Castor Oil

I've heard so many good things about castor oil. I'm not sure on which one to get, I 've seen two. One is like the castor oil grease and then there's the other castor oil thats found in the pharmacy. What type of castor oil do you all use and where do I buy it?
it's the pharmacy one.
you know, the one that's used as a laxative?
that's the one!

also, some people like to use jamaican black castor oil
but i've never tried it.
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I use the liquid castor oil from Whole Foods. I use a little to keep my edges down and some on the ends of my hair.
I use the kind from the pharmacy. I use a little on my ends and on the frizzy part of my hair (back crown).

I also sometimes use it on all of my hair as a pre-shampoo treatment. When I do this, I usually work a couple of tablespoons through my hair at night and then shampoo out in the morning.
i use it as a sealant
i miss that stuff
havent used it in a little while
need to get some more!

some people like to add it to their conditioning treatments
which i'll probably try next time i get some

i'm sure some people who pre-poo
might use it like that??
Nice Avatar!! :grin:

I use it as a sealant after I moisturize, I use it on my body and nails! It is great for everything!! I also use it as an ingredient in my prepoo which also has EVOO , honey and cocnut milk.
I use the one from the pharmacy also (Walmart). I use it as a sealant and when rollersetting my hair. My hair loves it!