What is MegaTek and Ovation?

No problemj producjunki...don't worry about causing confusion. There's always some kind of "confusion" happening in the hair forum. :spinning:I'm glad the other ladies got here before me to answer your questions.
You know this is true!! Ask away producjunki. I honestly think if people have problems with the question, they should just stay out the thread. It won't hurt you none to :ignore:

Damn... I hope you get/got your question answered OP. It is soo much easier for users like me to read threads like these instead of going through 500 pages of another thread like someone else mentioned. I like to read ongoing threads. I gave your thread a 5 star! :lol: I'm out...
Sometimes I wish we didn't have them at all.
Hey...... you're not serious about this ......... are you????? :shocked:

I mean, if you are serious, then why? I don't understand. :nono:

In the Ovation / Mega Tek challenge thread, you've asked quite a few questions, until you understood or had the answers you needed and no one there has ever ignored your neither given you 1 star for your pleas for help. And you have many, many questions about not only the Mega Tek / Ovation products but also regimes, purchases and all that pertains to the use of the products......many!

So as for your actions here, I just don't understand. And this is very sad to me, that you feel that you would bring it back down to 1 star again if you could. :sad:

Nodisrespect, what's going on? This can't be the way you really feel. We all have 'our days' and our moments, but not to purposely hurt someone.

Either way, it's my hope that whatever your motive and reasoning, that you are able to get through whatever prompted your feelings You are cared about more than you know. :giveheart:

Producjunkie, I'm so sorry that you were 'disrespected'. There's not a member in this forum that doesn't have 'hair' and product questions. So ask; there are many here who will embrace you with an answer. :yep:
:love3: Shimmie Shimmie. :rosebud: ITA and esp the bold!!!
Hello! This is Producjunki, and I just wanted to apologize for any confusion I have caused, or if anyone thought confusion was caused. See, alot of the forum members here have access to a computer via their home or a friends house, but I don't, I have to go to the library to report a message on the forum ( even on my sidekick now, It's hard for me to post a message)

Anyway, to get to the point, it's not that I didn't search, but none of the posts I saw really explained what the products actually were. I figured they were hair treatments, but I wasn't sure what kind of treaments they were. Also, to Fabulousity and JusKiya, thankyou for the helpful info. And to JoyousNerd, thankyou for understanding where I was coming from.

Awww, don't feel bad, hun! I hope my response didn't make you feel bad b/c that wasn't my aim. I don't think I said it in a rude way. I just meant you could have done a search. . .not even necessarily through the forum but through google/yahoo or something. I still think that. But all is well and good b/c you found the info you needed. But don't apologize or anything :)

i did. i would bring it back down to one star if i could.

But still :lachen: @ this!!!! Girl. . .:lachen:
Hey...... you're not serious about this ......... are you????? :shocked:

I mean, if you are serious, then why? I don't understand. :nono:

In the Ovation / Mega Tek challenge thread, you've asked quite a few questions, until you understood or had the answers you needed and no one there has ever ignored your neither given you 1 star for your pleas for help. And you have many, many questions about not only the Mega Tek / Ovation products but also regimes, purchases and all that pertains to the use of the products......many!

So as for your actions here, I just don't understand. And this is very sad to me, that you feel that you would bring it back down to 1 star again if you could. :sad:

Nodisrespect, what's going on? This can't be the way you really feel. We all have 'our days' and our moments, but not to purposely hurt someone.

Either way, it's my hope that whatever your motive and reasoning, that you are able to get through whatever prompted your feelings You are cared about more than you know. :giveheart:

Producjunkie, I'm so sorry that you were 'disrespected'. There's not a member in this forum that doesn't have 'hair' and product questions. So ask; there are many here who will embrace you with an answer. :yep:

man yall take things seriously round these parts. i guess i could take a moment to address this but i refuse to make a big deal out of what i consider to be nothing :nono::nono::nono:
man yall take things seriously round these parts. i guess i could take a moment to address this but i refuse to make a big deal out of what i consider to be nothing :nono::nono::nono:
I could see you putting a one star in the off-topic part but here?Where this is a hair forum?No question is dumb.As long as I have been on here,I still don't exactly know what mega-tek and ovation does.I have not sat down and read the million page post and there are many repeat post on here regarding what this forum is about,hair.
Ok let me get off my soap box because its not even worth it.:nono:
I'm happy to see that your questions were answered, Producjunki! Are you planning to purchase either or both of these products? If so, feel free to join the MT/OCT challenge! Good luck and Happy Hair Growing!:grin:
man yall take things seriously round these parts. i guess i could take a moment to address this but i refuse to make a big deal out of what i consider to be nothing :nono::nono::nono:
It is serious, very. The same respect that you're being given in the Ovation / Mega Tek thread, is worth giving to everyone.

