cant make my mind up...what to do with my hair?


Well-Known Member
When it comes to my hair I am so indecisive :wallbash:

Heres my story, I started off relaxed, then decided I wanted to go natural so I transitioned for just over a year didn't even make it to full natural before I wanted texturised. Now I have have been texturised for 8months now but I don't really like the way my hair looks I never wear it out in its natural state because the texture is :nono: :ohwell: :perplexed just not right, (part stringy, part curly, part wavey, part spirally.... a mess basically) BUT my hair has never ever ever grown the way it has like it has during these last 8 months... so he's my dilemma. Do I continue with my 'texturised' hair (but keep myself weaved up as I dont wear it out) or relax and enjoy my hair but run the risk of no more progress (it seems as though my hair doesn't grow right when relaxed)... Also if I relax it will be like doing a corrective over my hair as my hair already has a chemical on it... so i'm running the risk of causing my hair to be over-processed. Whats a girl to do :rolleyes: ?
I truly understand how you feel, I have done natural to relaxer 7 times and haven't growed my hair yet because I keep chopping it, I just went natural a month ago and now I don't want to anymore, I want to texturize LOL!! But i just decided to take down all pictures and hair golas and just do what I want.

Anyway if you are always covering your hair up with weaves I see no need for a Relaxer/Texturizer because you never wear it out. If your hair has been growing great by texturizing and no breakage/shedding etc. I would leave it alone and continue with it.:yep: I am sure your natural hair is very pretty alot of us have different textures on our heads, But you will be fine, just do what you feel is best for you and your hair!