Cathy Howse against "protective styles"

I would never knock anyone's hustle but Ms. Howse and her whole "do what I say or your hair will die" mantra rub me the wrong way. I read her book after I joined hair boards and wished I'd saved my money. Her products seem interesting, but I'd only try them if someone else bought them for me.
pistachio said:
I saw her site a couple of years ago too, and i wasn't impressed. And that was even before I knew about LHCF! To me, if her products were so great, then after 10 months, and to only have 5" is only 1/2" a month which is merely average growth. Most people get that without doing anything "special" to their hair. I got the feeling like she knows this which is why she gets mad when people question her methods...
I don't listen to anyone telling me what not to do with or what not to use on my hair who claims to be a "hair expert" and is not a scientist unless of course I ask them for advice about something specific (like a styling technique or something) or I am looking for a SIMPLE "did it work for you" or "did this not work for you" answer from a macroscopic standpoint. I would NEVER ask her for advice. There is much better advice on this board and it is all FREE information, unlike her book. She said on her website that she didn't want to get into any "technical" terms in her book because she wanted everyone to understand, but I think that's bull--she didn't understand any herself. From what I can tell, the woman only knows 1. stuff that's worked for her hair and 2. stuff she's read about hair over the years which she has merely compiled and disseminated through publication. I have yet to come across any original thought of hers (aside from her pushing of her own hair products and her lame examples). They'll let anyone publish stuff these days. If it didn't work for her hair, then she has the opinion that it isn't going to work for yours without giving you major damage in the process. She needs to learn that what works for some people may not work for others and vice versa. There are a few universal things about our hair (like hair is mostly keratin, etc etc.) but the rest is highly variable.
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marie170 said:
WTH....14 x 5 is 70!!! She should have 70 inches of hair...hahahahahhaha

With that kind of reasoning I guess we would all have hair dragging on the floor....Just because you grow a certain amount of hair per year doesnt mean you keep ALL of it, thats evident just walking around. Some people are blessed others arent.
Im one of those women that thinks Cathy Howse gets an overall bad rap, but oh well to each his own. Yes I do use her principles, actually I called my method of hair growth the "modified" Cathy Howse, just because I use what she says WITH protective styling whether she's against it or not. It hasnt failed me yet.
Babygurl said:
With that kind of reasoning I guess we would all have hair dragging on the floor....Just because you grow a certain amount of hair per year doesnt mean you keep ALL of it, thats evident just walking around. Some people are blessed others arent.
Im one of those women that thinks Cathy Howse gets an overall bad rap, but oh well to each his own. Yes I do use her principles, actually I called my method of hair growth the "modified" Cathy Howse, just because I use what she says WITH protective styling whether she's against it or not. It hasnt failed me yet.

ITA with your whole post...and like you said to each her own.
Babygurl said:
With that kind of reasoning I guess we would all have hair dragging on the floor....Just because you grow a certain amount of hair per year doesnt mean you keep ALL of it, thats evident just walking around. Some people are blessed others arent.
Im one of those women that thinks Cathy Howse gets an overall bad rap, but oh well to each his own. Yes I do use her principles, actually I called my method of hair growth the "modified" Cathy Howse, just because I use what she says WITH protective styling whether she's against it or not. It hasnt failed me yet.

This true but I don't remember her saying anything about how much she cut her hair over those 14 least not from the response she gave the person that was questioning her.
tsmith said:
Exactly, her book has ALOT of imcomplete thoughts. When I was reading her book, I was like:confused: and that's how I found LHCF because she was not convincing enough for me and right there are wayyyyy better heads of hair on this board, that grew their hair from above shoulder length to past bsl in a year...sooo ummm. I pay Mrs. Howse no nevermind....I do use her Dew mist though and I likey but everything else she basically says...I zip right past...she is too ego strung for should read the question and answer sections on her website, she's getting smart with ppl and stuff. Just my 2 1/2 cents:)
EXACTLY! I thought it was just me. She looks like she needs a good trim to me. Just my opinion, though:ohwell:
I didnt look at the site but if I remember correctly from her book she didnt say she was against protective styling, but that if your hair had adequate moisture it didnt need them. To a point I'm with that, but if you have consistent constant rubbing agaisnt rough collars, pillow cases and what not, I think it will break or at least frizz and get damage no matter how moisturized it is.
navsegda said:
"February 2005 - and my last retouch was May 2004 proving that we can give up chemical relaxers and keep our hair. With 5" of new growth and 9" relaxed ends, my hair was straightened with the blowdryer and flat iron."

So she's against relaxers now, but obviously she is STILL afraid to cut off the relaxed ends, huh? If you have not cut off the relaxed ends, then you are not fully natural.

I'm sensing a pattern with this woman.

What she said.
nappywomyn said:
No disrespect to Ms. Howse, but she's been growing her hair for TWELVE years and she's JUST hitting BSL? Urm, okay, yeah, I'll follow all of HER advice if I wanna take the slow road to growth.

