U just discovered ur favorite product may contain carcinogens...

  • I am appalled! I get rid of it ASAP!!!

    Votes: 70 54.3%
  • I works so good. I use it until it's empty and find something else.

    Votes: 40 31.0%
  • I love it. It's my staple. I keep using it... I don't care.

    Votes: 19 14.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Forget that mineral oil doesn't offer anything nutritive
to your hair, it's also a known carcinogen. Relaxers
haven't even been proven to cause cancer. The
government doesn't regulate cosmetics, we are
pretty much A** out when it comes to hair care products.
Any Tom Dick or Harry can concoct a cosmetic and sell it
to you and put whatever they want in it... I mean just
take a look on the internet...
I say why put something on your body or skin that doesn't
add to the health of it when there are better alternatives
like herbs and fruit oils and whatnot.
I just think companies should be held more accountable
for the products they sell us... don't you???
I go to the Asian beauty supply stores and 90% of the products
have mineral oil in it... who uses this? Black Women.
I have nothing to benefit by sharing this with you,
only good karma.
I honestly didn't know any of this so I thought it only human
to want to pass it on.
I throw away the most dangerous products
and I am always looking for healthier alternatives.
Maybe you already know and don't care.
Maybe you don't want to know.
Maybe now you can make more informed decisions
and think twice before purchasing products...
knowledge is power.





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I like yoru DO NOT BUY list. We really should take more care of our health by knowing what products we are pumping into our body. I will take note of these ingerdients and look at my products carefully, but I think many of us do not care because it seems that EVERYTHING will give you cancer these days. If it's not shampoo, it's the food that we eat and air we breathe. I want to cut out some carogenic agents, but it seems like everything is involved with hazardous risks these days.
Thanks for the reminder. Black women suffer so often from so many ailments (more than other folks) and I do not believe it is genetics alone.
I checked out your blog...and your right knowledge is power!!! I did not know this......Having Cancer run in my immediate family....learning this disturbs me !!! I had 2 products (Nexxus) on the list....I definitely will be reading more on this........

Thanks for sharing........
I like yoru DO NOT BUY list. We really should take more care of our health by knowing what products we are pumping into our body. I will take note of these ingerdients and look at my products carefully, but I think many of us do not care because it seems that EVERYTHING will give you cancer these days. If it's not shampoo, it's the food that we eat and air we breathe. I want to cut out some carogenic agents, but it seems like everything is involved with hazardous risks these days.

Yep... that's true.
Some people just don't care.
Some people just don't know...
I do it for the people that don't know.
Those corporations that use cheap products
have the money to switch the mineral oil to
healthier nutritive coconut oil... or whatever have you...
they choose not to...
and I think that's sad...
they shouldn't be allowed to cut corners
at the expense of the health of the millions
of Black Women that use their products.
I have been beating this drum for a long time!!!!!!
People usually don't care until they have stage 4 cancer at 38 or 40........

Thanks for posting!
:nono: Thanks for posting this. I have been concerned about things like this, since I am getting more deep into this hair journey. I want to switch to more natural hair care products and toss the ones I have that contain hazardous ingredients. This info helps a lot with pushing me to do this. Thanks.
awww shucks! just when I fully embraced my Nexxus humectress...

thanks for posting, it really is true that there are so many unhealthy products we knowingly/unknowingly put onto our flesh..whats a girl to do? Why is everything sooo unhealthy these days..makes me want to move into a cave.

I wish that aubrey organics made better leave in stuff for my hair..I would love to use only all natural products.
what about skin?
as a new mother I slathered my kids with baby oil
up until a few weeks ago myself too

the internet has opened floodgates of knowledge.
I put the wrong answer... I threw away everything I had on that list a while back after I saw that site:nono:

Nexxus smells funny to me, always has, and has left my hair feeling weird as well. It didn't work, so I'm not surpised it has all that junk in it... I did use it up but I will never buy any of their stuff again, just not worth it.

I used every relaxer on that list:nono: and a lot of the burns on my nape came from those. I'm surprised I still have hair. I think my nape is still spitting out scab hair from the stuff to be honest. I mean... it doesn't make sense to have pubes coming out of my neck and I think those relaxers are the culprit.

Anyway... I am switting to organic, sulfate free products this year anyway... taking a while but I'll get there:yep: Thanks for posting!
what about skin?
as a new mother I slathered my kids with baby oil
up until a few weeks ago myself too

the internet has opened floodgates of knowledge.

Yep yep... it's not a good look... it's crazy how the most
harmful stuff is in products targeted towards children...
oh yeah... it's in your makeup too...
It's not impossible for them to use better
ingredients and less chemicals... why should they
when no one is making them...
Not all of them are bad.


MAC is actually not that bad






Keracare would be awesome if they'd take out the mineral oil and parabens.
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I think there are a lot of questionable ingredients in cosmetic products. Like those with placenta?!?!?:perplexed Unfortunately we can't count on companies and we as consumers need to be mindful.

