U just discovered ur favorite product may contain carcinogens...

  • I am appalled! I get rid of it ASAP!!!

    Votes: 70 54.3%
  • I works so good. I use it until it's empty and find something else.

    Votes: 40 31.0%
  • I love it. It's my staple. I keep using it... I don't care.

    Votes: 19 14.7%

  • Total voters
I've been using all natural products for a long time - and I find them to be more effective than the commercial stuff. My list of natural things include: Dr. Bonners soaps, homemade oils blends using health food store products, Burts bees, rock deoderant, mineral makeup. It's not that difficult to do. I find it easier an less expensive and the products I have usually last longer than my store brought products. And also a good shower filter will do wonders for your hair and skin - so much so that you will need less products for you hair and body. I started on this path when I read this book called "The Truth about Beauty" by Kat James. Its a whole lifestyle makeover to natural healthy living both inside/out.
I had no idea mineral oil was a carcinogen! I just looked into and there is info all over the net. Why haven't I head about this like parabens and others? Oh, I know, because it is really only in many black products. Sorry, had to say it. And you don't hear about it so much because manybe we don't speak up enough about such things. I am glad that I gave up on mineral oil anyway.

Here is a table of some cosmetic ingredients and the cancer info associated with them:}/Cosmetics and Breast Cancer_SOE08.pdf
I've been using all natural products for a long time - and I find them to be more effective than the commercial stuff. My list of natural things include: Dr. Bonners soaps, homemade oils blends using health food store products, Burts bees, rock deoderant, mineral makeup. It's not that difficult to do. I find it easier an less expensive and the products I have usually last longer than my store brought products. And also a good shower filter will do wonders for your hair and skin - so much so that you will need less products for you hair and body. I started on this path when I read this book called "The Truth about Beauty" by Kat James. Its a whole lifestyle makeover to natural healthy living both inside/out.
On a side note for mineral makeup, some contain oils, talc, and other fillers event though they say they're natural. I am lucky that my skin is a natural b.s detector. I break out if a product isn't pure enough and without additional chemicals and even some fragrance. I tried bare minerals and broke out in a rash everytime I use it. But I saw on tv that it was so good for your skin. Well I was lucky one day when I ran into a mineral company called Micabella. On the bottom of my makeup container it says maybe they have one in your area. Anyways they had a salesperson there and of course you know how they are. So I smirked and explained that minerals just weren't for me because there is something wrong with them as I break out. She said she guaranteed I wouldn't and explained that Bare Minerals had extra stuff in it after I told her that I tried it along with a few others (Revlon, etc). Then I found out just because someone says something is pure doesn't mean it is. I just believed the hype. So anyways I purchased it and I never ONCE had a rash. I can't wear most makeups because of this. I have never been a makeup wearer until now, because my skin is so sensitive. Anyways they rock. I love really pure products. Now I'm on a pure product kick. And still people, just because something is natural, doesn't mean it will work for you. If you have allergies, you should patch test. Just thought I'd say this because I'm so excited to find something that works for me.
Well, I'm not too worried.

I searched Aubrey Organics. Even they did not receive a "perfect" score. The site was able to link vitamin C, aloe, and jojoba seed oil with at least one animal study that showed some negative effect.

My problem with this site is that you all are not reading the actual studies that are linked to each ingredient. It might have taken gross amounts of each ingredient to produce whatever neg. results in a test on an animal, that you would never find in a hair or skin product. Also, it doesn't take into consideration the interactions between different ingredients.

Please also consider the fact that there would be many, many, MANY more cases of _________ in the human population if the ingredients were so dangerous.

I think a more accurate picture would be given if the actual products themselves were tested.
In certain portions most anything can cause cancer. This study is unreliable and while I do appreciate the information I do not think that it is enough to conclude that these products or ingredients cause cancer. A conclusive study would tell you the exact experiments to reach the conclusions, how much, what process, etc.

As stated before anything can be linked to cancer, to be conclusive you have to know the route that was taken to reach the conclusion.