My sentiments exactly.
MsDee4 said:
I'm for the "do what works for you" camp

I agree!!! She also says that knit hats and scarfs don't damage hair. I disagree. If my hair is down, I have several sweaters and scarfs that snag my hair and I am like :eek: everytime I hear a hair snap off. I MUSt wear my hair up on the days I wear those.

Like everyone says, to each his own.
I would not be so QUICK to judge her on that. If she is advocating long hair and has stopped utilizing chemicals it makes sense to me that she would do her best to maintain her length while transitioning from chemical to natural. She IS the poster child for her product and methods so she has to SHOW how her methods have worked for people with chemical, those transitioning from chemical and those who are chemical free or shall I say relaxer free.

Many people have the notion and it has been sold to us that transitioining your hair partially naturally partially chemical that your hair will break where the 2 textures meet. If she can prove that isn't the case (I have seen women on this forum who have proven that isn't necessarily the case) and her methods and products assist with that then she may increase heightened interest in her products and what she is offerring.

I know several women who are transitioning who do not like to see themselves with short hair so they transition for YEARS and slowly and methodically cut out the relaxed ends over time until they are chemical free.

I have no question or problem with that and do not see it as an indictment of her integrity or love of natural hair or lack thereof.

navsegda said:
"February 2005 - and my last retouch was May 2004 proving that we can give up chemical relaxers and keep our hair. With 5" of new growth and 9" relaxed ends, my hair was straightened with the blowdryer and flat iron."

So she's against relaxers now, but obviously she is STILL afraid to cut off the relaxed ends, huh? If you have not cut off the relaxed ends, then you are not fully natural.

I'm sensing a pattern with this woman.
I may get stoned but who in the hayle is Cathy Howse and why is everyone so concerned about what she says?
tsmith said:
Exactly, her book has ALOT of imcomplete thoughts. When I was reading her book, I was like:confused: and that's how I found LHCF because she was not convincing enough for me and right there are wayyyyy better heads of hair on this board, that grew their hair from above shoulder length to past bsl in a year...sooo ummm. I pay Mrs. Howse no nevermind....I do use her Dew mist though and I likey but everything else she basically says...I zip right past...she is too ego strung for should read the question and answer sections on her website, she's getting smart with ppl and stuff. Just my 2 1/2 cents:)

I agree. One thing that always sticks in my mind is the fact that she suggest that you should only use heat on shampoo days to straighten your hair after airdrying. Then, when she talks about moisturizing everyday, she says that you can do it after you haev curled your hair for work. :confused: :confused: That makes no sense. Why would I use a curling iron in the morning before I moisturize if I am trying to limit heat to only certain times. :confused:
nappywomyn said:
No disrespect to Ms. Howse, but she's been growing her hair for TWELVE years and she's JUST hitting BSL? Urm, okay, yeah, I'll follow all of HER advice if I wanna take the slow road to growth.

I noticed that too! :scratchch
Right, hair sheds from wear and tear and also once completing its growth cycle.

Babygurl said:
With that kind of reasoning I guess we would all have hair dragging on the floor....Just because you grow a certain amount of hair per year doesnt mean you keep ALL of it, thats evident just walking around. Some people are blessed others arent.
Im one of those women that thinks Cathy Howse gets an overall bad rap, but oh well to each his own. Yes I do use her principles, actually I called my method of hair growth the "modified" Cathy Howse, just because I use what she says WITH protective styling whether she's against it or not. It hasnt failed me yet.
The tone of her response to this question (and most of her other responses) is somewhat abrasive and snooty.

I read that Cathy Howse does not trim her hair. Did she mention anything about cutting? After looking through the "Cathy Howse's 14 Year Hair Growth Photos," I was not overly impressed with how she presented her hair growth journey. She could be a bit more clear about how long it took her to get to certain lengths, whether she cut, did she have any setbacks, etc. If she's "maxed out" at a certain length, that would be helpful to include. Otherwise, we're all wondering the same thing -how long it took to reach her length.

*She didn't tell us how long it took for her hair to grow to that length. So, if her hair grows about 5 inches per year, like she says, and it is approximately 18 inches from the crown of her head to the ends (and she's been at this for more than 10 years), she could be much more explicit (esp. for ladies who may not be as knowledgeable as she is).

navsegda said:
HAHAHA, someone on her site brought up this same point. I guess she "told" them.

18. I thought that it took your hair an awfully long time to grow, I am talking about 14 years here. To be honest I will do any thing it takes to grow my hair long. I am 18 years of age and I do not want to wait 14 years until my hair grows. I want to enjoy my hair when I am young.

