Caring for (Natural) Hair... with MANY Priorities...


New Member
So, how do you all do it?

Take care of your hair, natural hair especially, while having to deal with other top priorities such as: young children, full time jobs, school, etc...???

I am curious. I find it challenging and at times I dont want to do anything to my hair. Some may see it as laziness, but whatever...

I want to try styles other than puffs or twistouts. There is NO natural hair salon in my city for me to go to. This natural hair journey is a fun one, but after a while, I am figuring out that it requires MUCH time and DEDICATION.

I love my hair in its natural state, and its pretty healthy. I don't know if it will help to go back to relaxers or to loc...

Anyone have suggestions/advice? I have 3 full time jobs: mom, employee, and student...its' hard! Help please!!!
I pondered locs but stayed with wash and gos and two strand twists. I'm now into rollersetting which I do once a week at a very set "my time."
I find that protective styles help a lot since your hair is basically styled for a few days at a time. If you want to change up between the styles that you wear, you can try roller setting, flat twists, bantu knots, braids, etc. My experience has been that once my hair has been set in a style, I just work at preserving the style and keep it neat for the length of time I want to wear it. Not much different when my hair was relaxed when it comes to that.
Thanks to both of you for replying.

Im going to try to 2ST my hair tonight and leave it that way for a few days. It takes me so long to complete though! I wish I could try the roller sets... do yall think its possible to look decent on hair thats 4-5 inches in length?

I will definitely try to hang in there... thanks again yall
I have two jobs, lots of volunteer work, and other responsibilities so I kind of know what you mean. Aside from my regular shrunken fro/puff, I love bantu-knot outs. It's kind of like a twist out but it makes spirally curls.

I think it gets easier to style natural hair as it gets longer though. If you went to a place that does braiding they could probably do a nice cornrow/braided style with just your hair.

I generally will get a weave when I'm tired of dealing with my hair because it's easier. I'm actually about to get one this week.
Honestly, I don't know if it gets easier as it gets longer. :ohwell: I think that it honestly depends on the texture. I have type 4B hair and am a full time student. I just keep my hair in braids. I don't have time to mess with my hair foolishness! :lol:
I usually do my hair one time a week and keep it that way. I do like to do a quick scalp massage at night so if I am wearing a puff, I just take it down massage and put it back up. I don't spend a lot of time on it unless I am doing a twisted style. I do like to wash it on Friday night so it can be ready to style on the weekend.
When I was at my busiest and didn't have time or feel like styling it, I wore wigs. I would wash my hair in put in some plaits or cornrows--wig it and call it a day.
Honestly, I don't know if it gets easier as it gets longer. :ohwell: I think that it honestly depends on the texture. I have type 4B hair and am a full time student. I just keep my hair in braids. I don't have time to mess with my hair foolishness! :lol:

I think easier is the wrong word. There are more options. For instance, I can't put my hair in a bun or ponytail because of shrinkage. That would be the easiest style for me, but since my hair is too short I can't do it. Once my hair gets longer I might wear a bun every day for the rest of my life LOL.

Wigs are a great idea! I had my best retention in wigs because my hair was in Celie braids and I would rinse my hair everyday, put on some castor oil, and then put on my half-wig. It was great!
When I know I am going into a supremo busy time I do the protective styles like flat twists, regular twists or flat twists up front and wear a 3/4 wig in the back. That way I can braid the majority of my hair with my 3/4 and still cowash without worrying about it locking. For some reason I cannot do this when I twist, it will lock quicker than a flash, unless I have added hair extension then they don't lock.

I have been doing protective styling 90% of the time for the past 4 years. Goodness, I guess my schedule has not shut down much. Geesh!
I keep it very simple.
I do alot of bunning.
If I am in twists or braids, I will also style those in various types of buns and up do's.

I just recently got sick and tired of my hair, so I've been wearing twists.
I will style the twists different ways and also do a twistout, so that the style lasts me through the week. I used to do a cowash everyday/everyother day. Now, I wash a couple times per week.
Thanks to both of you for replying.

Im going to try to 2ST my hair tonight and leave it that way for a few days. It takes me so long to complete though! I wish I could try the roller sets... do yall think its possible to look decent on hair thats 4-5 inches in length?

I will definitely try to hang in there... thanks again yall

I was going to suggest 2STs too, so I am thrilled you're doing that. That's how I manage. I wear hats, caps and wraps as well. I'm not half as busy as you, but I don't like to spend hours on my hair so by keeping it twisted, I don't have to think about it and washing takes a short time as no detangling is necessary.

I had 4-5 inches of hair when I wore my hair like this and to me it was decent and cute. I got a lot of compliments on it:



I would create the do by rollersetting my twists. I'd put in rollers while hair was damp after washing and let it airdry like that. When I took the rollers out, my twists would be curled in a style I absolutely loved.

