Check out my awesome type 4 hair BKT results!!! (Many pictures)


Well-Known Member
This is a preview of what I originally posted this on the "Keratin Treatment Support Thread". Just wanted to share with those who don't check out that thread. (For the full version go here )

My GLOB BKT results, PART 1

OK ladies, I received my GLOB BKT (G L O B A L keratin with J U V E X I N ), tried it and LOVED IT!!!!

My background: This is my BKT #8? (I really haven't kept good track) in about a year. My hair is 4a fine to med silky to cottony around the perimeter and 4b coarse, wiry on the front/crown. I've been transitioning with BKT and am now 100% relaxer free!

I used the “resistant” or “coarse” formula in strawberry. This has 4% formaldehyde. Anything less than that and my hair just laughs! As you’ll see in the pics, I’m nowhere near loosing all my texture after all these treatments.

I have a ton of pictures to share so I’m dividing this post into four parts.

Here’s PART 1:

The Process

Flat iron set @375-410 for the most part. Did the coarse seaction at 450.


.....(some pics removed here)


But the best is yet to come...(give me a few minutes)


My GLOB BKT results, PART 2

So this is where I started feeling the love!:yep:

After I rinsed the product (two days later) I couldn't believe my eyes--I had bouncy, loose curls!! (except on my crown:ohwell:)

These are aftr rinsing, no shampoo


....(some pics deleted here)

After shampoo, with conditioner left on

At this point I was a very happy camper, but wait for the dry results...


My GLOB BKT results, PART 3--Dry hair and the morning after...


....(some pics deleted here)

100% dry (I left the conditioner on)

I really tried not to disturb my hair while drying but you can tell I was playing in there:look: :grin:

....(some pics deleted here)

The morning after, before styling...


Since I've overlapped treatments some areas are a bit overprocessed (straighter) and my hair looks sort of texlaxed when dry. This is not a bad thing for me. But thought some of you might want to know. I'm planning on avoiding the ends next time...

....(some pics deleted here)

There's a few more pics coming up, Stay tuned...

My GLOB BKT results, PART 4--How I'm wearing my hair (because I'm boring...)

I combed to detangle, sprayed with water, applied a bit of my coconut/hemp oil mix, added a drop of Sebastian's Potion 9, and slicked it back into a mini-pony. Before this treatment, it would've taken literally 1/2 of ecostyler gel (clear) to slick my hair down. I was amazed by how easy this was...

....(some pics deleted here)


....(some pics deleted here)


So there's the story. Hope I didn't overdo it with the pictures!
Now the change in texture is amazing but I have a question based off this statement:

"My background: This is my BKT #8? (I really haven't kept good track) in about a year. My hair is 4a fine to med silky to cottony around the perimeter and 4b coarse, wiry on the front/crown. I've been transitioning with BKT and am now 100% relaxer free!"

Seeing that this is the 8th treatment and you have been at this for a year. What has the length retention been like? I have always wondered if long term users saw breakage or better retention?
Now the change in texture is amazing but I have a question based off this statement:

"My background: This is my BKT #8? (I really haven't kept good track) in about a year. My hair is 4a fine to med silky to cottony around the perimeter and 4b coarse, wiry on the front/crown. I've been transitioning with BKT and am now 100% relaxer free!"

Seeing that this is the 8th treatment and you have been at this for a year. What has the length retention been like? I have always wondered if long term users saw breakage or better retention?

When I did my first BKT I was relaxed bone straight. My avi picture shows the results of that first treatment. However, all that hair is gone now. All the hair you see on my head is less than a year old. My last relaxer was Oct. 12 2009 and my first BKT was Nov. 11, 2009. I got rid of the last relaxed ends last June. I did another trim in July (just to even things out a little--I had a serious mullet!) and haven't cut since. The lower perimeter of my hair is now 4.5-5 inches long, the sides are 5-6 inches long, and the crown 4-5 inches.

I know those number are not that impresessive but, for the record, I'm a super slow grower. I verify this regularly because I color my grays so It's easy to track growth (or lack thereof). I get less than half an inch per month (I retouch the color every month). Though I had a growth spur last july (3/4 inch in a month!--it was super hot out, I was working-out, and taking MSM/biotin regularly), my growth rate is back to normal.

I've had the treatment for over a week now. Here's a better view of my current length:


For all practical purposes, I've gone from big chop to this in 11.5 months. You can see how the different textures are growing at different rates. The mullet keeps coming back!

So I think retention has been great, although I do have one trouble patch (about 1.5 square inches of super curly but super fine hair in the back of my head) that is just 3.5 inches long. I'm trying to solve that mistery... But I don't see the handfull of broken hairs I had when I was relaxed anymore. The hairs on the sink are mostly sheds (I do check!).

I truly believe BKT has advanced rather than hindered my hair growth, since detangling is easy, I don't use heat frequently and very rarely deal with the dreaded single strand knots.

I'm sold!
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Impressive results! Where did you end up ordering the Juvexin from?

There's some on ebay, too.

After I figure out how many oz I'll need for use within a year I'll probably sell the rest. It should last for 36 months after opening but I'd rather use relatively fresh product. PM me if you're interested.
thank you for the update and pitcha... I would love to BKT one good time....but im scared. I have virgin hair, never had any chemicals on it in life. So I am gathering info.