I just don't understand how you can 'consider' her question as 'nothing' and yet your questions are not. I just don't get it. :nono: I don't get how you can be unkind to someone who is in need and then 'boast' about it; and then call it nothing. And yet, you still don't hesitate to ask questions and help for yourself about this very same hair product in the other thread? You just posted a question and your hair concerns in the very same topic of this thread, as a matter of fact.

I just don't get that at all. :nono:

And it IS that serious! :sad:
It is serious, very. The same respect that you're being given in the Ovation / Mega Tek thread, is worth giving to everyone.

I just don't understand how you can 'consider' her question as 'nothing' and yet your questions are not. I just don't get it. :nono: I don't get how you can be unkind to someone who is in need and then 'boast' about it; and then call it nothing. And yet, you still don't hesitate to ask questions and help for yourself about this very same hair product in the other thread? You just posted a question and your hair concerns in the very same topic of this thread, as a matter of fact.

I just don't get that at all. :nono:

And it IS that serious! :sad:

my thing is if its not that serious why even take the time to vote at all? No the one star doesnt mean much, but it sends a msg and thats why its done. AND it was serious enough to want that msg sent

I understand that people are going to ask questions that have already been answered without looking at all the threads first, and that might irk some, but nobody has to be bothered if they dont want to, but just step back and let those that are willing to take the time to answer it , answer , if the thread wasnt worth your time answering then why take the time to bring it down by a vote? thats what I dont get
I guess some questions are more worthy than others or some 'people's' questions are more worthy than others to get answered

There is no obligation to answer any post or any thread

I swear this voting system should just be removed, it only serves as a 'diss' in the hands of one that wants to use it that way
Hey...... you're not serious about this ......... are you????? :shocked:

I mean, if you are serious, then why? I don't understand. :nono:

In the Ovation / Mega Tek challenge thread, you've asked quite a few questions, until you understood or had the answers you needed and no one there has ever ignored your neither given you 1 star for your pleas for help. And you have many, many questions about not only the Mega Tek / Ovation products but also regimes, purchases and all that pertains to the use of the products......many!

So as for your actions here, I just don't understand. And this is very sad to me, that you feel that you would bring it back down to 1 star again if you could. :sad:

Nodisrespect, what's going on? This can't be the way you really feel. We all have 'our days' and our moments, but not to purposely hurt someone.

Either way, it's my hope that whatever your motive and reasoning, that you are able to get through whatever prompted your feelings You are cared about more than you know. :giveheart:

Producjunkie, I'm so sorry that you were 'disrespected'. There's not a member in this forum that doesn't have 'hair' and product questions. So ask; there are many here who will embrace you with an answer. :yep:

Hey it's me, PJ! and you know, I just want to give a big hug to everyone who considered my feelings. And to all that didn't agree with nodisrespects's comment, let her live. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion right? and furthermore, I don't believe that was a stupid question. When you don't know something, you ask a question to find out information, right? And also, to everyone, my feelings are definitely not hurt:grin:, I will be just fine. Thankyou! And by the way, I just might try ovation and megatek!
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Shimmie don't let nodisrespect ruin your day or take too much more time in your thoughts. I love your spirit & truth and quite honestly it bothers me that you're so bothered. You're trying to reason with someone that doesn't want to be reasoned with. Please stop :wallbash: as it saddens me.
I also believe the thread rating system should be taken off, it truly is not necessary. It just leaves posters feeling that their questions are "not worthy" being answered or discussed if they're given one star. I personally don't understand the vindictive ways of some posters, but hey I guess that's just the way they are :ohwell:

BTW, the search feature doesn't work for me either. Moreover, some people don't have the time or the resources to go researching about every new LHCF rave product that comes along. Simply not going into the thread in the first place or just ignoring it would suffice if you don't care about the subject matter. Everyone should feel welcome to ask hair questions in a forum about hair care...that's how the LHCF community grows and becomes better...that's how you learn what's good and bad for your hair. Who knows, the OP could stumble upon new info to help us achieve stronger, healthier hair! If she were to turn around and neglect to share hair information to those who thought her posts were "stupid", she would be wrong...right? :rolleyes:

Karma sucks...
Just looking at the challenge thread doesn't exactly tell you what megatex and ovation is. There is no intro in the beginning that says well megatex is a product that they use on horses to grow bald spots but it's safe for humans and ovation is the made by the same company but it's for humans and has more benefits for human hair. I had to read a few threads and google around different hair forums and went to the company website before I got the breakdown of it.
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Hey it's me, PJ! and you know, I just want to give a big hug to everyone who considered my feelings. And to all that didn't agree with nodisrespects's comment, let her live. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion right? and furthermore, I don't believe that was a stupid question. When you don't know something, you ask a question to find out information, right? And also, to everyone, my feelings are definitely not hurt:grin:, I will be just fine.

