Chagrin Valley Shampoo Bar Users: What's Your Favorite?


New Member
I'm most likely going to be buying some shampoo bars from this site. The prices are reasonable and the ingredients look delicious :lick:. There's a lot of them to choose from, so I thought it would be helpful for people who are interested in their shampoo bars (like myself :yep:) from this site to hear what kind of positive or negative feedback you've had about the bars you've tried. TIA :).
I just ordered a few samples. The shipping was fast and the sample sizes are a decent size bar. I ordered Mud & Clay; Honey, Beer & Egg; Olive & Bassou; Coconut Milk; Rosemary Lavendar Aloe; and Rosemary Mint. I still want to order Nettle; Neem & Tee Tree; Cafe Moreno; and Carrot Milk & Honey. I tried the Mud & Clay this weekend and really liked it. I lathered in my hands then applied it to my scalp. It felt soft and creamy and not waxy. I used it as a clarifier. My hair felt clean but not stripped.
I have about 25 of their bars but my fave poo bars are:

Nettle #1 first and foremost!! I keep 4 of these at all times
Summer Sunshine
Cafe Moreno
Carrot Milk & Honey

Oh, I use extra honey beer and egg too. There's another I use as a quick clarifier too Citrus Chamomile or something like that.
Oh yea, don't forget to do an acv rinse after using the bars. Read the info she has posted on the site, very helpful :yep:
Well I haven't used one in awhile but the one that worked best for me was the olive and shea soap bar. My hair was pretty dry back then and using the soap bar allowed my hair to dry really soft.
I love Chagrin Valley Soaps & Shampoo Bars. I really like the Olive Babassu & Babassu Marsh Mallow shampoo bars. Both bars lathered well & gently cleansed the hair. The Carrot Milk & Honey bar was a huge disappointment to me; it barely lathered and it only midly cleansed the hair. I'm sure this bar would work better on finer hair.
Thanks for that info Eisani. I didn't see that on the site but acv rinses are a normal part of my routine. This just indicates that I need to read these sites a bit better when ordering stuff in the future.
Thanks for that info Eisani. I didn't see that on the site but acv rinses are a normal part of my routine. This just indicates that I need to read these sites a bit better when ordering stuff in the future.
:spank: I done told you! Oh no wait, that was Lava27 I told :lachen:. It's cool, I didn't read it at first either. Only after I used the first one and wasn't too impressed with the results did I go back and read all the stuff on there.
Funny you started this
I ordered some monday night, I hope I like them. I ran out of liquid castille soap and wanted to try these instead. I got Carrot Milk and Honey, Olive Babassu, Nettle, extra honey beer and egg, and a grapeseed shea complexion for my face. I hope I like them.
There prices for samples are very good and I heard those last a while..
^^ :yep: they give you good sized samples. I love the cucumber aloe (?) and citrus green tea for my body. The green tea one has lil granules (I'm guessing loose tea) that work really well as a gentle exfoliator. The chocolate almond smells delightful :lick:, more almond than chocolate. I don't think I have anything I don't care for...
I bought samples of Babassu & Marsh Mallow, Rosemary Mint and Cafe Moreno in December. I may have bought too many sample bars at once because they last a LONG time!

I've been using Cafe Moreno during each wash. I love Cafe Moreno AND Babassu & Marsh Mallow. I get similar results with both. I posted a review on Babassu & Marsh Mallow in my blog

I have yet to use rosemary mint though... I'm sure it's just as good but I'm trying to finish at least one of my bars! I'm never going back to store bought, liquid shampoo again. I'm hooked.
I tried the shampoo bar......but, i have a problem with a wax film on my hair everytime i shampoo. Has anyone else came across this problem?
I use honey and egg. I tried the Marshmallow and something but it stung my eyes too much. It's time for me to order up.
Here is my list:

Grapeseed Shea Complexion Soap
Cafe Moreno
Carrot Milk & Honey
Extra honey beer and egg
Rosemary Mint
Carrot Milk & Honey Shampoo Bar
Mud & Clay Shampoo Bar
Neem and Tea Tree
Orange Creamsicle

Next on my list when I place another order is:
Babassu & Marsh Mallow Shampoo Bar
Rosemary Lavender Aloe Shampoo Bar
Olive Babassu Shampoo Bar
Lavender & Spice Shampoo Bar
Cornmeal & Honey Scrubby Soap
Loofah Herb Garden Soap
Rhassoul Clay & Yogurt Complexion Soap

They were out of these during the time of my last order.
I tried the shampoo bar......but, i have a problem with a wax film on my hair everytime i shampoo. Has anyone else came across this problem?

I got that waxy feel when I first started using them. When you first use them your hair will feel like crap. It's expected because commercial shampoos leave it's own "film". An ACV rinse afterwards makes it soft again. You will find with prolonged use that you will not experience that icky feel again like you did in the beginning but I still use an ACV rinse afterwards.
Thanks for all the info ladies. I'm glad you guys brought up how long the bars last. I was going to buy the normal sized bar of Babassu and Marshmallow but now I think I'll buy a few sample sizes, just to see what I like :yep:. If you had to pick just three of their shampoo bars, which would you ladies say were the top ones?

P.S. Will a lemon juice rinse work as well as an ACV rinse afterward?
Ok, after much deliberation I finally settled on the three shampoo bars I'm going to sample: Babassu & Marshmallow, Nettle, and Summer Sunshine. Can't wait until I receive them :grin:. I'll make sure to post reviews of all three bars in my blogs once I've tried them.
I finally ordered my bars, and I ended up getting the 3 sample sizes I wanted plus a full size of their Honey Butter soap bar. I read on their site that their soap bars are more moisturizing than their shampoo bars because they are more "superfatted" and that a lot of people like to use the soap bars on their hair if they have very dry hair or as a conditioner after using the shampoo bars. I figure I'd try it out because I've been hearing lots of good things from Chagrin Valley.
:bump: I just received some samples & I'm excited....are there any more reviews or updates? Do most of you agree that the soap bars are more moisturizing than the shampoo bars???
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