ETA: I just read your don't by list. I didn't know hydroquinone was in Nexxus Karaphix. I'm going to go check my bottle when I get home

and NARS? noooooooooooooo

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If I can't eat it, it's not going on my skin or hair. I live by this motto. Don't know if it's quite safe or not but it's a start. Glad to see someone who thinks the way I do. Thanks for this post, you might have saved someone a lot of heart ache.
If I can't eat it, it's not going on my skin or hair. I live by this motto. Don't know if it's quite safe or not but it's a start. Glad to see someone who thinks the way I do. Thanks for this post, you might have saved someone a lot of heart ache.

I'm trying to move towards this way of living too.
I know what you mean like fruits, herbs, and things of that nature.
Unfortunately... the stuff we eat might not be good for
and Citric Acid... I stay away from all this stuff at all costs.
I'm trying to move towards this way of living too.
I know what you mean like fruits, herbs, and things of that nature.
Unfortunately... the stuff we eat might not be good for
and Citric Acid... I stay away from all this stuff at all costs.

That's why I say I don't know how safe it is! LOL! I make all of my hair stuff. I've had people tell me that my hair will fall out or it just won't grow. Well guess what, my hair is growing like crazy. Better than before. Our bodies take what we eat to make hair, skin and nails. Why not use this stuff topically so the hair,skin and nails can absorb as well as manufacture? But you know, I'm a weirdo. I'll be a weirdo with long hair, glowing skin and strong nails. Then I'll probably get a following!LOL!
Ok, I have Nexxus Keraphix restorative protein creme reconstructor. Not the conditioner. I read the ingredient list on my bottle 4 times before I realized it was a different product. :look:

That's why I say I don't know how safe it is! LOL! I make all of my hair stuff. I've had people tell me that my hair will fall out or it just won't grow. Well guess what, my hair is growing like crazy. Better than before. Our bodies take what we eat to make hair, skin and nails. Why not use this stuff topically so the hair,skin and nails can absorb as well as manufacture? But you know, I'm a weirdo. I'll be a weirdo with long hair, glowing skin and strong nails. Then I'll probably get a following!LOL!

I don't think it's weird at all...
it's very progressive.
It's like anything else...
those who don't understand... hate.
If I can't eat it, it's not going on my skin or hair. I live by this motto. Don't know if it's quite safe or not but it's a start. Glad to see someone who thinks the way I do. Thanks for this post, you might have saved someone a lot of heart ache.

I admire you. My journey right now is geared towards not just healthy hair but using healthy, natural products.

My reasoning is different though, I'm tryna save money:drunk:.
I admire you. My journey right now is geared towards not just healthy hair but using healthy, natural products.

My reasoning is different though, I'm tryna save money:drunk:.

That's one of the perks of using all natural. You actually get your moneys worth and a dab will do ya'!
Well, there goes my Nexxus Moisturizing Conditioner. I'll just have to find another one that's healthier for me and my hair.

I am so glad I'd given up baby oil. Now I use coconut oil and shea butter as a moisturizer.

Thanks for the info. It's nice to know that someone cares.
Thanks for posting this information!! It's great information that we can pass on to our family members!!

Yes, we all should spread the word.
Isn't it funny that it's illegal to smoke
a herb that comes from the earth: weed
but it's not illegal
for corporations to put cancer causing
chemicals in our cosmetics...
Like I said before... sometimes it's
just a matter of switching the mineral oil
to coconut or almond oil... it's not hard...
we should make them do it!!!
The more people that know...
the more power we have to change it.
Yes, we all should spread the word.
Isn't it funny that it's illegal to smoke
a herb that comes from the earth: weed
but it's not illegal
for corporations to put cancer causing
chemicals in our cosmetics...
Like I said before... sometimes it's
just a matter of switching the mineral oil
to coconut or almond oil... it's not hard...
we should make them do it!!!
The more people that know...
the more power we have to change it.

Girl they are only trying to make money! That's why they use the cheap stuff and then add more fillers. That's what residue or build up really is. The junk that they add to increase the volume is the stuff your hair can't absorb.
Girl they are only trying to make money! That's why they use the cheap stuff and then add more fillers. That's what residue or build up really is. The junk that they add to increase the volume is the stuff your hair can't absorb.

Very much off topic but what is your hairtype?

I think your hair is very pretty, and i also think YOUR very pretty---you look like some women in my family. Very unique beautifullness love it.
Very much off topic but what is your hairtype?

I think your hair is very pretty, and i also think YOUR very pretty---you look like some women in my family. Very unique beautifullness love it.

:blush: Gee thanks. I don't know what my hair type is. I know it's in the 4's though.

EDITED TO ADD* I have multi textures though. I have curls, waves and naps...go figure!
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You know, I've been thinking about this a LOT lately and this thread is really helping with my trying to cut down on a whole bunch of products I don't need.:ohwell: That's it! They're outta here!
This is why cancer is on the increase...over here they say cancer affect atleast one in three people...or 1 in 3 knows a person affected with cancer. We are marketed products that are harmful in the long term and we dont have a clue because the are far too many people with big pockets letting this products pass through to be shelved in our shops whilst they wouldnt even dream of using it as they know whats in there....its just cannot trust anything these days!