Charzboss is 14th months post BC *Mega Pics*

Girl, you have some of the fast growing hair I've seen in a while.
I am 15 months post and my bang only reaches the tip of my nose.
You're making me want to BC right now so I can cowash and DC all the time. LOL

Beautiful hair and cute couple.
Hi Charz i've watched you on youtube since a while back too. I loved your reviews(although i can't get those prod. Thank you. Congrats on your growth/reten.
and graduation!!!
Charz thats some astounding growth!:clapping: great job!! That co-washing and DCing is definitely making all the difference for you!

LOVE that first pic! You and your boo are just adorable as can be:love2:

and I can't wait till I can get like you and finally get this degree already!:fistshake::rolleyes:
Wow, Charzboss, your hair is looking so lush and healthy! :up: All that DCing works wonders (note to self :rolleyes: need to DC more :spank:) anyway, have y'all taken off for Italy yet? Remember, if he acts up you send him to my house! I'll get him back in line for you :whipped: :wink2:
Yall are heading off to Italy? I'm about to study abroad there! I wanna know the update on that too! Have you been already? Maybe we can do lunch there one day if we're there the same time.....:yep:
Very nice progress! how long did u transition for?

I didn't transition, just chopped it all off!

Wow, Charzboss, your hair is looking so lush and healthy! :up: All that DCing works wonders (note to self :rolleyes: need to DC more :spank:) anyway, have y'all taken off for Italy yet? Remember, if he acts up you send him to my house! I'll get him back in line for you :whipped: :wink2:

Yall are heading off to Italy? I'm about to study abroad there! I wanna know the update on that too! Have you been already? Maybe we can do lunch there one day if we're there the same time.....:yep:

Thanks everybody :blush:

David (my fiance) is going to Spain in October this year to gain citizenship for himself and me through marriage. Afterwords, we are immigrating!

BMP: Aren't you in the NYC area? I'm gonna be up there this summer (I live in DC) so maybe we can do lunch there?

LP: David is here dying at your smiley. I'll send him your way, no prob. :lachen:
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Hi Charz i've watched you on youtube since a while back too. I loved your reviews(although i can't get those prod. Thank you. Congrats on your growth/reten.
and graduation!!!

Your texture made astounding progress from the first couple pictures. I follow you on YT so each time I see your BF all I can think of is Edward Cullen.

Love your hair.

Thanks for watching my YT :blush::grin:
Love the first picture

Charzboss, is that him pulling your hair in the last picture? You got him trained very well! He must know alot about black hair care now