I've come a long way in my Walk. The Bible has great examples of being fruitless in God's eyes - Abraham for one, when he didn't listen to God's instructions or trust him. So God stopped speaking to Abraham for 13 years, so for 13 years Abraham went through his wilderness and couldn't get to Step 2, because He didn't pass Step 1.
In my experience and in hindsight (which we all know is 20/20 vision
) I see that I've made baby steps and gradually learned to trust God for myself. God used to talk to me, through others, and I never listened. So I went through unnecessary trials/situations (my wilderness).
Now, the things I used to do or gave me a rise, no longer affect me. For example, I could be at a gathering and see people drinking and gyrating to sexually explicit songs (things I used to do) and experience a strong hatred for it (not the people). Why? I'd dealt with those 'demons' long ago and have let God sit on the throne of my heart.
Now I dance for the Lord and I glory Him in song and dance. I'm still a work in progress...because once I get the victory over a weakness/demon, it's on to the next one. Renewing of my mind is a spiritual progression, from the inside, out. It's allowing my mind (where the devil tries to influence me) to line up with my heart (where God talks to me).