Cellophane Reviews Please


New Member
I know this topic has been discussed here extensively, but I wanted a comprehensive review from all the cellophane users, particularly clear ones. I've gotten great info on how often to apply and what some of the benefits are, but I wanted to get some more opinions. My hair is a fine texture and I'm looking for a clear cellophane that will give me shine and protection. Any advice or even a particularly helpful thread would be greatly appreciated. TIA :)

1. What clear cellophane do you use?
2. Would you consider your hair to be fine, medium, or coarse?
3. Would you say the cellophane added body to your hair? Shine? Protection?
4. Did you have any adverse reactions (i.e. drying)?
5. Any advice for application (i.e. when to deep condition, etc.)?
Hi there,

I think the one the salon I used to go up until a few months ago used Colourshines cellophane. It was in a white long bottle.

My hair is definitely fine. I would normally get a clear rinse w/ my touch-up to add body to my otherwise fine hair, also to add shine particularly since I'm not big on grease/butter, etc. I'm have reddish brown colored hair that turns sandy especially in the summer and can look dull.

I've never had any adverse reactions.
I use this every two months, I use sebastian clear..I feel it does add somewhat of a natural shine to my hair. I dont use heat, so I really cant see the shine at its best, however, I think coupled with my daily steam sets and air dry, I get a nice shine.

While the bottle says it moisturizes, It never makes my hair feel soft..it acts more like a protein for me and I am tempted to follow up with another conditioner. I dont though, becasue I have heard other ladies on the board say their hair came out dull after putting another conditioner on top of it.

I also like it because it seals cuticles according to the bottle.

Anywho, thats my two cents
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I've used Sebastians colourshines for over 10 years.
I get super shine and protection from it. Even if I no longer wanted the color, I'd still use it for the shine value.

I recommend letting someone else apply it if you are using a colored cellophane, as they stain the scalp, fingers and sometimes clothes. If you are doing it yourself, use gloves and avoid putting it directly on your scalp.

Note: One time when I did it myself, I got a little splat on my bathroom tile (ceramic) and the stain was not removable :shocked:
sassyhair said:
You tried it webby?
Yes. I have used: GLORIOUS Gold, Ginger, Redality (my staple), Cinammon, Coffee bean (washed right out of my hair for some reason) and Wheat.
webby said:
Yes. I have used: GLORIOUS Gold, Ginger, Redality (my staple), Cinammon, Coffee bean (washed right out of my hair for some reason) and Wheat.

WOW...do you have any pics?

What color was your hair when you applied the ginger color?
I have blonde highlights in my hair and I want an auburn color like #33, do you think ginger would be good?
Do the color colourshines give as much shine as the clear?

Thanks for the great reviews ladies!!!

I think I'll start with clear, and then maybe give the color cellophanes a try. I've haven't picked up the bottle or anything yet, so I haven't read the directions. But do you think it's safe for me to do a protein treatment (Dudley DRC) close to when I do the cellophane? Thanks again.