Much continued success on your journey!
Beautiful results lilikoi I have to agree that I retain better when BKT'd. Single strand knots have been my nemesis since the before I knew what they were.

There's some on ebay, too.

After I figure out how many oz I'll need for use within a year I'll probably sell the rest. It should last for 36 months after opening but I'd rather use relatively fresh product. PM me if you're interested.

I know you said PM you but why should I play coy? hmm? Interested!
WOW thanks Lilikoi! THis is right on time since I am getting my first BKT (Global Keratin 2%) on Thursday. I'm so excited and hoping for great results. I want to retain my coils (like Sheba1) so I won't go with the 4%. Once I've paid close attention to a professional (licensed stylist) I may be able to try it on my own - I rarely ever go to a salon. You kinda sound like my hair twin with a few exceptions. I'm glad it worked out for you so I'll probably be stalking you and Sheba1. Thanks again.

p.s. love the pictures!
Thank you all for the compliments! I'm really happy with my hair these days.

Sheba, I'll be SO HAPPY when my hair gets to where you are now. I'm hoping to get there soon!

BTW, I'm asking $18/oz. for the Global, and have a few more oz left of our beloved Dre@m H@ir for $12/oz.

LadyPBC , I hope you have a great BKT experience at the salon.
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I'm glad this is working for you!!! It is amazing how our hair grows however IT wants to...I've given up on trying to get rid of my inverted is what it is, lol!
@lilikoi Are you still BKTing your hair? I’d love an update on your hair!

Wow, this is a blast from the past! Your question has come to me as I contemplate the next step for my hair.

Short answer:
No, I haven't done any BKTs for about 3 years. Right now, I'm in a protective style (sew in) but seriously contemplating doing them again, or some similar, semi-permanent, hair stretching alternative, once my hair reaches a certain length.

Longer answer:

I truly loved the results of my 1st BKT. The treatment can really help loosen the texture, and make detangling and "slicking down" a breeze! My main problem was that I started doing treatments at the beginning of my healthy hair journey, and I was so ignorant about caring for my hair! When I noticed I wasn't retaining as much as I wanted I immediately blamed the treatment, but there were many other unhealthy hair practices to blame (not trimming regularly, aggressive combing, too much manipulation, lack of moisture, tight ponytails).

So having transitioned from relaxed bone-straight to BKT "natural" I never really got to experience my hair hair in it's natural state, so a few years ago I decided to stop doing the treatments and see what happened. But, as much as I love my coils, styling and detangling has been very challenging, so I decided to take a hair "vacation" and have been protective styling under weaves for a year now.

I am now at the point where I'm wondering what to do next (non-stop weaves are not a long term solution) so I'm seriously considering loosening my texture with a BKT-like treatment (the newer glyoxilic acid based) again. I had tried the Chi Enviro smoothing treatment for my last two treatments and really liked the results, but it looks like it's been discontinued. I'm currently in search of alternatives.
Wow, this is a blast from the past! Your question has come to me as I contemplate the next step for my hair.

Short answer:
No, I haven't done any BKTs for about 3 years. Right now, I'm in a protective style (sew in) but seriously contemplating doing them again, or some similar, semi-permanent, hair stretching alternative, once my hair reaches a certain length.

Longer answer:

I truly loved the results of my 1st BKT. The treatment can really help loosen the texture, and make detangling and "slicking down" a breeze! My main problem was that I started doing treatments at the beginning of my healthy hair journey, and I was so ignorant about caring for my hair! When I noticed I wasn't retaining as much as I wanted I immediately blamed the treatment, but there were many other unhealthy hair practices to blame (not trimming regularly, aggressive combing, too much manipulation, lack of moisture, tight ponytails).

So having transitioned from relaxed bone-straight to BKT "natural" I never really got to experience my hair hair in it's natural state, so a few years ago I decided to stop doing the treatments and see what happened. But, as much as I love my coils, styling and detangling has been very challenging, so I decided to take a hair "vacation" and have been protective styling under weaves for a year now.

I am now at the point where I'm wondering what to do next (non-stop weaves are not a long term solution) so I'm seriously considering loosening my texture with a BKT-like treatment (the newer glyoxilic acid based) again. I had tried the Chi Enviro smoothing treatment for my last two treatments and really liked the results, but it looks like it's been discontinued. I'm currently in search of alternatives.

Hey do you have any examples of these? I'd like to look up more. What's your hair like with the Chi Enviro when compared to a bkt?
A Chi Enviro is just another type of BKT. Different active ingredient, still kinda "fume-y". You still need a well ventilated space. But the results were similar: looser texture, manageability, faster drying.
A warning though: it slightly alters hair color as you flat iron (slightly lighter) I actually liked this side effect but it might be an unwanted result for some. Also, it leave the hair smelling odd, like a sulfur-based perm for a few days...:look: Other than that, I really liked it!

I just checked on ebay and there's a bottle or two Chi enviro available. I don't know have any other brands on the short list yet--will let you know.

I'm still on the fence about this whole thing...trying to decide if I should give my natural texture another try...