Caramocal Joy Product Review (pics+lonnnng)


New Member
This will be a review on several products I recently purchased from Caramocal Joy. I hope this is of use to you all. :yep: I will also put this up on my blog sometime next week.

I heard about Caramocal Joy just this week through a post in the vendor forum made by growhawkglitter (thread here. She and creolesugarface had nothing but good things to say about them, so I decided to check out the site (Caramocal Joy).

First, prices are very good. I don't think anything on there is more than $10-15. The site offers 2 oz, 4oz, and 8oz sizes, at appropriate prices. I really liked the size options because I have a TWA and don't want to commit to larger sized items, and I could save some money. Also, with the Christmas sale, you get free shipping over $20. Great! If I didn't like the products, I could always give them away and I wouldn't be out much. I joked with Charzboss that since the company is in MD, I could just deliver an a$$ whooping if need be. :lol:

I ordered the gentle butter, tough butter, thickums castor cream, shea-co smoothing custard, and vitamin e pudding. So I got a good number of products for $21.50.

I later read a thread by creolesugarface and she wrote that her items came scented (thread here). Only two of the products I chose came with scent options, so I emailed the address provided on my receipt. I emailed at night, and had a response waiting for me in the morning, so it was very prompt. A good sign. :up: She (I'm assuming a woman runs this business) copied my order into the email along with a little list of the items that can come with scents. She told me the Vit E Pudding and Shea-Co Custard default to a "light, fruity scent," but the castor cream and gentle butter came with scent options not listed. So, here's my end order:

Shea Co-Custard -- 4 oz -- no scent option
Vitamin E Pudding -- 4 oz -- no scent option
Tough Butter -- 2 oz -- Chocolate
Gentle Butter -- 2 oz -- Birthday Cake
Thickums Castor Creme -- 2 oz -- Vanilla Buttercream
Thickums Castor Creme -- 2 oz -- unscented

I ordered through her site on the 18th (Wednesday), she emailed me about the scents on the 19th (Thursday) and I got my products today (Saturday). Now, this is great, but in all fairness, she lives about 15-20 minutes away from me. :lol:

No comment on the packaging. Not that it was bad (a large, flat rate box), but definitely could've fit my items into one of the smaller square boxes. I don't mind, I just think the small square boxes are cuter. :lol:

Anyway, as soon as I opened the box, I could smell the scents wafting out. The 2 oz items came in small, plastic, disposable containers; like the kinds you could put dipping sauce in. The generous 4 oz items came in a dark brown container with a screw top.

She has announced on her site that Caramocal Joy is "going green," and if you mail your containers back in, you will get a credit of 20% of your previous order to use next time. I thought that is a really cool idea. :yep: Anyway, onto the actual products...
I have not used any of these yet, but giving my initial thoughts. :yep:

Thickums Castor Cream


I got two of these at the 2oz size, one unscented and the other Vanilla Buttercream. Now, I don't know if you can see the difference between the two too well, but the one on the left is whipped very well; thick and creamy like custard. The one on the left is scented, while the one on the right is not, and consistency is very different. It's harder, not as soft, almost like it wasn't whipped to the consistency of the scented one. I don't really mind much, but thought that stood out.

The smell (Vanilla Buttercream) is nice, but kind of cheap. It's very easy to mess up vanilla and this one didn't hit the mark, but came close. It is sweet-smelling, but not like vanilla, IMO.

The consistency is nice and thick and I love JBCO, so I thought I would give this one a try.

Vitamin E Pudding


This one would be better suited in a bottle, not a jar, as it is a liquid. Not very thick, closer to the thinner side, but still a very good consistency. It is made up of all oils, with some glycerin (which might be her favorite ingredient, because it's in everything). I do really like the smell of this one: light, sweet, subtly fruity, and warm almost like vanilla. So far, this one is my favorite scent and I love oils, so I'm looking forward to using it, especially on my body. :yep:

Shea-Co Smoothing Custard


I really think I am going to like this one, because I love shea butter for my hair and I do like heavy things. This is unscented, although she said it would come with a faint fruity fragrance, it just smells like a better version of shea butter's current smell, which I don't mind at all.

