Cantu now has a Relaxer!


Active Member
I know I'm transistioning, but I went to Walmart today and saw that they (Cantu with Shea Butter) now have a relaxer. It is No-Lye(correction) and is said to be less damaging than other relaxers. I can't remember exactly what it said on the label, my children were getting irritated with me because I have to look at everything! PJ
I think they said that it uses a different chemical that is smaller than the chems used in other lye relaxers. It allows the cuticles to close down more and you will have less dryness and breakage. I haven't found anything on the internet yet on it. Just wanted to let you know.

***Also, for all of you naturals out there suffering from dryness from conditioner washes, I found out from a lady that has had natural hair all her life that you should shampoo with a neutralizing shampoo every week to remove calcium buildup. This should soften you hair. Thanks for reading my post! ~CorbinS
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Did you say Wal-Mart? I will be there this evening then:lol: .

But I have been disappointed with my prior visits because I have been looking for Cantu products but it doesnt look like our Wal-Mart carries them. They dont carry Elasta mango butter either. I sure hope they start soon.
I saw that a few weeks ago, right before I relaxed my hair. I STARTED to try it....mainly because I looooove the Cantu break cure!!
I am sooo shocked, I have nearly all of the cantu line, this line is responsible for giving me back softer fuller hair.
Ok I used it and I hated it...
First it made my hair very dry and hard, then it did not process well.

I will return to my lye relaxers. If this would have worked I would be really staying true to one product line.