Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.


Well-Known Member
Carol\'s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.

I was thinking about purchasing this product I saw in a store today and was wondering if the ladies you use this can tell me if it leaves your hair moisturzied.Thanks
Re: Carol\'s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.

I did leave my hair moist when I was transitioning. Once I was natural my hair did not seem to like it as much. It's not a product that I would buy again.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.

I also would not buy it again.I use it for airdrying and it leaves my hair somewhat crispy when dry.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.

I tried the Posner Exotic Hair Butter with Procomplex and liked the smell and it left my hair soft but not very moisturizing.
This product has a blend of three proteins keratin,soy and
Hydrolyzed silk this may be the reason.
It does contain a lot of other good ingredients karite,kakui,macadamia and kokum nut butters,shea,mango and coconut.
I just wish it was more moisturizing.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.

When I have a product that is not as moisturizing as I would like I add olive oil or jojoba oil or aloe gel to it. Just a few drops in my hand not to the whole jar of product.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.

I like this product when I have LOTS of new growth, but if I dont have much new growth it seems to sit there. I also get terrible buidlup from the beeswaax in this product. I probably wouldnt buy again, just a suggestion the CD Hair MILK is WONDERFUL for moisture!
Re: Carol\'s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.

I like the CD Hair Milk better.. on the recipe board, Hailove posted one called "Cake Batter" I think that is suppose to be like the HHB.. she has a few posted.. if you want to make your own...
Re: Carol\'s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.

Thanks Auntybe I will try adding olive oil to my Posner Hair
Butter before tossing it.
Thanks Babygurl and RushGirl for suggesting the Hair Milk.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter.

The Hair Butter worked good for me at first, but then it lost its effectiveness. It wasn't as moisterizing as it was before. I use avocado butter.