"It DID NOT take 14 years for my hair to grow this length. My hair grows about 5 inches per year. My hair is approximately 18 inches from the crown of my head to the ends of my hair."
HoneyDew said:
I agree. One thing that always sticks in my mind is the fact that she suggest that you should only use heat on shampoo days to straighten your hair after airdrying. Then, when she talks about moisturizing everyday, she says that you can do it after you haev curled your hair for work. :confused: :confused: That makes no sense. Why would I use a curling iron in the morning before I moisturize if I am trying to limit heat to only certain times. :confused:

The other thing she says that makes no sense to me is not to comb your hair when wet. I understand her theory that it breaks your hair more than combing dry hair, but how does that work in real life??? Otherwise I have no problem with Cathy she's just a quirky lady and has her own way of marketing her products.
shunta said:
EXACTLY! I thought it was just me. She looks like she needs a good trim to me. Just my opinion, though:ohwell:

She does need a good trim but she said that she does not trim her hair on purpose, to prove that hair does grow regardless of trims. I believe her on that one statement because I have not had my ends trimmed since June 2006 BUT I wear a protective styles and my ends are baggied 24/7 and they are in excellent condition not thin or anything. I will cut about 1/2 inch or so in June 2007 to have blunt thick ends though. Some of her methods are good, it's just the way she conveys her message:)
delta_gyrl said:
I may get stoned but who in the hayle is Cathy Howse and why is everyone so concerned about what she says?

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Cathy Howse studied/read other ppl material to grow her hair past her brastrap and in doing so she published a book and products to help women grow their hair long.
HoneyDew said:
I agree. One thing that always sticks in my mind is the fact that she suggest that you should only use heat on shampoo days to straighten your hair after airdrying. Then, when she talks about moisturizing everyday, she says that you can do it after you haev curled your hair for work. :confused: :confused: That makes no sense. Why would I use a curling iron in the morning before I moisturize if I am trying to limit heat to only certain times. :confused:

Yah, she don't make no sense sometimes but I will be quiet now BECAUSE....I COME IN PEACE:lachen: :grin: :p
Babygurl said:
With that kind of reasoning I guess we would all have hair dragging on the floor....Just because you grow a certain amount of hair per year doesnt mean you keep ALL of it, thats evident just walking around. Some people are blessed others arent.
Im one of those women that thinks Cathy Howse gets an overall bad rap, but oh well to each his own. Yes I do use her principles, actually I called my method of hair growth the "modified" Cathy Howse, just because I use what she says WITH protective styling whether she's against it or not. It hasnt failed me yet.

Thank you! and everyone's hair do not grow 6 inches a year. Different hair type call for different maintenance. I like some of her methods also but I do not agree with everything. If I wear my hair down everyday, I would loose a lot of the growth I have retained.
Keen said:
Thank you! and everyone's hair do not grow 6 inches a year. Different hair type call for different maintenance. I like some of her methods also but I do not agree with everything. If I wear my hair down everyday, I would loose a lot of the growth I have retained.[/quote]

Me too, I read once your hair start laying on your chest/clothes versus rubbing/brushing up against your clothes. You can start wearing it down more so once I get a little past brastrap, I may wear my hair down more but right now it's protective styling/bagging for me. It's growing my hair faster:)
navsegda said:
"The only relaxer I recommend is Affirm. You can not get it unless you are a hairdresser. But one last thing, if you feel comfortable using the hot comb, ensure it is not one you place on a burner."

She's a lie. I can get anything I want from the internet. My beautician last year told me I couldn't get the Design Essentials line (the relaxers, etc.) and that I had to be a "hairdresser." Once again, a lie.

Not a lie necessarily. You should not be able to get these products from the internet. Avlon and Design relaxers are supposed to be sold only to stylist by distributors. If you get them elsewhere, it's because a stylist or distributor is going against what the companies want and expects.
tsmith said:
I wear my hair lightly pulled back into my own ponytail, with the ends baggied and a bun cover over the baggie. This has allowed me to keep every inch of hair and I mean every inch. I use a silk/satin scrunchies and I wrap the scrunchie around 2x making sure it is loose. I do not oil the area that is tied or anything and it's working for me. This style is going to get me to midback. It seems that for me no heat and bagging my ends 24/7 is my way to go:)

Buns are great, but can be damaging if you don't do them properly.
I did suffer from breakage/thinning from bunning to tightly. I started bunning for time management and not protection. I still bun, but I modified my normal bunning routine to keep breakage and thinning to a minimum.

It sounds and looks like you have the bun thing under control.:)
dynamic1 said:
Buns are great, but can be damaging if you don't do them properly.
I did suffer from breakage/thinning from bunning to tightly. I started bunning for time management and not protection. I still bun, but I modified my normal bunning routine to keep breakage and thinning to a minimum.

It sounds and looks like you have the bun thing under control.:)

yah dynamic, but I wouldn't call what I do bunning because I just baggie my own ponytail and put a bun cover over the baggie:) so that's the reason why I don't get breakage:)
tsmith said:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Cathy Howse studied/read other ppl material to grow her hair past her brastrap and in doing so she published a book and products to help women grow their hair long.

Don't laugh. Just wondering...:)