Castor Oil Questions...


Active Member
Hello Ladies, I've been using the extra dark Jamaican Black castor oil and use it to scalp massage. I've wondered whether the type of Castor oil (refined, unrefined, scented, peppered,etc) makes a huge difference with continued use? I've been looking at concocting homemade HairAdrenalin as opposed to ordering it. It's Castor Oil but unsure of the kind used by the original seller? Is using plain old Castor Oil superior?
Are you saying that you would like to make your own castor oil as opposed to ordering it? I just want to be sure i understand you.
I think she wants to make something at home that is based with castor oil.

I don't know the product or what the seller uses, but out of those mentioned cold pressed castor oil is degraded the least. Refined is processed and the rest you mentioned have impurities added which is why it's scented, peppered, etc. JBCO is no different, it's dark because it contains ash from roasting the castor beans. I'm not sure if one is superior over another anything I think it might depend on their functions and your needs.
To the above ladies, thank you for replying. What I was referring to is on this website: and it is talked about on youtube.

On a separate issue, I was wondering about Castor Oil. Whether to use refined or unrefined. Does the type of Castor oil make a difference for hair growth/hair health?
I think the last poster kind of hinted at your answer but I thought I'd offer my two cents.
Refined castor oil has additives, in the case of JBCO that's ashes from the castor beans (the roasting process); the expelling process also tends to use more heat. Unrefined castor oil, particularly cold-pressed organic, is likelier to be food grade but check the labeling.
The pros of each depend on your intentions for use. I have used both kinds but in different ways.
Castor oil is known for hair thickening, revitalization, scalp stimulation, and hair regrowth properties. I've used it for all those reasons and more with success.
When I used food-grade, unrefined, cold-pressed castor oil, I used it everywhere and added it to everything and really loved it as a sealer, especially in the winter.
Currently, I'm using JBCO and I use that on my scalp only. The smell is too strong for me to desire using it elsewhere. I don't think it's an unappealing scent but I don't like my hair to smell burnt and no amount of essential oils sufficiently cover that scent for me. Also, unlike with my other castor oil, I don't like to put JBCO on my face or anywhere else the scent will linger. And obviously, it's not consumable.
I've only been using JBCO a few months so I've yet to see any discernible difference in my hair quality/hair growth.
I'd venture that regular food-grade castor oil has more nutrients/benefits because the oil hasn't been cooked (as heat degrades many vitamins/minerals etc). So it would make sense if that oil is better than JBCO. But out of curiosity, I tried JBCO anyway.
As far as making your own version of a castor oil based hair growth supplement, the benefits are: your ability to control the quality AND ingredients of your final product. I've always added rosemary, mint, lavender, and a host of other EOs and extracts known for their beneficial properties for hair, and heartily encourage that route before buying something packaged. And I have definitely seen the difference in my retention and hair quality while using castor oil versus not using castor oil. Just not in JBCO (refined) vs Cold-pressed Castor Oil (unrefined).
Whatever you end up using, I hope you won't forget the importance of drinking lots of water and a balanced diet. That probably helps twice as much as any product. And oftentimes, it's not what you use but HOW you use it.
HTH! :)

To the above ladies, thank you for replying. What I was referring to is on this website: and it is talked about on youtube.

On a separate issue, I was wondering about Castor Oil. Whether to use refined or unrefined. Does the type of Castor oil make a difference for hair growth/hair health?

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