Chat/private rooms?

Jessica Rabbit

New Member
Will the private rooms return? It was very beneficial when people had "meetings" like loa chat or when folks just wanted to have more personal conversations. As to the few people complaining that it was clique-ish/they felt left out, that was only a few people and folks should be able to have a private group convo. Since the chat is monitored, can we have the private rooms back? Also, without the private rooms, the lobby can get VERy crowded and it gets confusing and overwhelming.
Will the private rooms return? It was very beneficial when people had "meetings" like loa chat or when folks just wanted to have more personal conversations. As to the few people complaining that it was clique-ish/they felt left out, that was only a few people and folks should be able to have a private group convo. Since the chat is monitored, can we have the private rooms back? Also, without the private rooms, the lobby can get VERy crowded and it gets confusing and overwhelming.

Private chat rooms will never appear in the chat. What we can do is create a couple of new rooms to combat congestion.

The reason that private rooms won't be allowed was due to some 'misbehaving' in the past and abusing that feature, creating new rooms and locking them with passwords.

I will sort that out soon.
Thanks Nikos. Multiple rooms would be great. It does get very congested and people will be able to spread out and have discussions as they choose. I appreciate your quick reply and willingness to accommodate this request.