Can you use a rinse right after Phyto relaxer?


New Member
Okay, I have had my phytorelaxer index 2 for a few weeks now, but I have been trying to stretch my relaxer. In the past, I haven't really kept up with when i last relaxed my hair. I do know it was probably some time in Jan. or early February. But the reason I want to relax now is -- this weekend we are going to the city where my favorite hair salon is located and I want to get a trim/cut. But my question is -- I have never used a phytorelaxer before is it okay to relax and then follow with a colorshine rinse? If not, I will use another relaxer that I have used in the past.
I was planning on relaxing tonight.
I relaxed my hair last saturday and did a rinse three days later, most rinse are safe to do the same day or a few days after a relaxer but i haven't used a phyto relaxer so i'm not sure if it's safe with this one
jaded_faerie said:
I want to see pics Vicky! im still debating on this phyto...
Thanks everyone for the quick response. I did use my phtyo relaxer and I really like the results. I posted some pics for you guys to check out. Forgive the quality in advance but I stayed up late to do my hair and I am dead tired. :-)
tell me what you think. I'll maybe try to do a review later but right now its nighty night to all.
cincybrownsugar said:
Your hair looks great, did you apply the colourshines?
thanks cbs -- I didn't do the colourshines only because I was so tired. But after my cut Saturday, I definitely will. BTW CBS your hair is beautiful.
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vickyd said:
I have never used a phytorelaxer before is it okay to relax and then follow with a colorshine rinse? If not, I will use another relaxer that
I have never used phyto, so can't say what's different about it, but I can't see why it would not work. My stylist always applies my rinse after relaxing (and deep conditioner, of course).