Change in Hair Texture?Naturals get in here!


On the Grow and Keeping it Simple
For about three months (since the BC) I have been learning about my hair. At first my hair was medium-coarse and seemingly 3c/4a. For the past two weeks or so I have settled on staple products (different from those used during my transition and the first couple months of being natural) and have been using them faithfully. Since changing products, my hair seems to be changing too. My hair is now much easier to detangle, and even product free, much smoother and shinier than before. The texture is softer, yet more...springy, the curls looser than in May.

Do I attribute this change to products? or is it something else? Does anyone else have any input or experience with this? Whatever it is I want to keep it up!
Your scab hair is growing out. Scab hair is what is under the scalp that still has traces of relaxer in it, if I am understaniding correctly. It takes some people longer tha others for it to grow out, but when it does, you then have the true texture of your hair. Hope that makes sense. Maybe someone who knows more about scab hair than me can explain better.
I'm assuming you were relaxing, as you mention BC'ing - your 'starting' hair might have been 'scab' hair - hair that was still reacting to residue of the relaxer in your hair. As your hair grows, your natural, healthier texture/condition is starting to show up - so that might be it.

Also, as your hair grows, the curls tend to get looser - the weight of the hair 'pulls' it down a little.


Enjoy it!! And stick to those products - maybe you've just found your PERFECT combination!
good2uuuu said:
Your scab hair is growing out. Scab hair is what is under the scalp that still has traces of relaxer in it, if I am understaniding correctly. It takes some people longer tha others for it to grow out, but when it does, you then have the true texture of your hair. Hope that makes sense. Maybe someone who knows more about scab hair than me can explain better.

Exactly what Good2uuuu said!;) the first hair is scab hair, i experienced it too when i big chopped at first the hair was very harsh and impossible to comb and after a good 6 months the texture changed but i transitioned for a year and did not notice except that the two textures new growth and relaxed hair were breaking but as soon as i big chop this is when i noticed the scab hair, the hair changed. i think the relaxed hair was making the new growth look manageable but as soon as chopped it was impossible for me no products would help so i had to do a second big chop to get rid of all scab hair (hair that was underneath the scalp directly affected by the perm).
Thanks for your input ladies. I didn't even consider scab hair, but it makes alot of sense.