Ceramides/Wheat Germ Oil

Which form of ceramide do you use?
WGO and Sunflower and Soybean oils.

Should it be used to seal with?
The WGO is too smelly to seal with. I have very coarse strands but still wouldn't use WGO for sealing bc I think it would build up and lock moisture out over time. Sunflower and Soy are very light and suitable for sealing - I add a couple of drops to my coconut oil to seal with.

Do you add it to your conditioner or prepoo?
I always pre-poo using ceramide oils alone. Sometimes add to DC's too.

Do you add it to your relaxer (if your relaxed)?

Is it considered a strengthening/protein like agent or more moisturizing?
WGO - not sure. Sunflower and Soy are fairly moisturizing. Sunflower is able to penetrate the hair shaft.

Are there any special precautions to take with this oil (i.e. need to clarify more often due to build up)?
WGO is quite heavy so I always use it before, never after, a poo.

How often do you use it?
2x per week

How is your hair responding?
Very well, using ceramide oils 2x per week is a regi staple.
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