Cheating and intentions


All natural!
I only had to deal with a cheating man once in my life (that I know of) and I was practically still a kid. Plus he broke up with me after he let it be known he had been cheating.

These days, we talk about "emotional" cheating vs. dating vs. falling in love with someone while still married, etc. etc.

For me, just thinking about the fact the man had intentions on another woman, would cause me to no longer trust him.

Are intentions just as powerful/equivalent to cheating, for you?
If he had intentions on another woman what has prevented him from fulfilling them? opportunity? or being rejected by said woman/women?

To me it is just as powerful
I agree with both of you ladies points of view. If he could overcome that obstacle, what would stop him?

Nah, I dont trust it.
I don't think most affairs are "intentional" per se but I woulldn't want to build a life with someone who can't control themselves, lie, etc but I wouldn't feel comfortable with someone who intended on cheating either