Can You Remember the Best Sex You Ever Had?

...oh, yeah... how could I forget it? It took two days to get my strength and energy back. :giggle:
Yes, but there's too many to remember them all. :lick::grin:

I've had it with 2 exes and also DH. And an old friend of mine found my g-spot for me :grin:. And I've never been the same since; neither has my sex. It's out of this world. That man blew my mind....and other things too. DH has been finishing the job for the past 7 years! :grin:

ahhh the discovery of the G spot, totally amazing!
awww this is the way it should be. That was a cute story! :yep:

Anywho. I def do remember!! It was with my current SO (hopefully soon to be fiance!) It was one of those crazy can't get enough animal type things lol It was 4 1/2 hours....:blush::lachen:

:blush: How do yall do past an hour? I'll be bored out my mind. :ohwell:

OP: I remember having the biggest splash :look: No earth shattering noises or legs trebbling yet though :ohwell:
DH made me upset something serious. It was so bad I refused to talk to him.

I went to the library, and checked out everything from Why Men Love Bitc-es to How to Break Up With Your Boyfriend. I took a shower, moisturized, smelled real good and put on sexy perfume. I sat on the couch and started reading. I refused to talk to him, but I was cordial.

Before I knew it, he flew across the room like a cat and was all over me. He gave it to me until it wouldn't go back in... oh what a night.

He usually puts out his best efforts when I am pissed with him. He knows I don't like flowers so he uses sex. :lol: Then I cannot NOT talk to him.
Yessssssssssss!!!!!! I sure do!! One I will never forget. But what made it so good was the chemistry. You can't have great sex with everyone. The chemistry was strong and vibrant. We both felt it, and that is what made the sex so powerful and overwhelming.

You know the kind, your riding on the train on your way to work, or in the car, then you start thinking about it, and get that tingling feeling....

Haha I had this type of engagement just a little over 3 weeks ago! It was with me and an old ex who's feelings never died between us. O.M.G., it was like 6 years of pent up passion finally being released, it was SO intense!

I still think about it. :lick:
Yessssssssssss!!!!!! I sure do!! One I will never forget. But what made it so good was the chemistry. You can't have great sex with everyone. The chemistry was strong and vibrant. We both felt it, and that is what made the sex so powerful and overwhelming.

You know the kind, your riding on the train on your way to work, or in the car, then you start thinking about it, and get that tingling feeling....

Or you get weak in the knees. :look:
yes! It was a friend who stopped by... I never knew he had feelings. We were just watching tv on minute and my skirt was over his head the next. I was so embarrassed by the sounds in that room that I could not even face him again! I didn't even know that was me making noise... I thought a pig was under the bed or something!!!
2 times, one was in 06 and I think the things he did to me was illegal in a couple of southern states.

My current SO, we were just starting to be intimate for the first time and he only had one condom. I ask him why did he only have one condom (I keep a supply on hand just in case), he confidently told me "One is all I need". I said in my head whateva Ni@@a. He had control and turned a sista out, legs trembling, tears in my eyes, dry mouth and I fell asleep 10 minutes after it was over, woke up the NEXT morning and he was cheesing in my face talking about "One is all I need, right?" I told him yes, why didn't you tell me. He said I did, "One is all I need".
Yes. 2 exes. One would talk to u and tell you how he wanted you to throw it back. Ahhh man let me stop. With the second, it was always a hot sweaty passionate session. I miss those days of GREAT Sex.
oh yes. my ex was the best. i had my first O with him and his sex always made me have tears running dwn my face.
I can't remember one best moment. I have plenty of really great moments that I remember though:grin:

The crying orgasms are so weird to me, they sneak up on you from out of nowhere...I always try to "man up" afterwards:rolleyes:
2 times, one was in 06 and I think the things he did to me was illegal in a couple of southern states.

My current SO, we were just starting to be intimate for the first time and he only had one condom. I ask him why did he only have one condom (I keep a supply on hand just in case), he confidently told me "One is all I need". I said in my head whateva Ni@@a. He had control and turned a sista out, legs trembling, tears in my eyes, dry mouth and I fell asleep 10 minutes after it was over, woke up the NEXT morning and he was cheesing in my face talking about "One is all I need, right?" I told him yes, why didn't you tell me. He said I did, "One is all I need".

Does he have a brother??:blush:
Yep! I don't know what it was about this man but every single touch of his felt amazing. He would run his fingers across my stomach and around my belly button and I would nearly melt! Every single time with him was awesome! I can honestly say that he had me addicted.
Well, yes. I was always used to good sex. But once a this guy found my g-spot (when I was 20), sex was never the same again. :lick:

I remember when DH and I was dating and we used to sneak off to get busy, and one time it was so awesome, I couldn't even take it. I had to take it out!...then put it back in again. But it was the best sex I had ever had!!
i did... Man i almost lost everything... He. wow. It was dangerous, i had to leave them alone. i was headed down the path of destruction with him