Carol's Daughter Tui Hair it!!!!!!!


New Member
I used this smoothie in my hair and when I combed my hair down, it was soooooooooooo shiny! :love: :lick: Yesterday morning (it was VERY early BTW, around 5am), I used Jason's Natural Biotin Conditioner on my hair while it was dry and left it on for about two hours while I cooked breakfast and took a nice long bath. Then I rinsed it out, and slathered a good amount of CD's Tui Hair Smoothie in my hair, put a plastic cap on and my towel wrap on my head and left it on for about an additional two hours. I then rinsed it out (about 85%), combed my hair with my wide tooth comb, used Nexus Headress as a leave in as I wrapped my hair (and let it air dry for HOURS - it was dry around 8:30 or so just in time for Father's Day dinner date). Once I combed my hair down, it was sooooo shiny and bouncy!! My hair has NEVER been this shiny after using a conditioner alone and without using any oils or spray! This smoothie will definitely be a regular part of my routine. :)
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