Can you use sulphur while pregnant


New Member
I wanted to know can I use sulphur in my wgo while I'm pregnant. And what products should I use for my hair, and take care of it. Thanks Ladies:D
I didn't use any topical growth aids and didn't take any vitamins other than my prenatals. I don't know if u can use sulphur or not....but I wouldn't use anything that their may be a question about.

I would probably do protectiv styles ( help in retaining the hair you'll get from your pregnancy hair growth spurt)---and keep it clean, mositurized, and conditioned.

I am a believer in keepin' it simple! It has done wonders for my hair.
I would definately check with you OBGYN whenever you have a doubt when it comes to product safety and pregnancy.

I did a little research on this while I was pregnant and got conflicting viewpoints, thus, I aired on the side of caution and didn't use anything but my prenatals.

The good news is that my hair grew long and was so strong and beautiful while pregnant and that was only using the prenatal vitamins!
I say walk the straight and narrow until you at least get to the 2nd trimester. I couldn't imagine it hurting the baby though. In some localities there is sulphur content in the drinking water. Like the other ladies said, talk to your doc or midwife :)
most sulfur treatments, well vitamins atleast, say not to use while pregnant, so I wouldn't. Just take your normal prenatal vitamin. If this is your first child, you will notice that pregnancy is a wonderful thing for your hair and skin. Your hair will grow faster and thicker on it's own because it doesn't shed while pregnant. Just take good care of your hair the way you normally would, but I'd skip on all the extra vitamins because you never know what is good or bad for your fetus these days. Every time you watch the news, they've banned something from a pregnant womans diet.
Thanks ladies so what a good moisturizer that I can use and keep my hair soft so it won't break so much and dry since I can't perm alot.
I just want to stress how great pregnancy is for hair! Well, at least mine. Enjoy the growth, but search for the thread on post-pardum shedding which happens about month 5. Have your products - as well as your mentality - ready for that. Wow, that period took me for a loop.
I think you should stick to the prenatal pregnancy vitamins for pregnancy and breast feeding, but you can take Royal Jelly, Wheat Grass, Evening primrose is fine, also there is Omega oils especially for mothers and babies. Look for everything suitable for the mother and baby. Your pregnancy will be fine. Also make a mixture of Vitamin E, castor oil and aloe vera gel, is fine on your scalp and hair.