On weekends, I just wore the loc look. I'd wash my hair and let it drip-dry/air-dry:

I don't use leave-in products but do WNGs on twists. Keeps hair nice and soft, and since I let it drip dry, the ends turn into cute spirals:

I baggied every night and then WNG and let drip so twists hang down, unless I planned to wear that do I posted first when I'd set them on rollers when damp.. Since the twists kinda stretch when wet, setting them in rollers that way gives you a nice do.

And if I'm not feeling the loc look, then caps work nicely. This is my weekend do nowadays if going out of the house, and I'd rock that to school too if I were in school:

Otherwise I keep my hair baggied and tied under a scarf if just chillin' at home
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Thanks to all of you for your help :drunk:

@naijamerican- I have 4a/b hair, which does take alot of patience, so i know where you're coming from. BUT, I do think that styling options will be easier as our type of hair grows longer. Detangling may take longer, but styling, hopefully will be better :look:

@bigghair- I should definitely try styling my hair for the week so that I won't have to keep messing with it. I need to be doing more protective styling anyway since I call myself being apart of 2 challenges!!:lachen:

@twisties- Yeah wigs are great for giving a break to our tresses. BUT I just cant get over that feeling of having something on my head that shouldnt be there! LOL I bought one for my bday and wore it for 2 weeks straight... I found myself constantly wanting to snatch it off. :nono:

@kewlkat103- Keeping it Simple is defintely the key! Your hair is gorgeous by the way.:yep:

@Nonie- Thanks so much!:grin: Very helpful! I will try the twists on rollers one day. From the pics, it looks decent enough for me to wear to the "corporate environment".
This post is so on point. With 2 kids, a full time job + other commitments I can barely find time to do stuff - even spending quality time with my family. When I read how people co-wash daily, or pre-poo then wash then DC then rinse and add this, that and the other, I'm like - where on earth do you find the time and energy!! One reason I went natural was hopefully to spend less time on my hair; much as I cherish it I'm not going to spend 6 hours several times a week on it. To hell with that.
This post is so on point. With 2 kids, a full time job + other commitments I can barely find time to do stuff - even spending quality time with my family. When I read how people co-wash daily, or pre-poo then wash then DC then rinse and add this, that and the other, I'm like - where on earth do you find the time and energy!! One reason I went natural was hopefully to spend less time on my hair; much as I cherish it I'm not going to spend 6 hours several times a week on it. To hell with that.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Amen to that!

I don't see how people find the time to do this stuff! But I guess, if they don't have much to do with their time (no offense to yall with extra time), they can do all that and then some. I saw a post where the woman said she cowashed daily and DC'd twice a week, on top of other things! Im like "WHAT?!!" lmao
:lachen::lachen::lachen: Amen to that!

I don't see how people find the time to do this stuff! But I guess, if they don't have much to do with their time (no offense to yall with extra time), they can do all that and then some. I saw a post where the woman said she cowashed daily and DC'd twice a week, on top of other things! Im like "WHAT?!!" lmao

If you get your hair in twists, CWing daily isn't that hard to do. When wearing my hair uncovered ie no hats or wraps, then I CW so my twists can dry hanging down straight. I don't do this every day coz I'm too lazy to bother, but if I wanted to wear my twists out ever day, this would be the norm. CWing takes very little time when in twists as there's no combing or detangling. Just apply, squeeze, rinse, airdry.
If you get your hair in twists, CWing daily isn't that hard to do. When wearing my hair uncovered ie no hats or wraps, then I CW so my twists can dry hanging down straight. I don't do this every day coz I'm too lazy to bother, but if I wanted to wear my twists out ever day, this would be the norm. CWing takes very little time when in twists as there's no combing or detangling. Just apply, squeeze, rinse, airdry.

Doesn't this make your hair frizzy?- and reduce the amount of time you can wear decent looking twists?
I think its like anything else in life, the more you do it the more it'll become a habit. I have a full-time job and sometimes I work till midnight. I schedule my "hair time" when I know its convenient. Either first thing in the morning if I go with a curly style. Late at night I rollerset/flatiron when nobody is going to bother me. The easiest for me is to rollerset and put it in a ponytail. It doesn't get any easier with that and I don't have to worry about knots and tangles. Hair is my hobby so whenever I get to rollerset, braid, deep condition, etc... its MY time and I enjoy it 100%, not like a chore but something I look forward to.
I usually do my hair one time a week and keep it that way. I do like to do a quick scalp massage at night so if I am wearing a puff, I just take it down massage and put it back up. I don't spend a lot of time on it unless I am doing a twisted style. I do like to wash it on Friday night so it can be ready to style on the weekend.

Thanks Bigghair, I have been trying to work in hair time at least once a week but I guess I have to get more serious about fitting this time into my weekly schedule.

I want to be creative and switch styles like the wind but it just takes so much time. I have to be very delicate with my hair and I find that it is better to just leave my hair alone when I am in a rush or under time constraints.

