extremely difficult to unmat! Just be careful not to use too many products cuz I would hate for you to be where I was taking me 4-5 hours just to unmat and that time frame was not including taking the braids out! I would not dc either! Maybe while yr in the shower pour some in yr hands and rub them together and cover with the con that way and make sure you rinse rinse rinse and rinse. Oh, one more thing with you planning on keeping them in that long it's best IMO to try and wash once or maybe even twice a wk. That way you should have no problem with build up!
ooh i love them.... i had some about 2 months ago... but i didnt like the texture of the hair my sister picked out.. but that haor looks lovely, what kind is it.?.... i said next time i will use the yarn for mine.

thanks. :) mine is just kanekalon hair. color #2. it's dark but has a red cast to it. usually i mix highlights in but i'm starting to like this for winter.

the braider basically twisted my hair together in 5 or 6 sections and then dipped the braids in boiling water for a few minutes to set it. that's how i got the texture at the bottom. it's great for me because i know after some time the hair will get ratty. i have been trimming it every now and then because it was too long. and i can cut off fuzzy ends as i see fit without messing it up.