Thankyou! And by the way, I just might try ovation and megatek!
:bighug: We'll be here for you, no matter what. It's time to 'swang' that hair :rocker: :lol: . I'm also glad that you're okay. :yep:
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Just looking at the challenge thread doesn't exactly tell you what megatex and ovation is. There is no intro in the begining that says well megatex is a product that they use on horses to grow bald spots but it's safe for humans and ovation is the made by the same company but it's for humans and has more benefits for human hair. I had to read a few threads and google around different hair forums and went to the company website before I got the breakdown of it.

I'm lazy........ :rolleyes: :lol:
I also believe the thread rating system should be taken off, it truly is not necessary. It just leaves posters feeling that their questions are "not worthy" being answered or discussed if they're given one star. I personally don't understand the vindictive ways of some posters, but hey I guess that's just the way they are :ohwell:

BTW, the search feature doesn't work for me either. Moreover, some people don't have the time or the resources to go researching about every new LHCF rave product that comes along. Simply not going into the thread in the first place or just ignoring it would suffice if you don't care about the subject matter. Everyone should feel welcome to ask hair questions in a forum about hair care...that's how the LHCF community grows and becomes better...that's how you learn what's good and bad for your hair. Who knows, the OP could stumble upon new info to help us achieve stronger, healthier hair! If she were to turn around and neglect to share hair information to those who thought her posts were "stupid", she would be wrong...right? :rolleyes:

Karma sucks...

I know that's right... :yep: I keep plenty of lolli-pops on hand to keep 'Karma' happy. :lol:
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Thankyou so much Shimmie, as well as to the other ladies on LHCF besides NoDisrespect, you have been very supportive. This is my first time back to this thread I have started. I have been on this thread since October of 2007, And I have learned just enough about the products to know they might not be for me. But thanks anyway ladies! and to NoDisrespect, DAMN WILLIAMS, WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN HYPE!
Thankyou so much Shimmie, as well as to the other ladies on LHCF besides NoDisrespect, you have been very supportive. This is my first time back to this thread I have started. I have been on this thread since October of 2007, And I have learned just enough about the products to know they might not be for me. But thanks anyway ladies! and to NoDisrespect, DAMN WILLIAMS, WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN HYPE!
You're quite welcome... :lol: I'm still using Ovation, it keeps my hair 'fat' :lol: and I love the bounce it gives my curls. :love2:

BTW: You would have to come back with this thread and show me all of my typos... :lol: I just saw two and fixed them.

I'm glad that you are doing well with your hair. Many blessings to you. :Rose:
wow this thread was dramatic
hey op how did megatek and oct end up working?
thanks op for this post

for the record, I read alot of threads about megatek and I didn't know what it was until now either :lachen:
so no question is ever stupid, if you have a question it is guaranteed that at least 50 others have the same question :grin:
all I got was that it's something that thickens your hair and that people put it on their scalp
so this thread was useful for me more useful than searching for threads
and also when you read previous threads it is just filled with abbreviations and acronyms and if you're a newbie it might as well be chinese :lachen:

so oct is for length, but they both thicken right?
gosh i don't think I want thicker hair...

do only thin haired ladies use this?
wow this thread was dramatic
hey op how did megatek and oct end up working?
thanks op for this post

for the record, I read alot of threads about megatek and I didn't know what it was until now either :lachen:
so no question is ever stupid, if you have a question it is guaranteed that at least 50 others have the same question :grin:
all I got was that it's something that thickens your hair and that people put it on their scalp
so this thread was useful for me more useful than searching for threads
and also when you read previous threads it is just filled with abbreviations and acronyms and if you're a newbie it might as well be chinese :lachen:

so oct is for length, but they both thicken right?
gosh i don't think I want thicker hair...

do only thin haired ladies use this?

The way it was put in another MT/OCT thread: MT gives thickness before length, and OCT gives length before thickness.

