I totally agree with you.When I was a nappy-head, the white guys were all over me. I'm telling you. I had white men trying to get it to me all the time. The brothers weren't biting, though. I got some that would holla but for the most part, only the brothers who were more militant, perhaps more of the Muslim brothers didn't have a problem with my hair. But it's sad when most black people had a fit when I went natural, especially black women.
Disclaimer: it's shame that I have to put this disclaimer here, but when I say "blacks this" or "whites that," I am NOT painting with a broad brush. Just speaking based on *my* experiences.
I'm with you on the Disclaimer bit. I wanted to post this after going to a BLACK function and having the one WHITE BOY at the BLACK FUNCTION come up and start talking to me - and used my hair as the intro - but I was worried that this would stir up a whole conversation about blackness and black folks and issues. We know we have issues HAHA. Next topic.