Chebe Powder & Relaxed Hair (troubles)


So before I begin, I acknowledge that the chebe regimen is mainly for natural hair. However, I love the idea behind it strengthening the strands. I wear my hair in protective styling everyday and keep it covered, so the mess would not be an issue. My hair is 4a, and very fine. I have about 3 inches of new growth because I only relax my hair 4 times a year.

I am starting to feel that I was applying way too much powder and/or hair oil cream mix. I was getting crazy breakage when doing it the traditional way of:
water>herbs>oil cream mix> *repeat*
Styling my fine, relaxed hair when wet seems to be a big no-no. Especially with the new growth, my line of demarcation becomes even more fragile.

That all said, I would like to know what other ladies who are relaxed and do the chebe method have done to their hair. So far, I have to air-dry my hair, flat iron the new growth, then use the chebe mixed with the oil-cream. This lessens the difference at the line of demarcation. I would rather not have to flat iron it though. That is why I am looking for suggestions.