Can you use leftover henna/indigo?


Active Member
Ladies, have any of you used your leftover (frozen) henndigo mix with good results? I know you can freeze henna and use it later just fine, but does having indigo in the mix change that at all? Any insight would be much appreciated -- thanks! :yep:
I always read that it's recommended you discard any un-used mixtures like that. And I believe recommends the same.
You can not use left over indigo at all from all of my research and YouTube viewings. I know yours is mixed with henna but I would still throw it out. You dont want to risk getting a weird color in that beautiful hair.
You can freeze henna mix and use it later. I've found henna that's been frozen seems to work better coz the color gets stronger and you get richer results. Vis a vis mixed indigo, they say there is no point in storing it coz it stops releasing color after about 3 hours. I haven't tested this to find out if it's accurate but it's what I've read.
Thanks very much ladies. I may just throw it out or try it in a gloss (I hate to throw it away!). It's surprisingly hard to find anyone's actual experiences with this. I'd looked on mehandi before, and the forums say to discard leftover indigo, but nothing really about henna/indigo, and no real account of what would happen if you did use it. Oh's probably best to throw it out b/c yeah, I don't want to turn my hair a funny color. :/