Changed Product Formulas.... Let's Call Their Stuff OUT!!


New Member
Idk about you, but I am starting to get really irritated with companies who mess up a good thing and change their formulas, adding cheap filler etc. They treat us like we're DUMB and won't notice!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

I think we should protest! :rolleyes: Seriously though, we need to demand better quality... no longer do I want to spend my hard-earned money on some watered down, cheap version of a perfectly good original :nono:

This is what I know of so-far:

Dove Moisturizing Mist
Aphogee 2-min. reconstructor (added mineral oil)

If you know of any others please list them and add what they changed about the formula. Thanks!
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Dove frizz creme:rolleyes::rolleyes: they took out all of the good stuff lol
Design essentials moisture retention shampoo:rolleyes:
Idk about you, but I am starting to get really irritated with companies whoi mess up a good thinng and change their formulas, adding cheap filler etc. They treat us like we're DUMB and won't notice!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

I think we should protest! :rolleyes: Seriously though, we need to demand better quality... no longer do I want to spend my hard-earned money on some watered down, cheap version of a perfectly good original :nono:

This is what I know of so-far:

Dove Moisturizing Mist
Aphogee 2-min. reconstructor (added mineral oil)

If you know of any others please list them and add what thery changed about the formula. Thanks!

I have an old bottle at home plus I've been using this for a while now and I *think* that it always contained MO. I'll check back to be sure.


Creme of Nature!!! They've went and added about 3 sulfates into their sulfate-free shampoo. Bastids!!!!!:wallbash::wallbash:

The whole darn line has changed but I'm especially mad about the Island Oil and the Shea Butter Lotion. This used to be the best stuff you could get for the money ($4). But now the ingredients include mineral oil, colors, and petroleum.
I didn't know this. What have they done to the DE 'poo?

I think this sulfate free poo got transformed into sulfate poo.

ORS Hair Mayo has been changed.
CON poo is a crime against humanity with its new sulfate formula.

Also I had had a weird experience w/WRTC. Recently I noticed they come in new hourglass shaped bottles. The ingriedient list looks the same, but I tested some on my hand and it was no longer thick instead it was watery. There was another bottle next to it of the original and I compared them side by side and there was a definite difference. I think they have messed with the concentration of the ingriedients. Highly suspect. :nono:
Yes, girl we need to!
So many of my favorites have changed their formulas:
* ORS No-Lye: no more keratin and collagen..there's no more protein.
* Lustrasilk shea butter: bleh greasy and weird smelling
* Creme of nature

I thought it was just a bottle change, but I believe Creme of Nature changed its formula. Anyone still have the old bottle and know what the ingredients are? I mean, it still works okay! But I can not for the life of me understand why companies earning good off a product with a good reputation changes their product. Eventually people will switch if its not of the same quality.
I have an old bottle at home plus I've been using this for a while now and I *think* that it always contained MO. I'll check back to be sure.


Creme of Nature!!! They've went and added about 3 sulfates into their sulfate-free shampoo. Bastids!!!!!:wallbash::wallbash:

Ooh, I see now! Wow
Well I need an alternative now.
I dont know for a fact if the formula actually changed ( i never compared ingredients )but when Aussie changed their packaging a few years ago I swear the Aussie Moist shampoo and conditioner were never the same.
The stuff in the new bottles feels and performs completely different and it wasnt a change for the better.

The whole darn line has changed but I'm especially mad about the Island Oil and the Shea Butter Lotion. This used to be the best stuff you could get for the money ($4). But now the ingredients include mineral oil, colors, and petroleum.
I was so pissed about this change.
I even wrote the company (never heard back though).
Now I just scout out the old formula in every store I go to
I use the Island Oil and the Anti-Itch spray
I have 3 bottles of the old formula spray in my stash now :grin:
Yes, girl we need to!
So many of my favorites have changed their formulas:
* ORS No-Lye: no more keratin and collagen..there's no more protein.
* Lustrasilk shea butter: bleh greasy and weird smelling
* Creme of nature


WTF @ the ORS No-lye! :wallbash:
I think this sulfate free poo got transformed into sulfate poo.

ORS Hair Mayo has been changed.
CON poo is a crime against humanity with its new sulfate formula.

Also I had had a weird experience w/WRTC. Recently I noticed they come in new hourglass shaped bottles. The ingriedient list looks the same, but I tested some on my hand and it was no longer thick instead it was watery. There was another bottle next to it of the original and I compared them side by side and there was a definite difference. I think they have messed with the concentration of the ingriedients. Highly suspect. :nono:

ORS has been changed... but not for the worse... they still have the original ingredients added... except they added wheat germ... IMO.. I'd say ORS Mayo made a change for the better :yep:
I was so pissed about this change.
I even wrote the company (never heard back though).
Now I just scout out the old formula in every store I go to
I use the Island Oil and the Anti-Itch spray
I have 3 bottles of the old formula spray in my stash now :grin:

I stocked up too. I have 4 of the Island Oils and 3 of the Shea Butter. :yep:
ORS has been changed... but not for the worse... they still have the original ingredients added... except they added wheat germ... IMO.. I'd say ORS Mayo made a change for the better :yep:

They removed SAA, Keratin, and Collagen, I believe.
ORS has been changed... but not for the worse... they still have the original ingredients added... except they added wheat germ... IMO.. I'd say ORS Mayo made a change for the better :yep:

i hope its for the better... i just realized it changed when i reached for the jar today.i'm sittin here w/ it in my hair so hopefully it works as well orrrr better
so..CON poo the new packaging (orange?) is this the one that is no good? can the old bottles still be used? i.e yellow top green lable
I think this sulfate free poo got transformed into sulfate poo.

ORS Hair Mayo has been changed.
CON poo is a crime against humanity with its new sulfate formula.
LOL! if the old one is the 32oz one that was on sale at sallys 2 for $5 in may/june...then i'm glad i got it. no sulfates in it when i checked at the store.
I dont know for a fact if the formula actually changed ( i never compared ingredients )but when Aussie changed their packaging a few years ago I swear the Aussie Moist shampoo and conditioner were never the same.
The stuff in the new bottles feels and performs completely different and it wasnt a change for the better.

I know Aussie did change the Aussie Moist conditioner formula. I got turned onto Aussie Moist (purple bottle), which was after the formula changed. I went into National Wholesale Liquidators and snatched up the Aussie Moist in the white bottle, simply thinking it was a pacakging change. When I got home, I compared the back and the ingredients were very different. However when I tried the two different formulas, I liked the newest version better.
why do you guys think that companies do this? do you think that they try to lure in customers with the original and then make a cheaper formula, hoping that no one will notice that the product is not as high quality? but at the same price or more expensive?? what a shame :nono: that's so deceptive!
Also I had had a weird experience w/WRTC. Recently I noticed they come in new hourglass shaped bottles. The ingriedient list looks the same, but I tested some on my hand and it was no longer thick instead it was watery. There was another bottle next to it of the original and I compared them side by side and there was a definite difference. I think they have messed with the concentration of the ingriedients. Highly suspect. :nono:


WTH is going on lately? :censored: