Caramel Hair treatment?

Does it list the ingredients on the back of the bottle? On the website it only says olive oil and honey.. or is it the exact same ingredients as Kiya's homemade recipe...

BTW Kiya, where did you get this recipe? Or did you make it yourself?
I can make it and put it in the fridge.

I pre-make one 'serving' at a time, and freeze it until I want to use it again, and it works fine once thawed.

Does it list the ingredients on the back of the bottle? On the website it only says olive oil and honey.. or is it the exact same ingredients as Kiya's homemade recipe...

BTW Kiya, where did you get this recipe? Or did you make it yourself?

Urm - SamathaJones listed the ingredients in the other thread - I'll copy her post over here in a second.

I got my recipe from tLHC, actually - I don't know where they might have gotten it from.

BRB with the ingredients.

never measure - but here are the ingredients in terms of apperance in the product ( hey, we think...)...

Honey 1/2 cup
olive oil 1/4 cup
overripe banana - 1
molasses 1/8 cup
Xathan Gum - Sprinkle
acv -squirt
Wheat germ oil - 1 tsps

Blend With a Blender ( puree )until creamy.....

Apply to your hair with an applicator Brush as if you are applying a relaxer....

Wrap Hair in plastic and keep it one hour or overnight.

Here are the etae ingredients in order.........

Olive oil
cornstarch water
wheat germ oil

I make my own because I can use a whole bottle at one sitting. I use it as a pre poo - Shampoo - and post condish.

Oh, and I saw SJ's recipe in there too, so I quoted that, as well.
Interesting... I feel like I'm on a never ending search for a *good* moisturizing deep conditioner. I could easily find these ingredients (maybe not the wheat germ... i might copy you and use RPO:blush:). Uh oh.. and here comes the itch..
I ordered this from Etae months ago, and it did nothing for my hair. I was about 12 weeks post when I tried it. $25 down the drain as far as I am concerned. I bought it after joining a challeng on BHM. Some of the ladies there said it worked for them though.
It worked like magic the first time I used it on my hair. It was so silky and bouncy. The second time I used it nothing. I waiting about 6 months before trying it again. It worked like the first time...silky and bouncy. Maybe I had a bad batch the second time. I don't know. I will try it again. There are beauty stores that sell this product now in Philly.
i bought etae's product, it was great!
so i made my wonders! I am transitioning so well, this is a large part of it. I use it monthly, i may try every 2 weeks since my hair is growing out so quickly. I luv it! I use baby food bananas and add sulfur to my mix...seems to work just as good - maybe better! I use it on my daughter's 3c hair and it has made her hair sooo much looser, you can now see the length, it would draw up so much, it doesn't tangle as much either....

thank you, etae, for this product!
and the rest of you for inspiring me to make my own...aka Kiya and Trini and my BHM fam....
i bought etae's product, it was great!
so i made my wonders! I am transitioning so well, this is a large part of it. I use it monthly, i may try every 2 weeks since my hair is growing out so quickly. I luv it! I use baby food bananas and add sulfur to my mix...seems to work just as good - maybe better! I use it on my daughter's 3c hair and it has made her hair sooo much looser, you can now see the length, it would draw up so much, it doesn't tangle as much either....

thank you, etae, for this product!
and the rest of you for inspiring me to make my own...aka Kiya and Trini and my BHM fam....
Please tell me what you use and how you use it? Maybe the sulfur is making your hair grow so fast. I need something like this to get my damaged nape to grow.:ohwell:
bumping. I'm thinking about trying this..I don't know if I want to go home made or get the treatment from Etae products. I think it may cost the same after I get all the ingredients :giggle:
It is a staple for me... :) But I never buy from the company anymore. Can't afford that.

After you spend 25 bucks at the store for all the ingredients - you will have plenty of treatments.
i am willing to do anything to tame this wild new growth i have - might give this a try. is this something some of you are doing along with the coconut - lime and yogurt and coconut cream treatment. for example, do you do one treatment week 1 and then they other the next week? or are any of you mixing some of this stuff with other treatments? oh and has anyone thought of adding salt to this? just wondering?
i am willing to do anything to tame this wild new growth i have - might give this a try. is this something some of you are doing along with the coconut - lime and yogurt and coconut cream treatment. for example, do you do one treatment week 1 and then they other the next week? or are any of you mixing some of this stuff with other treatments? oh and has anyone thought of adding salt to this? just wondering?

I don't use salt treatments - and I dont use coconut milk & Lime Unless I am flat ironing my hair. I only do that 2 x a year.

I use Caramel treatments all the time.... and it does not change my hair texture.
i am willing to do anything to tame this wild new growth i have - might give this a try. is this something some of you are doing along with the coconut - lime and yogurt and coconut cream treatment. for example, do you do one treatment week 1 and then they other the next week? or are any of you mixing some of this stuff with other treatments? oh and has anyone thought of adding salt to this? just wondering?

Just on a whim, I added salt to the last homemade caramel treatment I did; detangling was a breeze and my curls were popping! I have never done salt in conditioner before, so I'll have to do a few experiments to see what's what. I'll try the caramel treatment on it's own, then I'll try another conditioner with the added salt--then I'll know if adding the salt was what made it seem different.
I read the mixed reviews about what the Caramel Treatment does for hair (straighten, moisture,protein). In your opinion ladies what does it do for you hair? Is it just another form of a DC? I have enoyed doing the homemade things and my hair really loves it and wouldn't mind whipping this up. Just need a clearer understanding of what it does. TIA
Doing a home made treatment tonight :yep: I added more honey and grapeseed oil than usual. I'll rinse in the morning.
I read the mixed reviews about what the Caramel Treatment does for hair (straighten, moisture,protein). In your opinion ladies what does it do for you hair? Is it just another form of a DC? I have enoyed doing the homemade things and my hair really loves it and wouldn't mind whipping this up. Just need a clearer understanding of what it does. TIA

Anyone? Inquiring minds want to know.Do you use it to smooth your natural hair...or before you press, or for conditioning? Or all? I understand that it helps w/ transitioning, and also naturals but how do you use it? Apply, rinse, air dry (or what) then what do you style your coils, or flat iron? Or can you do either or? Thanks
I only use Caramel treatments for deep moisture conditioning. Nothing more. I think it is too heavy for flat ironing ( for me ).
As I said.... every 3 weeks. been using it for at least 2 years now.
Is the caramel treatment washed out with shampoo or do you just rinse it out with water?