Can't Listen To The Same Artists Like I Used To


Well-Known Member
Recently I had been praying for more wisdom and guidance.. I know I am a sinner but I want to do better.. I at times would listen to some secular music here and there or watch videos.. I was a fan of old school music and artists like Beyoncé, Rihanna.. Not too much of the newer artists... So I was eager to watch beyonces lemonade last week...I started to watch the imagery and somethings in my spirit didn't feel right so I turned the channel but then I turned back because I am a Beyoncé fan.. But it happened again I felt a weird feeling like I was watching satanic activity. I wanted to be supportive but something about that visual show was eerie and spirit like.. Like voodoo or something.. I final just turned even though some parts were not as bad as others... Maybe God is working On me about secular music.. I listen to gospel music in my car 95% of the time. I don't want to offend anyone but lately I feel like I have been given e gift of discernment regarding things.. I'm trying to figure out now how to delete some of these secular artists off my iPhone.. Anyone else have similar stories?
@levette and @YaniraNaturally

God bless you both so dearly. God is protecting those whom He loves...and you both...He indeed loves to the very core of your entire beings.

With so much evil in this earth and with so much deception, God has given us His Gift of His Holy Spirit whom Jesus promised He would lead and guide us into ALL Truth. The Holy Spirit is within you and helping you to discern that which is right and that which is wrong.

In Bible Study the other night our Pastor was teaching from the Word of God which states, that::

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will [will continue to] perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" --- Philippians 1:6

The Greater One (Jesus) lives on the inside of both os you...and He is not leaving you helpless, nor is He leaving you without knowledge and His wisdom. So yes, you are increasing in wisdom, knowledge and discernment.

Now, that's love and such a beautiful gift of love from God our Father in Heaven. For you see, the spirits that are in operation in these 'other artists' (i.e. Beyonce, Rihanna, etc.) are deceptive spirits of this world and the Holy Spirit is not only opening your eyes to see it, but is also protecting your souls from the deceptions and from being drawn in and away from God.

God bless you both and continue more stronger in the faith... :love3:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen
@levette thanks for sharing. I also felt the same way you did about lemonade so I'm really glad you shared because I felt like I was the only person that didn't like it. It just didn't sit right with me. It seems like it was made out of anger and in turn that made me feel angry, sad, hateful, etc. It didn't make me feel good about this beautiful life on earth that God has given us. So I decided that I'm just not going to listen to it.

I still listen to secular music but I am selective over the songs I'll listen to. I only listen to songs that are uplifting. Songs that are aligned with what God wants us to feel- love for one another, joy, happiness, peace, etc. I think keeping that in mind will help you delete certain songs off your playlists a lot easier. It did for me.

@Shimmie thanks for that message! I needed that confirmation that the Holy Spirit is always guiding me towards truth.
I agree with you OP. I still listen to some secular music because I feel that there are some entertainers that are of the light just as I feel that there are some gospel singers that are of the darkness. I prayed and was blessed that God will help me to feel energy and know in my heart what to stay away from if it were of dark forces. I was excited to watch the lemonade video, and I felt it too. I can't describe it, but yes it felt like witchcraft. None of my friends nor most of the people on this site would agree with me, so I kept it between me and God. At first I felt left out that so many people saw greatness and inspiration in the video and all I saw was evil. I tried to rewatch it to maybe see it differently thinking I was just being paranoid, and my tv froze and didn't play it. That was all I needed to know. God was protecting me and to trust Him.

I don't get into all that illuminati talk because I feel that some of those sites, videos are dark too. I just trust God to guide me to light and peace, and stay away from things that are dark and provoke anger and turmoil. We see that here and with anyone who dares say anything but love for Beyoncé on the Internet. You can see it playing out even now in ET forum.

All I can say is that I'm grateful that God loves me enough to protect me and show me light and dark so that I don't fall astray. This goes for both secular AND gospel artists. Just trust in God with all your heart. I am glad you saw it too and didn't "drink the lemonade."

This bible verse also stood out to me when talking about this.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. "
-Romans 12:2
I agree with you OP. I still listen to some secular music because I feel that there are some entertainers that are of the light just as I feel that there are some gospel singers that are of the darkness. I prayed and was blessed that God will help me to feel energy and know in my heart what to stay away from if it were of dark forces. I was excited to watch the lemonade video, and I felt it too. I can't describe it, but yes it felt like witchcraft. None of my friends nor most of the people on this site would agree with me, so I kept it between me and God. At first I felt left out that so many people saw greatness and inspiration in the video and all I saw was evil. I tried to rewatch it to maybe see it differently thinking I was just being paranoid, and my tv froze and didn't play it. That was all I needed to know. God was protecting me and to trust Him.

I don't get into all that illuminati talk because I feel that some of those sites, videos are dark too. I just trust God to guide me to light and peace, and stay away from things that are dark and provoke anger and turmoil. We see that here and with anyone who dares say anything but love for Beyoncé on the Internet. You can see it playing out even now in ET forum.

All I can say is that I'm grateful that God loves me enough to protect me and show me light and dark so that I don't fall astray. This goes for both secular AND gospel artists. Just trust in God with all your heart. I am glad you saw it too and didn't "drink the lemonade."

This bible verse also stood out to me when talking about this.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. "
-Romans 12:2
I guess in time if you keep drawing closer to God He reveals things to you . I would never post my reactions on the et forum about lemonade..but i think this forum is the appropriate for it. In fact I need to frequent this forum more often