Case of the Ex : VENT


New Member
...Superdetails are in my blog but...

My ex from 3 years ago has recently popped up. We were in a clear cut relationship which I ended for my own reasons. Basically, he's on another site, trying to bring up memories that are inappropriate given that he knows I am now in another relationship and engaged. Additionally, he's not only been sexually inappropriate in bringing up the past, but he asked questions about my sexual relationship with my current partner.

Point blank it's none of his business so I won't say anything about my current relationship. My SO behaves, acts and all around looks and IS better than this person.

I feel like he's still hurt about the breakup and somewhat unhealthily attached to our past. I am most likely going to block him and move on for good; I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. I just feel like he's trying to make me feel degraded and disrespect my relationship because he probably didn't fully move on from me. I mean it's 3 years later. And while he hasn't threatened me explicitly, I am getting the CREEPS from him. I feel like if he were near me, he'd harm me. I can't help this feeling either... I'm icked out.

I just wanted to vent. Thanks.
You are good as long as you don't communicate with him. You know that once you mention it he knows that it gets to you.

Good for you.
Call the police. Document EVERYTHING

When men think you will never leave and do, they don't get over it. You never know what can happen so make sure he doesn't know where you live, tell your friends and fam NOT to talk to him about you PERIOD. Lock off mutal (his) friends, and be VERY careful. I can not stress how dangerous this situation can get if you're not careful.
Call the police. Document EVERYTHING

When men think you will never leave and do, they don't get over it. You never know what can happen so make sure he doesn't know where you live, tell your friends and fam NOT to talk to him about you PERIOD. Lock off mutal (his) friends, and be VERY careful. I can not stress how dangerous this situation can get if you're not careful.

I never deleted the communication but I put a copy of the convo in a personal email to myself... just in case.

He knows I'm nowhere near him. We have no mutual ties... he claims he found a picture of me in a drawer and started looking me up. He doesn't have my number (I'm listed under my SO; we share a plan), and I will not call or meet him in person.

I don't think it would get that serious as you think, but I will follow those steps. You must have known someone with similar experiences?
Yeah LD: just block him. He is disrespecting your current relationship and it's your job to cut all of that out on your end. (Just like it's your SO to do his job on his end).

I think he is still kinda into you and I'm sure it's flattering, but do not slip on the possibility of getting caught up. Do not entertain this attention :nono:
Yeah LD: just block him. He is disrespecting your current relationship and it's your job to cut all of that out on your end. (Just like it's your SO to do his job on his end).

I think he is still kinda into you and I'm sure it's flattering, but do not slip on the possibility of getting caught up. Do not entertain this attention :nono:

From this one? Naw boo boo! :lachen:Maybe one of the other ones but def not this one. Nobody compares to the current, he's the total package and when he gets home I'm going to tell him what happened. I don't play with that!