Carol's Daughter Hell!

I totally understand. I went thru a very ruff dry spell (not from CD) but here is what really stopped my shedding - Henna!

atlien11 said:
I put too much carols daughter product in my hair and had to wash it all out with dish detergent because i could not get it out to save my life :eek: never again :nono:

Her products are WAAAY too expensive and they arent worth the $$$ IMO. Her prices increase yearly if you can believe it. :perplexed Why, I dont know.

I do like her scented oils though.
From when she first came out, her products always STANK to me, so i never got anything of hers. my sister liked her body butters, but they never impressed me and were too strong smelling too. i'm not surprised at all.
Her stuff used to be MUCh better before she got all maintstream with Mary J, Jada and other celeb endorsements and investments. I use to use SOMM about 3-4 years ago when here hairstuff was still good. It has definitely changed for the worse when you look at her ingredient list.
Ouch.. I wish you a speedy hair recovery Chayil! I could barely wait to get my little PJ hands on some CD products, but after so many bad reviews, I can wait lol.
Soleado said:
Her stuff used to be MUCh better before she got all maintstream with Mary J, Jada and other celeb endorsements and investments. I use to use SOMM about 3-4 years ago when here hairstuff was still good. It has definitely changed for the worse when you look at her ingredient list.

Your curls are super cute!
I've tried a lot of thier products because what can I say... I'm a PJ
I found them to be too heavy.
I hated that Rosemary Shampoo...
it was WHACK and made my hair all tangled.
BUT I'm really loving on CD's "Lisa's Hair Elixir" its my new favorite thing to use... I've had it for a year now but I use it a lot now that I was or cowash pretty much everyday...
its great... I apply it after ORS olive oil.

Thats my 2cent on Carol's Daughter.
dont like CD's products at all...I havent tried the hair products but I pirchased one of the body souffles at sephora this past winter...that thing changed consistency on me and started to smell funny...kinda had a crisco smell to it .....I'm gonna throw that mess out....I also heard their customer service is bad too....
chayil0427 said:
I'm in horror. :mad: Last week after my wash I put some Carol's Daughter "Some of Margeurites Magic" in my hair. It was really thick and kinda funky, but I thought the natural incredients and the heavy cream would help tame my new growth.

The next morning my hair felt soft ... even the new growth and I was impressed. Yet, as the week has wore on and I put more of this stuff in my hair I started to notice shedding and breakage ... A LOT of shedding and breakage. At first I wrote it off thinking that it was just because I'm 12 weeks post, but today as I ran my hand over my hair and pulled out about 20 strands I realised that this cream is breaking my hair off!

I instantly jumped in the shower to poo up for a deep condition. As the warm water ran over my hair it stank of this horrible concoction and even worse my hair became HARD. Underneath this hair dressing my hair was becoming dry, brittle and hard with me thinking it's soft just because I'm feeling the CD hair dressing and not my actual hair.

4 Shampoos (and I mean cheap 99 cent sauve clarifyer that would normally wash the funk out of a skunk) my hair was still waxy and oily at the roots.

Finally I just gave up on shampooing and coated my hair with some warmed Silicon Mix ... I'm going to let it soak over night and pray that my hair goes back to its normal condition.

I'm so angry because ApHogee had my hair where I was experiencing no breakage and shedding even though I haven't trimmed since August. Now, at the dawn of a new year, my hair is a mess again.

Carol's Daughter is a rip. All of her products be they body or hair have the same ingredients i.e. vegetable wax, bees wax, shea, cocoa butter, jojoba ect. It's rediculous that she charges such prices for such horrible products -- which are no longer all natural which was CDs orginal claim to fame anyway.

I was going to try the Hair Milk because Babygurl whoms hair I admire so much said she loves it, but now I'm thinking I just could never bring myself to try anymore of her products.

Tomorrow I'm off to Sally's for some Mango Butter and ApHogee ...hopefully I can get my hair back to normal before my next relaxer which will be a week from now for a 13 week stretch.


I thought I was the only one who didn't like Carol's Daughter. I used them as a natural and hated them. They left my hair very dry and brittle. I am so sorry this happened to you. I use Silicon Mix as well. Please keep us posted on your progress. :kiss:
Did you research SOMM before you used it? :nono: We have been complaining about that one for a while, my dear. Try using some plain ole cholesterol (Queen Helene), coconut milk and honey, and maybe some shea butter and a few drops of oil . Also, do you have a sure-fire condish that makes everything better, i would do a co-wash to help soften the hair. I think the best is Organix Nourishing Coconut Milk... but most people would probably argue me down that Keracare Humestress is da ish.
glossyxlipz said:
im not surprised this happened. I find her products too heavy for me as well and her hair products just dont impress me. One product in particular, the khoret hair oil, stinks like all hell.

Yes it does. And the oils just sit on my hair, they don't do anything. I'm just not feeling any of the products, including the body products that sit on my skin. But I know plenty of people who love them, so to each his/her own...
I thought I was the only one that didn't find anything fantastic about these products. I will never order again.
I tried the Hair Milk awhile back and although it did not break my hair off, I just was not pleased with that overpowering scent and greasy consistency. It is something that I will never purchase again unfortunately.