Can your progress be "held up" in the spirit realm?


Well-Known Member
It seems as though everything that I try falls flat. I believe its because God is requiring more of me and at this point in my life wants me to surrender to His perfect will. I'm reading "Following God's Plan for Your Life" by Kenneth Haggin and anwered the question I've been seeking for about 2 years now. I don't want to digress, but is it possible for your blessings and progress to be held up in the spirit realm? How do you get what's being held from you?
That's a very poignant question to ponder.. I don't know where to start with this. Be back.. I think :)

God Bless
It seems as though everything that I try falls flat. I believe its because God is requiring more of me and at this point in my life wants me to surrender to His perfect will. I'm reading "Following God's Plan for Your Life" by Kenneth Haggin and anwered the question I've been seeking for about 2 years now. I don't want to digress, but is it possible for your blessings and progress to be held up in the spirit realm? How do you get what's being held from you?

Yes....but it would be because of you and not GOD. You already have what you asked for in the spirit realm. It's real and it exists. It's up to you to believe in it reach across and get what was already promised to you. In other have to believe that u received when you prayed for it.
It seems as though everything that I try falls flat. I believe its because God is requiring more of me and at this point in my life wants me to surrender to His perfect will. I'm reading "Following God's Plan for Your Life" by Kenneth Haggin and anwered the question I've been seeking for about 2 years now. I don't want to digress, but is it possible for your blessings and progress to be held up in the spirit realm? How do you get what's being held from you?

My pastor did a message on God's Plan. Um don't take this the wrong way but just live your life. God doesn't have this ultimate plan for you or anyone else. Jesus was a plan and he fulfilled it. It's the journey of spiritual growth that matters. I would focus on doing what you love and explore what your natural talents are. I believe that is where you might find what your calling is.
Yes, see Daniel 10:2-21. He fasted for 21 day the same amount of time that Gabriel was detained by the prince of persia and Michael had to assist him. Daniel's prayer was initially answer the moment it was prayed but it took 3 week for the answer to come because it was held up in the spiritual realm. I'm not saying that your breakthrough will come in 3 weeks but it will come. Keep fighting til your victory is won.
Yes, see Daniel 10:2-21. He fasted for 21 day the same amount of time that Gabriel was detained by the prince of persia and Michael had to assist him. Daniel's prayer was initially answer the moment it was prayed but it took 3 week for the answer to come because it was held up in the spiritual realm. I'm not saying that your breakthrough will come in 3 weeks but it will come. Keep fighting til your victory is won.

I would also meditate on Psalm 37 - praying that The Lord will establish and settle you causing your thoughts to line up with His.
I heard someone once say that we are right where
we are supposed to be right where we are right now.
If we were supposed to be anywhere else, we would
be there right now! So it's all about maximizing our
abilities and prospering right where we are planted in
whatever seasons that we are in our lives.

I also do believe that are lack of faith, action, trust in God,
etc. can delay us from moving forward. But at the same
time it is nothing to sit around and ponder about. Just do
what you can with what you have. One of the questions that
always gets me moving is "Am I doing all that I can or being
the best person that I can be"? If not, I just make the decision
to change and move on from there.
It seems as though everything that I try falls flat. I believe its because God is requiring more of me and at this point in my life wants me to surrender to His perfect will. I'm reading "Following God's Plan for Your Life" by Kenneth Haggin and anwered the question I've been seeking for about 2 years now. I don't want to digress, but is it possible for your blessings and progress to be held up in the spirit realm? How do you get what's being held from you?

I think that it can be held up sometimes but those are the times when God will call you to fast and pray even more. I was just thinking about Daniel when he fasted for 21 days and the Price of Persia was blocking Gabriel (I think) from getting to him.

But I was reading in Isaiah last night and you can google that actual scripture but God was saying that, "It is I who send the good times and the bad times." I love googling scriptures I've heard before cause' it helps me to learn them. If someone says a scripture I'll look up, "It is I who sends the good times and the bad" and "the bible." I don't know why I went all indepth but I love doing this, we have it so easy compared to the latter day Saints when it comes to technology and learning God's Word.:grin:

Yes....but it would be because of you and not GOD. You already have what you asked for in the spirit realm. It's real and it exists. It's up to you to believe in it reach across and get what was already promised to you. In other have to believe that u received when you prayed for it.

In addition to what you said, if it's in God's will (what the person is praying for) then the blessings are there. I've been learning from reading what Jesus said that we have to keep asking, keep seeking, knocking.

He basically said and I take him for his word that if someone comes to a neighbor's house late at night, knocking on the door asking for some bread because an out-of-town guest came to stay...the person would tell them no because the house it under lock down for the night. But if that person keeps on knocking, that becauase their neighbor doesn't wan't a bad reputation they would open the door and give them what they ask. And I could see myself opening the door for one of my relatives late at night because I don't want to be the neighborhood disturbance.
My pastor did a message on God's Plan. Um don't take this the wrong way but just live your life. God doesn't have this ultimate plan for you or anyone else. Jesus was a plan and he fulfilled it. It's the journey of spiritual growth that matters. I would focus on doing what you love and explore what your natural talents are. I believe that is where you might find what your calling is.

I think I understand what you mean by "ultimate" plan but what about in Jeremiah where God says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I'm just trying to understand what you're saying a little better.
Yes, see Daniel 10:2-21. He fasted for 21 day the same amount of time that Gabriel was detained by the prince of persia and Michael had to assist him. Daniel's prayer was initially answer the moment it was prayed but it took 3 week for the answer to come because it was held up in the spiritual realm. I'm not saying that your breakthrough will come in 3 weeks but it will come. Keep fighting til your victory is won.

Yes, this is the scripture I was talking about earlier. But I made up my mind, I won't let up on God and asking him for my prayer petitions until I see the full manifestation. I'm so fanatical about seeing God answer my prayers that I have made it a point to petition at least 15-45 minutes a day for 5 times. Meaning I pray at 2 a.m. in the morning for about 30 minutes, then I do it again in the morning for about 30 minutes, I do a noonday prayer, an evening prayer and a night prayer around 11 p.m.

I got an answer from God and it was what I was seeking but I will not stop until I see full manifestation. Meaning I will be knocking on God's door for at least 15-30 minutes 5 times a day. I already told him that I won't stop. My mom said, "Don't you think God will get tired of you doing that?" I said, "No, Jesus alreading talked about it in Matthew. He told me to do this."

What I'm saying is that I think you are over thinking the issue. As another poster stated, you are probably where you are supposed to be. If you feel as though you are being held back, evaluate what you are doing with your life. After all "Faith without work is Dead" Mark 16:16; But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead James 2:20.

In other words you can't pray to God for a new car or a job if you are just sitting at home doing nothing. I'm not accusing you of doing this but on the same token God knows the past, present, and future. He knows your journey, where your heart is, and every decision you are going to make before you make it. I believe you are where you are supposed to be. If you want to change your circumstances, change your behavior and ask God for guidance on the issue. I’m sorry if this wasn’t exactly the answer you were looking for. The big plan for God was to have Jesus come back and die for our sins so we can be redeemed. Jesus has done that so now it’s up to you to live your life as Christ like as possible.