I think ultimately you will get both from whichever one you use.
wow this thread was dramatic
hey op how did megatek and oct end up working?
thanks op for this post

for the record, I read alot of threads about megatek and I didn't know what it was until now either :lachen:
so no question is ever stupid, if you have a question it is guaranteed that at least 50 others have the same question :grin:
all I got was that it's something that thickens your hair and that people put it on their scalp
so this thread was useful for me more useful than searching for threads
and also when you read previous threads it is just filled with abbreviations and acronyms and if you're a newbie it might as well be chinese :lachen:

so oct is for length, but they both thicken right?
gosh i don't think I want thicker hair...

do only thin haired ladies use this?

The way it was put in another MT/OCT thread: MT gives thickness before length, and OCT gives length before thickness.

I think ultimately you will get both from whichever one you use.
I was a thin haired lady and now I'm a mop head :lol: of wavy loops and curls from using both the Ovation and the Mega Tek.

For the past 8 months I've been using only the Ovation and I'm still getting thickness and length. I love Ovation Cell Therapy.... :love2:

From Feb 2008 to present, I've gone from APL to below Bra Strap. AND after many methods of use, I"ve learned to keep it quite simple. I Conditioner wash my hair at least 3 times or more a week; rinse the conditioner out, then measure a teaspoon amount of Ovation Cell Therapy into the palm of my hand. Then I massage it into my scalp (wet hair and all), smooth my Indian oil onto my hair as I smooth it into a soft bun, wrap into a silk scarf and go to bed. :sleep2:

That's all! I've tried these products in so many different ways, and I've come to the conclusion to keep it simple and just allow my hair to just grow. :yep:
I was a thin haired lady and now I'm a mop head :lol: of wavy loops and curls from using both the Ovation and the Mega Tek.

For the past 8 months I've been using only the Ovation and I'm still getting thickness and length. I love Ovation Cell Therapy.... :love2:

From Feb 2008 to present, I've gone from APL to below Bra Strap. AND after many methods of use, I"ve learned to keep it quite simple. I Conditioner wash my hair at least 3 times or more a week; rinse the conditioner out, then measure a teaspoon amount of Ovation Cell Therapy into the palm of my hand. Then I massage it into my scalp (wet hair and all), smooth my Indian oil onto my hair as I smooth it into a soft bun, wrap into a silk scarf and go to bed. :sleep2:

That's all! I've tried these products in so many different ways, and I've come to the conclusion to keep it simple and just allow my hair to just grow. :yep:

Hey Miz Loops and Curls! :lachen: When you were using both MT and OCT how were you using them?

And in your current regimen, you don't rinse out the OCT until you cowash again?
Hey Miz Loops and Curls! :lachen: When you were using both MT and OCT how were you using them?

And in your current regimen, you don't rinse out the OCT until you cowash again?
:lachen::lachen::lachen: @ Miz Loops and Curls... :lol:

When I used both the Mega Tek and Ovation, I would alternate the days. Sometimes I would experiment and mix them both in the palm of my hand and then apply to my hair and scalp, but then it was becoming a hassle to keep it up. I needed a quick method.

When I ran out of Mega Tek, I never reordered another bottle, but I had so much Ovation on hand that I just continued using it alone.

I used to rinse the product out of my hair after an hour or so, because I has issues with shedding; but the shedding stopped and is only minimal at times which is normal; now I just leave it in, apply my Indian Hair Oil and go to bed.

As for having loops and curls: :lachen: I have to get used to my curls because I suffered massive hair loss from heat and chemical damage a few years back. That's what lead me here to this forum to get my hair back.

I want super straight hair, but it's not going to happen unless I use heat. I'm afraid to risk the damage. :nervous2: I've come to far to regain my hair growth and thickness. So...I thank God for the loops. :pray:

God bless you and happy beautiful you and your beautiful ankle length flowing hair growth. :giveheart:
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I have used Mega-Tek Consistently since Mid February 2009. Due to Salon Overlapping, Overprocessing and Improper Neutralization, I suffered about 90% of my hair falling out/breaking off. It was with that experience I began on a Quest to become a complete DIY and totally rid myself of Salons for awhile. :ohwell:

(which ultimately lead me to LHCF and in the presence of such Wonderful, knowledgable, Competent Ladies):yep:

When I first began using MT, I had a Bald Spot the size of a .50 cent piece that was completely clean and by Mid to late April 2009, you would never be able to tell that spot was ever there. The rest of it had snapped all the way down to the NG.

I apply Mega-Tek daily directly to Scalp only and never had any issues with breakage or shedding with the use of MT.

I now know, my hair was in bad need of Protein and can take protein treatments on a Regular Basis, always Balanced with Moisturizing Treatments. And I have incorporated Protein & Moisture into my Daily Regimen to try to recapture the condition my Hair Health.:grin: