Can't no hurricane stop this party. Album update and me whining about crap.


Well-Known Member
So, I finally have internet access after being gone since practically July. What's been going on with me since then? Let's recap.

The Good
  • The front of my hair (basically the temples and forehead/crown) area has caught up more or less with the rest of my hair. The front is sitting on my shoulders now, while the back is 2 1/2 inches or so longer.
  • My ends are nice and even now. Still grows in a V-shape, but it looks blunt. W00t!
The Bad
  • Due to some horrible breakage and shedding issues (stress most likely) I had to cut 3 inches off and start fresh from my May length, I think. Luckily for me, I have the amount of the cut in new growth, so it isn't much of a loss, is it? :look:
  • I stopped taking my vitamins. Now I'm having breakouts and crap. Back on the wagon, ASAP.
  • I can't find a decent stylist to save my life. I'm in San Antonio now, and everyone looks at me all funny when I walk into salons because the only people sitting in the chairs are Mexicans. They'll SAY they can do my hair, but their looks and awkward glances tell me otherwise. That's when I say thanks and walk my happy ass right back out. If it isn't the Hispanic stylists, it's the black women that overcharge ($80 for a Lady Velvet relaxer? Negro, please.) and insist you get trims. And then want to CHARGE you for the trim you don't want. For instance, I went to a stylist 2 Saturdays ago who did a botch job. I asked for a wash and set. (I always ask for that when I go to a new stylist. It's kind of hard to f**k up a wash and set, right?) You'd think there would be rollers involved, but alas. She washed my hair, put some tingling conditioner in it, rinsed that out, MOUSSED my hair, put me under the dryer, and when that was done, proceeded to blowdry my hair with a diffuser and then flatiron it. She used more heat in one visit than I used in a year! My hair was icky and flat. I look horrible with straight hair. Then she tells me "You need a trim." "No I don't. I just got it cut 2 weeks ago." "Well, this *holds out a chunk of my front ends* is still split. You need a trim next time. See how it sticks out all frizzy-like?" I wanted to say, "That's because you used the blowdrier and flat ironed all at once..." but I held my tongue because I'm passive-agressive like that. Never. Again.
  • The stylist I had in Baton Rouge did an AWESOME job on my hair (she's the one who cut it) but she murdered my bangs. I asked her to give me some and they looked like a 2 year old with safety scissors got into my head while I was asleep. She GAVE me cowlick. I guess you can't win for losing.
  • I can't afford ANY good styling products out here, I can't afford to get my hair done, and they don't have a good selection of black hair care products. The closest I've come to anything good and affordable is Motions CPR. Walmart doesn't even carry more than 2 types of perms, neither of which I use. Damn this Hispanic population! :p So all I have right now is Motions Lavish Conditioning Shampoo and Conditioner, DooGro Growth Shampoo, and Dudleys Scalp oil. My hair is going through product withdrawal. My hair has DTs, ya'll. (If anybody has a crackhead or alcoholic uncle ya'll know what I mean. :lachen: )
The Ugly
  • Somewhere along the way, I picked up a NASTY case of dandruff. I mean nasty. I can't wear black and scratch my head, or we'll have a White Christmas situation on our hands. I haven't had dandruff since I was 17 or so, so I don't understand. I can't wash my hair good enough. Just when I think all that icky scalp buildup is gone, 2 hours after my hair dries, my scalp is once again encrusted with a thick layer of dead skin. Yes, this is nasty. I'm sorry it's TMI. I'm starting to think this isn't dandruff, but psoriasis or something. Because I occasionally have crusting behind my ears and lobes and in the creases of my ear. I also have eczema, so I'm really not sure what irritating skin disease I have. I've clarified, oiled, used dandruff shampoo, everything. Any ideas? HELP. Anky says I have a Vitamin B deficiency, so I'll start taking my Vits again and eating more greens, but yeah. Gimme more opinions.
  • I can't relax my hair for stated reasons. So I have a ton of new growth that even a flat iron isn't helping. SIGHHHHHHHH I'm 2 months post and I'll try stretching to 6 months until my scalp issues resolve themselves.
  • This has nothing to do with hair, but I gained 30 lbs in 2 months. Don't worry, I'll make a post about that in the health forum later.
So in conclusion, I'm going on my own personal bun challenge. I need to put my 22 pairs of Chinese sticks to good use. Excuse me while I go "borrow" (cut and roll into a donut for buns) some of my Dad's socks.

I've also stopped making definite goals. I really think we put too much unecessary stress on ourselves by saying stuff like "OMG BSL by next year or bust!" because when we have a setback, or our hair boycotts us and stops growing, we get upset. My hair is fine. Even on my worse hair days, my hair could be made semi-presentable and I still have hair on my head. It'll never thin out, so thank you hair! So I'm letting it do it's own thing now....with the help of MTG and vitamins. It'll get to brastrap when it gets there. But it BETTER be waistlength by '07 or I'm cutting somebody.

It's good to be back ya'll. Some of you guys have made amazing progress in the months that I've been gone (Carlita, HotTopic, and a lot of others), and I see a lot of new faces. Welcome everyone, and check out my album. It's in my siggy and public like always. :)
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I think when I first joined the board and you left for a minute due to the hurricanes, I remember all the members being very concerned about you and Anky. That was something that really stuck out with me and let me know right up front all the warmth here on the board!

Good to hear that you are doing well (with all the good, bad, and the ugly going on around you) and I hope like he** you can find some relief for your hair out there!! Heck, I'll send you some products if you need! You would think you would be able to find hair products in any WalMart, but I guess not if you're not Mexican huh!

Welcome back!!
Hey girl!!!

First of all, I'm glad that you made it outta the Hurricane situation ok. That must have been some traumatic ish...glad you're safe and sound. ;)

I think you're doing a great thing by letting your hair do as it pleases. ITA that sometimes we put too much emphasis on these deadlines and then walk around long faced when things don't go as planned.

I was reading in another thread that someone was having dandruff problems as a result of using MTG...could that be the case for you? Also, have you thought about putting garlic in your poo or con? Garlic's antiseptic properties make it really great for controlling dandruff and shedding.

Sorry to hear about your stylist woes...I know how frustrating that can be. :ohwell:

Again, glad that all is well with you. Hang in there! :look:

Love, Love, Love your hair, you are definatly one of my inspiring hair idols. I You hair is soo thick and full. I am glad that you are back, althought I am a newbie, I have been stalking LHCF since march ;) . Well sorry about your hair woes, but your hair is still banging.!!!!
Hey S:
HAVE YOUR THYROID CHECKED!!!! Rapid weight gain, eczema, and the scalp condtion you described are all symptoms of problems with your thyroid. Please have it checked! I know it may be difficult for you, but thyroid issues are no joke.

Other than that, I wish you the best with your hair issues....

Hey Girl it's good to har from you. I am glad all is well. I know are some BBS in San Antonio....... Just keep looking. Good luck :)
Hey girl , glad you are back, ......Did you notice a change in the water in San Antonio? may be its hard water, I know I have hard/chlorinated water and my hair but esp my scalp does not like and I have "corn Flake" dandruff also I noticed that when the seasons change my scalp goes crazy :angry2:
Hey, Starian its nice to see you back! I'm not sure what to say about your scalp issues but I can sorta relate to the lack of black hair care products, they must think there aren't any black people up here in the Pacific Northwest... Anyway have you checked out to see if stores carry Neutrogena Triple Moisture, particularly Target? has good sales often on things you get at the BSS... Hope this helps a little.
It's good to hear from you again. I've been wondering how are are doing. Your hair looks good in the pics. Try NTM products. Maybe you could check out the homemade recipe area for something that you can make yourself.
Welcome back Starian you bad girl!

I'm glad you posted, because was going to out you good! Your hair looks good to me.
Starian so glad to have you back. :wave: I have the same scalp problems so I will tell you what works for me. When I get flare ups I get the behind the ear stuff and along my hairline. Its too nasty and not to mention embarrasing.

First of all cut back all the dairy when this happens. I usually get the flare ups when I consume too much dairy. I up my flax seed oil intake (pm me if you need me to send u some I got plenty). I find that adding oil internally woks better than anything I could apply topically. Continue to use olive oil as a pre treatment, it works to loosen the scales. Whatever shampoo your are using is problably contributing to the dryness which is how the scales get started. I would dilute the shampoo or add tea tree oil to it.

You have a great outlook on things! i'm glad everything has worked out for you thus far, if you can't find decent products, I'd say to start mixing your own. For your deep conditioners take a one of those cheap ones and put in a little honey and EVOO and you'll have an solid, affordable conditioner. I don't spend a ton on expensive items anymore because I can make a great mix at home. :)
Buy all your haircare products from me. Just make a list of the dominican products that you would like and I will try to get them. BTW, you probably don't have dandruff like I told you on the phone. If your hair has flakes, yet your hair doesn't stink, you have a vitamin B deficiency. Take care of that with boiled egg whites, avocados, oatmeal, and mixed greens.

Good luck to you and your new life in Texas!
I'm happy to see you back and posting. I'm sorry to hear about the problems you are having but it sounds like you already have a plan. Good luck and welcome back!! :)
WB- glad that you are o.k.- good luck on your new life and i am sorry that you and anky had to go through this. Your hair looks great to me and keep ya head- it will get better soon. If i am not mistaken that DDTA is available at the big lots across the street from my house. I can check if you like- pretty sure i saw some in there a month ago.