Side note: I am also finding that certain styles I want to wear over weekends can't carry during the school/work week. I prefer more conservative styles when I am at school mon-fri and it's hard to find that time over the weekend to tame it.
I have a schedule for everything. I love wearing twists because I can wash my hair while wearing them and just touch them up. I not only have my hair to care for but 3 others as well. Now that I have the right tools and regimen down, caring for my hair is a breeze. When I am super busy, I go ahead and get some extensions and wear them for a month or so. HTH Q
Doesn't this make your hair frizzy?- and reduce the amount of time you can wear decent looking twists?

Yeah, thats what I would be worried about. I've washed my twists before and wore that style for the weekend and really I dont mind the frizz. But when it comes to work (corporate environment), I dont necessarily think that would be appropriate...
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Yeah, thats what I would be worried about. I've washed my twists before and wore that style for the weekend and really I dont mind the frizz. But when it comes to work (corporate environment), I dont necessary think that would be appropriate...

I think it's the technique too. I don't agitate the twists. Instead I put shampoo or conditioner in an applicator bottle with water and I shake. I squeeze it on my scalp and massage with my fingers, then rinse. I get my scalp clean without messing with the twists. If need be, I retouch the ones around the edges and wear them in a loose bun. Q
I think its like anything else in life, the more you do it the more it'll become a habit. I have a full-time job and sometimes I work till midnight. I schedule my "hair time" when I know its convenient. Either first thing in the morning if I go with a curly style. Late at night I rollerset/flatiron when nobody is going to bother me. The easiest for me is to rollerset and put it in a ponytail. It doesn't get any easier with that and I don't have to worry about knots and tangles. Hair is my hobby so whenever I get to rollerset, braid, deep condition, etc... its MY time and I enjoy it 100%, not like a chore but something I look forward to.

I enjoy doing my hair as well...if I looked at it as a chore, I dont think I would ever start! :lachen: I look forward to washing and DC'ing, but after that, time just flies so fast and then its time to prepare for the next day...
Doesn't this make your hair frizzy?- and reduce the amount of time you can wear decent looking twists?

I think it depends on how you do your twists. But I also don't mind the frizz as shown in the pic below. My twists in this photo are 4 weeks old (2 washes per week w/ shampoo. Not sure how many CWs since that depends on how many times I wore my hair uncovered, coz that's when I CW).


My twisting method is similar to Mook's Hair's (see her video on doing Kinky Twists) where you twist each strand in the same direction before wrapping them around each other in the opposite direction. That seems to keep my hair from knotting up as each hair in a strand is kept within that strand do to the first twist. That also seems to keep the strands in place. Also when I wash, I don't manipulate the twists too much. I do gentle squeezes just like one does when they have human hair extensions.
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I have more free time now but I only deal with my hair one day out the week. Usually a saturday or sunday morning. I wash, dc, and style. Then I don't touch it anymore. IDK how the ladies who cowash or wash multiple times a week do it. When I was busier, I went to the salon every two weeks. After working 60-70 hours a week I just didn't feel like touching it at all. Also, wigs can be very handy. If I don't have time to get to my hair or I'm between styles I put one on and go on about my business.
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I mostly wear my wig. My hair is about the length of your hair in the avatar, and all I can do are twist-outs. The twist-outs take a long time for me to do. I did a set the other day--I started doing them at 8 p.m., and I wasn't completely finished until 12:41 a.m. (that did include rolling it w/ perm rods).
If you get your hair in twists, CWing daily isn't that hard to do. When wearing my hair uncovered ie no hats or wraps, then I CW so my twists can dry hanging down straight. I don't do this every day coz I'm too lazy to bother, but if I wanted to wear my twists out ever day, this would be the norm. CWing takes very little time when in twists as there's no combing or detangling. Just apply, squeeze, rinse, airdry.

I guess there is something to be said for protective styles such as twists and braids - washing and drying is a breeze! I could co-wash and air dry daily too if I wanted to, provided my hair is in a protective style. It's the ladies whose hair is out yet do all this stuff and more that leave me in awe. :grin: I would get tired - and bored - real quick. I will need to check out Mooks twist's tutorial if it helps reduce frizz.
I was wondering the same thing. Like I do wash and go's because its taking more time to flat iron now that I'm natural, and with school I sometimes don't have the time or energy. And then I prefer to treat my hair every week, so if I'm straight, that means when the weekend comes its time to DC again, or clarify, and then that means I have to flat iron my hair once a week and sometimes that's just too much time and heat for me.....

then with the natural state of my hair, I want to try styles, but I don't always have the energy to twist all my hair, I flat rolled it yesterday to see what would happen when it dried, I loved it, but I should of used a holding gel or curl product, because when I seperated the rolls it frizzed up.....

when you are newly natural, you have trial and error periods with products, and I just don't have the energy to anything else besides wash and go....

but I keep saying, when it gets longer, when it gets longer, but I have to realize, when it gets longer its gonna be more hair to manage....but going back to relaxers is not an option for me.....

hope you find the answers you need...
This is me. I don't have any time to properly care for my hair, thank goodness for my wash and go, otherwise besides the weekend I can't seem to find the time.