Can you use Megatek/Ovation while pregnant?


New Member
Hello ladies. I'm 7weeks pregnant and wanted to begin using Megatek and Ovation again. Does anyone know if it's safe to use while pregnant?
I didn't. But my motto during my pregnancies have always been "if you have to ask - you probably shouldn't..."

Besides, you only have 7 more months to go. But any consequences the baby could suffer as a result would be for a lifetime. So I vote "no". I just wouldn't want to roll the dice on something like that. :nono:

But at a bare minimum, you should at least ask your obstetrician (and then keep in mind even if he/she says "yes", it's probably because they're assuming you're using it as directed on the bottle - not the way we LHCFers are using it). :grin:

Just a thought... :grin:
:nono: I would try to keep it as organic and safe as humanly possible when you're carrying such a delicate life inside of you. I vote no.

I think southern belle said it best "if you have to ask, you probably shouldn't"
I would not, at least not right now. You are still very early and this is a crucial time right now, where everything is developing and I wouldn't take any chances.
Congratulations your pregnancy :dance7:. I’m unsure of the answer to your question but I suggest definitely considering asking your Doctor to be 100% certain.