Can you tell me my hair type? Post - BC


New Member
I BC my hair last month, So Im 100% natural now :grin::grin:
I was so over my relaxed hair and the damage. So I chopped it all off and my cousin buzzed the rest off.


I took these pics today a month later. Can someone ID my hair type for me?:ohwell: and what kind of growth rate do I have, to me it seems slow, I was expecting more hair by now.



Congrats on your BC! You look like a 4a to me so far but sometimes the appearance changes as your hair grows in. Your growth rate varies with a variety of factors like your water intake, vitamins & general health. :)
I don't think you'll be able to accurately type yourself until your hair grows out a bit more. You look 4aish to me right now though.

Congrats on your BC!
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