Regardless, good looking out!
Oh wow my beloved Vatika oil:wallbash:

and my Silicon Mix leave in...sigh. I guess it was too good to be true...
People encounter carcinogens in every day life. Even in food like TOAST. (Burnt food produces large amounts of carcinogens so I guess no one will be cooking out anymore either huh?) No one will ever prohibit ALL bad things in thier life. You can even get cancer from microwave popcorn. Think Im kidding? Look it up. I just think in this day and age everyone should atleast have a working knowlegde of thier world. So no Im not afraid to use SOME products even though they contain certain things. You will probably ingest more chemicals than you could ever absorb. Rule of thumb for me is if it costs more its probably better for me (ex. fresh fruit vs canned, raw organic meat vs proccessed, etc) Rule of thumb for my hair is if there are more chemicals that I dont know what they are than things I DO know, I neeed to be wary and I NEVER put anything that has hormones in my head. Placenta? Umm no. That Baby-dont-be-bald stuff is LOADED with estrogen.
not VATIKA OIL:cry2:.
how does it say the ingredients were bannned in the UK and the vatika oil i have right now has in that it had in t-butylHydroquinone also known as TBHQ(i live in the UK) is that even the same it says 'Hydroquinone' as part of the name. does that make it worst or better
i'm doing research
Just throw my VATIKA Oil away.. this is the push I need to start using only natural products..... Thanks
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I had no idea mineral oil was a carcinogen! I just looked into and there is info all over the net. Why haven't I head about this like parabens and others? Oh, I know, because it is really only in many black products. Sorry, had to say it. And you don't hear about it so much because manybe we don't speak up enough about such things. I am glad that I gave up on mineral oil anyway.

Here is a table of some cosmetic ingredients and the cancer info associated with them:}/Cosmetics and Breast Cancer_SOE08.pdf

The mineral oil used in beauty products was not the mineral oil tested and quoted in this study. The unrefined oils such as those used industral services were the ones to have cancer causing agents. The actual study actually says that there has been no cancer link in humans or animals in the refined mineral oils used in cosmetics.
Yep... that's true.
Some people just don't care.
Some people just don't know...
I do it for the people that don't know.
Those corporations that use cheap products
have the money to switch the mineral oil to
healthier nutritive coconut oil... or whatever have you...
they choose not to...
and I think that's sad...
they shouldn't be allowed to cut corners
at the expense of the health of the millions
of Black Women that use their products.

Soooo true!!!! People do not understand this til its too late. If you are using products that are questionable just remember there is a reason why its questionable. You may see results within two days with products that are harmful as to products that takes 1 to 2 months to get the same results but your health is worth it:yep:.
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I have never used any of the products on the list. But I'm not particular on ingrediants b/c finding something that I won't have an allergic reaction to is hard enough. Ive actually never read any of my product labels for my hair. If it works, it works. :ohwell:
Thanks for the reminder. Black women suffer so often from so many ailments (more than other folks) and I do not believe it is genetics alone.

ITA. I just can't believe that people just don't care and will continue to use products thats harmful.
A lot of people One-Starring this thread are just in denial. I'm sorry people are always bashing ST's threads, because she is dropping a lot of knowledge. Its not like she's lying about anything.

You can keep arguing that everything is bad for you, but when you are using heightened amounts of carcinogens and placentas and hormones and applying them topically, you have to realize there is a difference. This stuff wasn't meant to go on hair, no matter how pretty the commercials and labels may be. Just because a black woman is smiling on the bottle doesn't make it safe:nono:. That's how people get hooked on relaxers. Then you get girls claiming that perms cleanse the scalp and grease makes your hair grow. I mean.. if you stop and think about you will realize how sick and wrong it is..:

Do you really need to put placenta on your hair?:perplexed
Petrolatum? Doesn't that sound like something you would oil car parts with?
Lead and Mercury? They stopped putting the stuff in paint and thermometers but you're OK with it going on your skin and hair?:perplexed

People don't get it... companies didn't always use this stuff... this is fairly recent, we see all these diseases and cancer and brush it off as genetic and pull up to McDonalds to eat fries made of plastic then stop by the grocery store to get some Pink Lotion laced with carcinogens:nono:. Many people just don't make the connection. I guess its like how people get fat and don't correlate it with their diet- they say its genetics. A lot of people who get alopecia and other skin issues don't want to believe its the products they use... they say its genetics.:sad:
A lot of people One-Starring this thread are just in denial. I'm sorry people are always bashing ST's threads, because she is dropping a lot of knowledge. Its not like she's lying about anything.

