Check me out ladies! My new lifestyle website with my HAIR BLOG link :-)


New Member
Hi Ladies!

Whew it's been a journey with this stuff on my head called Hair. I started off great, then had some serious trials and tribulations...the kind that makes you want to give up on being natural! Therefore, I was lurking for a bit while I picked myself up off the ground :look: I never thought I'd be a lurker!! Now I'm back in action and I've got my hair to a much better place. I'm about Mid Back Length straight (I've had lots of trims due to heat damage.)

Anyway, I launched a website dedicated to my two loves, jewelry and natural hair. Just click for the link to my blog and Fotki. Check it out! Feel free to ask me any questions.

I'd love it if you followed or subscribed to the blog :grin::grin::grin:


Here's the site (I made it all by myself!)
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op, i'm sure your blog is nice, but i thought it was against forum rules to advertise websites, blogs and such.
I just checked it. We can put blogs, but I've purchased the domain. I guess I'm in trouble? Just go straight to the hair blog? Sorry guys! Not trying to advertise I was just excited about the website. I worked for a while on it :ohwell:
Good job! I'll definitely be looking at it more in-depth tonight. I'm working on a blog with my line sister right now so I can definitely appreciate a well-put-together venture. :)
Thanks for the feedback ladies! How do I delete this post? I don't want to offend anybody by seeming like I'm advertising :nono: (If you can tell me how to do it on my mobile that would be great. I'll be away from the computer until later.)
Thanks for the feedback ladies! How do I delete this post? I don't want to offend anybody by seeming like I'm advertising :nono: (If you can tell me how to do it on my mobile that would be great. I'll be away from the computer until later.)
I don't think you can delete threads.
I think the best you can do is delete the words in the post and write something to take up the 10-word limit.
But I don't think it's that serious. I'm not offended.