Cheapie Conditioners..Heeeelp


New Member
hello ladies,

I wanted to get some advice on other cheapie conditioners that are cone and protien free... i've tried vo5 and suave and my hair HATES both of them. Has anyone tried nature's gate or jasons.. both seem to be cheap for a nice size.. I saw them both on vitacost for about 4 bucks.. please help..

hello txnatural409,

wow i was just looking at you natural hair album.. really nice pictures.. no i haven't tried white rain.. can you tell me alittle about it.. how does it differ from suave and vo5?

hello ladies,

txnatural409: thank you for the link..

zeeol'lady: yes i heard of this conditioner i will try to check out the trader joes..thanks

coffee:thank you i will read about your experience
I like Renpure Organics Moisturizing conditioner (Rite Aid) - moisturizing and detangling.
For co-washing I use GVP Biolage Matrix Conditioning Balm, diluted.