You can keep arguing that everything is bad for you, but when you are using heightened amounts of carcinogens and placentas and hormones and applying them topically, you have to realize there is a difference. This stuff wasn't meant to go on hair, no matter how pretty the commercials and labels may be. Just because a black woman is smiling on the bottle doesn't make it safe:nono:. That's how people get hooked on relaxers. Then you get girls claiming that perms cleanse the scalp and grease makes your hair grow. I mean.. if you stop and think about you will realize how sick and wrong it is..:

Do you really need to put placenta on your hair?:perplexed
Petrolatum? Doesn't that sound like something you would oil car parts with?
Lead and Mercury? They stopped putting the stuff in paint and thermometers but you're OK with it going on your skin and hair?:perplexed

People don't get it... companies didn't always use this stuff... this is fairly recent, we see all these diseases and cancer and brush it off as genetic and pull up to McDonalds to eat fries made of plastic then stop by the grocery store to get some Pink Lotion laced with carcinogens:nono:. Many people just don't make the connection. I guess its like how people get fat and don't correlate it with their diet- they say its genetics. A lot of people who get alopecia and other skin issues don't want to believe its the products they use... they say its genetics.:sad:

Tell it like it is girlie. The truth hurts:yep:.
I thought about this thread today.

I went to a Korean owned black BSS today in search for some Lustrasilk Cholesterol. They are the only ones that actually make a few formulas that don't have mineral oil. They did not have those two - the Shea Butter one and the Olive Oil one. Sooooo I searched the ingredients on all of the other cholesterol conditioners and ALL of them had mineral oil and/or petroleum. I stopped using the two a while back, but is amazed me that I could not find one thing on the shelf without it. One even has placenta in it. Not to mention all of the other products on the shelves that had these ingredients.

I am sick of it. But, all these years we have been dealing with it and it it time we said something to these companies to let them know we don't want those ingredients in the products.

Incidentally, I did find the a Lustrasilk Tea Tree Cholesterol conditioner at another place without mineral oil. That is one I can add to my list. But, they use it so often, it makes me wonder if Lustrasilk is even being dishonest and those 3 actually do contain mineral oil after all.
The mineral oil used in beauty products was not the mineral oil tested and quoted in this study. The unrefined oils such as those used industral services were the ones to have cancer causing agents. The actual study actually says that there has been no cancer link in humans or animals in the refined mineral oils used in cosmetics.

You're right!
The World Health Organization and the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
have published findings that mineral oil has been determined to cause cancer in humans. See U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Toxicology Program, 6th Annual Report on Carcinogens
... but as I said in my original post
MINERAL OIL has NO nutritive benefits to your
hair... the only reason companies use it is to
save money... they could easily use a natural
oil... we should demand more... that's the point.
I don't want to wait for a study that shows humans
can get cancer from mineral oil in cosmetics...
maybe some people like to take chances like that...
I'm not one of those people... we shouldn't be
totally paranoid... that's not the point...
The point is... if you can find a safer alternative...
WHY NOT use it. That's the point.
I'm not trying to debate skeptics or scare people
... I'm trying to inform people just like I would
if I found totally new roller invention ;o) or
something like that... just sharing what I know
for those that want to know.
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I just don't trust companies to tell me what is harmful and what is not. There are millions of men and women who grew up believing that cigarettes were not that bad for you. Commercial ads in tons of magazines with words like, "the most doctor recommended cigarettes" -- men and women smoked everywhere.....on airplanes, in office buildings, everywhere....

only to have people suing tobacco companies decades later because they are suffering and tobacco companies held back information about the dangers of cigarettes. :ohwell:

yeah, we will all die but please don't let it be by my hands by using deadly products in daily doses.
Thanks alot for posting this. I am glad to know this for my sake and my family's sake. I too, found a couple of products that I use, and I will not be buying them again.

I commend you for sharing this vital information. Now, we can say, that we didn't know!
I just don't trust companies to tell me what is harmful and what is not. There are millions of men and women who grew up believing that cigarettes were not that bad for you. Commercial ads in tons of magazines with words like, "the most doctor recommended cigarettes" -- men and women smoked everywhere.....on airplanes, in office buildings, everywhere....

only to have people suing tobacco companies decades later because they are suffering and tobacco companies held back information about the dangers of cigarettes. :ohwell:

yeah, we will all die but please don't let it be by my hands by using deadly products in daily doses.

That is so true!