She filled my container to the brim and I love the consistency. It's thick, but incredibly rich and smooth and melts away (due to all the oils). I tried it today and my skin was immediately softened. :grin:

Her site says you can use this for roller sets, wash n gos, and wraps, but it might be too heavy for that. But I am looking forward to trying this too.

Tough Butter


So this product's title hits the nail on the head. As you can see from the pictures, it resembles hard shea butter. Not whipped, which is weird since it's all I'm used to. But it's very easy to break a piece off with your fingers and melts down once you start to work it into your skin

I ordered this in Chocolate, to give to my SO, and it just smells like shea butter, which I don't really mind. The Gentle Butter smells more chocolate-y, and I ordered that in Birthday Cake, lol. I won't be using it, but I'll make sure he does and get his thoughts on it. :yep:

Gentle Butter


In growhawkglitter's thread, she wrote that they were always sold out of this and I can see why. These products are simple and don't have much hype, so you would think there was no room for error - this is by far, IMO, the best product out of the bunch, based on initial thoughts alone. This product is just lovely.

This one is whipped just as smoothly as the Thickums Castor Cream, but is a little thicker and she gave me a lot of this too. I ordered this in Birthday Cake, but it must've been a chocolate cake. This is the only smell that doesn't have that cheap-y undertone to it. It is rich and sugary and sweet and the chocolate tones reminds me of my great-grandmother's poundcake with the chocolate icing. :yep:

Custard-like consistency that just melts into your skin. I used this when I first got it, maybe three hours ago, and my skin feels and looks hydrated, which is important for me - my skin can be moisturized, but I want it to look moisturized as well. I can still feel it on my arm, it's not greasy or oily, but I can definitely feel the product on my arms, but my fingers don't come back greasy, which is good.

I am very excited about this gentle butter! :yep:

Overall, I'm looking for these products to do what they say and I am eager to use them. They're quaint and sweet and soooo agreeably priced, I can't be mad even if I don't end up liking something. But I will say she uses a LOT of oils in her products, so even the whipped ones melt down instantly from the oils, which some of you may or may not like. When I update after actually playing with these products, I can say for sure whether or not they left me greasy or if my hair and skin just soaks it right up. :yep:
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I didn't want to take longer writing the product part, but if you guys want the ingredients too, just let me know.
...I wish I never came into this thread. Thanks for the reviews! I'm not supposed to be buying anything, but that castor cream be looking kind of gewd. :sekret: *slides over to site*
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And juss so y'all are aware, regarding the owner of the company, suspicion says it may be a member who made the band.

Just so y'all know.
Thinks..I order last week & when my order comes I will give a review.....

Happy Hair Growing!
So far, if I had to reorder, I would get the full size vitamin e pudding and gentle butter. Those might very well be the business. :up:

I do plan to transfer the "pudding" to a bottle, though, because putting liquid in a jar isn't the brightest idea.

No real thoughts on the shea-co although I used it this morning around 12 and my hair is very moisturized.
So I tried my gentle butter... because for some reason, I've taken to tasting my products.

Didn't taste like anything.
I just need the site to be designed a bit better. I attempted to order some stuff on Friday and just gave up. Thx for the review.
nice and fair review... I think the vitamin e pudding texture varies from batch to batch, cuz I've had some that felt like actual pudding, and some that was more watery... both did the same but I like the thicker version better LOL... and it does need to be in a bottle ITA

Your review was thorough! Me likey...

And I absolutely laughed out loud when you made the test tasting comment!!
nice and fair review... I think the vitamin e pudding texture varies from batch to batch, cuz I've had some that felt like actual pudding, and some that was more watery... both did the same but I like the thicker version better LOL... and it does need to be in a bottle ITA

So far, I am using the vit e pudding the most -- it's easily one of my favorites out of the bunch. I'm going to order the larger size once I've finished.

And I can see why you like the gentle butter so much. I would definitely order the larger size. I really like the smell and consistency. :yep: And if it tasted better, I would eat it too.

Your review was thorough! Me likey...

And I absolutely laughed out loud when you made the test tasting comment!!

If these companies didn't make their products smell so good, I wouldn't have a reason to. Hey, I'll try anything once. :spinning: