" Chebe" Haircare Method : Traditional Product And Non-chebe Product

So, thinking out loud here:

- Most traditional users of Chebe say not to get it on your scalp because they feel it can cause dandruff (or dandruff-like) reactions.

1) Notice that many DO NOT shampoo their hair like most Western hair methods. wonder if shampooing will alleviate this ?

2) Chebe is purported to have antimicrobial properties, if so, what causes the irritation and/or dandruff? Again, I'm thinking it links back to the fact that they do not use running water or Western style shampoo. So it's not really the chebe, per se.

Any thoughts?

Yep I might agree with you since dandruff can be caused from not shampooing "enough" but since these ladies do not shampoo at all...