Of course we are being inundated with chemicals, in the air,water,clothing, fruit,etc.., but if you are able to consciously limit the amount of chemicals that seep into your body, then why not, especially when it's concerning a cosmetic issue. There is nooo way to truly live toxin free, but there are ways to limit your exposure, even if it is the slightest thing like using a diff. conditioner or toothpaste. a little does add up.
Mineral Oil Myths

1. Mineral oil is contaminated with carcinogens. While it’s true that some petroleum derivatives contain carcinogenic materials (like some polycyclic aromatic compounds) the mineral oil that is used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry is highly refined and purified. It’s purity is even regulated by the US FDA and other international regulatory agencies. There is absolutely no evidence that cosmetic grade mineral oil causes cancer. And there has been plenty of testing done to ensure that fact. We could find no published reports in any of the dermatological or medical journals indicating a link between mineral oil and any forms of cancer.

2. Mineral oil dries the skin and causes premature aging. Mineral oil works as a barrier between the skin and the air. It acts as an occlusive agent which prevents water from naturally leaving your body through your skin. It will not dry out your skin or cause premature aging. Quite the contrary. It will provide moisturization.

3. Mineral oil robs the skin of vitamins. Since many vitamins are oil based, people assume that mineral oil will pull them out of your skin. There is no legitimate scientific evidence that this is true. Mineral oil has no effect on the vitamin levels in your skin.

4. Mineral oil prevents absorption of collagen from collagen moisturizers. Collagen in your skin lotions and moisturizers is too big to actually penetrate your skin. Therefore, mineral oil will have no effect on whether the collagen gets absorbed or not.

5. Mineral oil causes acne. In some people, mineral oil can exaserbate acne problems. However, most people will not experience any problems.
Why companies would try to propagate myths about mineral oil

1. They want you to buy from them instead of the big manufacturers. This is the primary explanation for mineral oil bashing. Little companies have to find a way to convince consumers to use their products instead of the less expensive, name brands produced by large manufacturers. They can’t possibly advertise as much as the big guys so they need other ways to motivate consumers. Spreading rumors, half truths, and lies about mineral oil (and a host of other ingredients) will scare a significant amount of people.

And most people don’t have the time or scientific background to question what they hear. They’ll just believe a myth about mineral oil causing cancer and avoid it at all costs. The lack of skepticism in our country is extremely troubling.

2. They need to have a reason why their products don’t work as well. The truth is mineral oil is one of the best functioning skin care ingredients available. Every cosmetic chemist who reads studies published in the Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists knows it. Other oils work too, but not as well as mineral oil.

When chemists are told they need to create a formula without mineral oil to satisfy a marketing story, they can’t produce the best functioning product out there. It’s a bit like trying to make omletes with egg beaters. Sure, it tastes like an omlete but it’s not nearly as good as on made with real eggs. That’s how it is with these “natural” type products.

3. They think natural things are inherently good. You find this notion throughout society but especially in the areas of cosmetics. In the US some people automatically believe that something taken directly from nature is better than something that is man-made or synthetic. Of course, there is no evidence supporting this notion and plenty of evidence to show that it is wrong. Natural is NOT necessarily better! Snake venom is natural. Cyanide is natural. Uranium is natural. Natural can be both good and bad. Similarly, synthetic things can be both good and bad.

The thing that is most amusing is that mineral oil is “natural”. It is pulled right out of Mother Earth and purified for use in your favorite cosmetic. There is no synthetic process, just simple distillation of naturally occurring oil. Even an ingredient like Panthenol requires some chemical modification. Not mineral oil. Just natural purification.

4. They believe all of the myths about mineral oil. Despite the fact that there are some companies that are just trying to scare and lie to you, there are some people that honestly believe all they’ve read about the evils of mineral oil. And who could blame them? We all lead busy lives and when you hear bits of information that sound plausible, you don’t have time to read the supporting research. Consequently, a manufacturer might believe they’ve found a much better product when they really haven’t. People want to believe they can solve other people’s problems. Even if their solution is based on a delusion.
Mineral Oil Myths

1. Mineral oil is contaminated with carcinogens. While it’s true that some petroleum derivatives contain carcinogenic materials (like some polycyclic aromatic compounds) the mineral oil that is used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry is highly refined and purified. It’s purity is even regulated by the US FDA and other international regulatory agencies. There is absolutely no evidence that cosmetic grade mineral oil causes cancer. And there has been plenty of testing done to ensure that fact. We could find no published reports in any of the dermatological or medical journals indicating a link between mineral oil and any forms of cancer.

2. Mineral oil dries the skin and causes premature aging. Mineral oil works as a barrier between the skin and the air. It acts as an occlusive agent which prevents water from naturally leaving your body through your skin. It will not dry out your skin or cause premature aging. Quite the contrary. It will provide moisturization.

3. Mineral oil robs the skin of vitamins. Since many vitamins are oil based, people assume that mineral oil will pull them out of your skin. There is no legitimate scientific evidence that this is true. Mineral oil has no effect on the vitamin levels in your skin.

4. Mineral oil prevents absorption of collagen from collagen moisturizers. Collagen in your skin lotions and moisturizers is too big to actually penetrate your skin. Therefore, mineral oil will have no effect on whether the collagen gets absorbed or not.

5. Mineral oil causes acne. In some people, mineral oil can exaserbate acne problems. However, most people will not experience any problems.

Soybean oil is....
The mineral oil used in beauty products was not the mineral oil tested and quoted in this study. The unrefined oils such as those used industral services were the ones to have cancer causing agents. The actual study actually says that there has been no cancer link in humans or animals in the refined mineral oils used in cosmetics.

That's what I was thinking. I know that mineral isn't good for you. But to me it's more like junkfood....not rat poison. lol
I don't think that all kinds of mineral oil is significantly carcinogenic. Hell, they use mineral oil in hospitals and I don't think they would knowingly put patients in that kind of danger. Lawsuit anyone?
I will not be using Nexxuss from now on. I'm not paranoid, but there are so many other options out there that its not that big a deal to stop using it. I plan to be on a more natural path in 2008..which means switching my diet to heavy veggies/raw foods. If I am doing that then I should be watching what goes on my body too.

The one thing that makes me twitch is someone mentioning reproductive health....I would hate it if the crazy environment affected my ability to have children.

At the same time it is true that moderation is best! Try to live a balanced life style is key
2. Mineral oil dries the skin and causes premature aging. Mineral oil works as a barrier between the skin and the air. It acts as an occlusive agent which prevents water from naturally leaving your body through your skin. It will not dry out your skin or cause premature aging. Quite the contrary. It will provide moisturization.

This is true, but if the skin is not moisturized then you keep the dryness in while not letting any moisture in. If you keep applying and applying you're doing nothing but slowly drying your skin. If you use mineral oil, always put something moisturizing on BEFORE applying. So why buy stuff with good stuff mixed in something that won't allow it to penetrate anyways? This is why I just choose to use the pure stuff? Just my opinion.
Wow.... I feel this getting heated.

I don't have this argument with folks. I just look at MY head of Hair. Since I walked away from the stuff on the shelves, my hair is fabulous. period. My skin and health is better - PERIOD.

We all saw "Super Size Me"........ IMO - Mineral oil, chepo products and Chemically laden products are RAT poison...Just like MCDonalds Food.

:nono: My Hair is healthy because GARBAGE is not on my hair.
I didn't read through the entire thread, so I don't know if somebody already mentioned this or not, but when I first joined, I lurked for about a week and read all that I could. This thread sounds very similar to this one though:

It used to be a sticky, and can now be found in the "Looking for your favorite sticky" sticky.
Great thread. I think it's good to be aware. But also, no need for any wild goose chases either. For every study that shows something is bad, there is almost always another that shows it is okay. People have to gain the knowledge and come up with their own conclusions from it. Nothing out here has absolutely no risk or no "cons"--including some of these products that are "considered" all natural. Trust me, if a product is really all natural, they would have expiration dates and 9 times out of 10 would need to be refrigerated in some cases. Just as we do get swindled by these big beauty corporations, we are also getting swindled by the little "natural and organic" companies. Don't be fooled. The mighty dollar is always the bottom line. It just comes with being a consumer.
This is why cancer is on the increase...over here they say cancer affect atleast one in three people...or 1 in 3 knows a person affected with cancer. We are marketed products that are harmful in the long term and we dont have a clue because the are far too many people with big pockets letting this products pass through to be shelved in our shops whilst they wouldnt even dream of using it as they know whats in there....its just cannot trust anything these days!

Cancer is also on the 'rise' so to speak, because people in general are living longer and longer. Before in the 'developed' world, i.e. the US, England, etc., in the early 1900s to mid-1900s, the main causes of death were infectious diseases, like TB. Now, since we have vaccines for most of them, thus allowing us to live longer, the main causes of death are now cancer and heart disease, which we cannot just 'control' b/c they're related to ageing.