Cathy Howse against "protective styles"

Wow. I didn't realize so many ladies had negative opinions about Cathy H. I only got to page 3 of this thread and I was shocked. Personally, I'm glad I stubbled across her website and that I bought her book. I'm glad she's been honest enough to even post negative comments to her website and thankfully she posted a comment from an LHCF member and that's what led me here. I'm glad she was unselfish enough to share her thoughts and information about black hair growth because a lot of hateful women keep those sort of tips to themselves. Yes, there is much to be desired in her website, book, and maybe even her attitude at times but doesn't that apply to all of us? We can all work on improvement. I emailed her a couple of times and she didn't hesitate to write back so I respect that. One thing I can say...I haven't returned to her site since I found you guys so again, I owe her a huge THANKS for leading me to you.
Let's not beat the lady up here. She's still sistah trying to do her thang and promote her product and we should be supportive (as much as we can) even if we don't agree with everything. Constructive criticism is always a better approach.:)
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Cayenne0622 said:
Wow. I didn't realize so many ladies had negative opinions about Cathy H. I only got to page 3 of this thread and I was shocked. Personally, I'm glad I stubbled across her website and that I bought her book. I'm glad she's been honest enough to even post negative comments to her website and thankfully she posted a comment from an LHCF member and that's what led me here. I'm glad she was unselfish enough to share her thoughts and information about black hair growth because a lot of hateful women keep those sort of tips to themselves. Yes, there is much to be desired in her website, book, and maybe even her attitude at times but doesn't that apply to all of us? We can all work on improvement. I emailed her a couple of times and she didn't hesitate to write back so I respect that. One thing I can say...I haven't returned to her site since I found you guys so again, I owe her a huge THANKS for leading me to you.
Let's not beat the lady up here. She's still sistah trying to do her thang and promote her product and we should be supportive (as much as we can) even if we don't agree with everything. Constructive criticism is always a better approach.:)

I haven't responded in this thread yet, so I'll start now, lol.

I have a problem with the way she thinks her method of growing hair is the ONLY way. She's not "the way, the truth, and the light" like she thinks she is. Honestly, I got WAY more help from hair boards. I don't mean to be catty, but I don't like her hair.
nappywomyn said:
No disrespect to Ms. Howse, but she's been growing her hair for TWELVE years and she's JUST hitting BSL? Urm, okay, yeah, I'll follow all of HER advice if I wanna take the slow road to growth.

Yep she was on some trimming tirade. She'd talk about cutting 1/4 inch every month after you'd just grew the 1/2 inch.:lachen:
well.. I guess it is definitely an each to her own approach. I have Cathy Howse's book and I totally agreed with her moisture balance system.. and am finding my hair to be in better condition b/c of it. Although I use 2 of her products, I still use other products in addition to it just because I like to try different products from time to time.
Now that my hair has reached shoulder... I do have to pin it up when I wear sweaters and such b/c it can snag on the fibers and fabrics.. so I do believe that hair is better maintained if pinned or bunned during that length in winter... This is just my ten cents !!!;)
Wonderfully put!!!!

Cayenne0622 said:
Wow. I didn't realize so many ladies had negative opinions about Cathy H. I only got to page 3 of this thread and I was shocked. Personally, I'm glad I stubbled across her website and that I bought her book. I'm glad she's been honest enough to even post negative comments to her website and thankfully she posted a comment from an LHCF member and that's what led me here. I'm glad she was unselfish enough to share her thoughts and information about black hair growth because a lot of hateful women keep those sort of tips to themselves. Yes, there is much to be desired in her website, book, and maybe even her attitude at times but doesn't that apply to all of us? We can all work on improvement. I emailed her a couple of times and she didn't hesitate to write back so I respect that. One thing I can say...I haven't returned to her site since I found you guys so again, I owe her a huge THANKS for leading me to you.
Let's not beat the lady up here. She's still sistah trying to do her thang and promote her product and we should be supportive (as much as we can) even if we don't agree with everything. Constructive criticism is always a better approach.:)