Can you relate?


Well-Known Member
Okay, I go get my relaxer, but I am not able to blow dry my hair or else the beautician can't tell where my new growth is and I don't want any over lapping or missed spots. What does everyone else do, are you restricted from blow drying your hair as well? and if so what do you do? go the whole week unstyled?:perplexed
I was wondering the same thing actually. My roots are really straight from a Dominican blow out right now so I can't get my touch-up next week because she won't be able to distinguish the new growth from the previously relaxed hair. I'm not sure really. I'm wondering if I'll have to wash my hair and leave the new growth alone, then go get the touch up a few days later.
I look like a real plain Jane that last week heading up to my relaxer I can't do much to it at all. :ohwell: It's the only time I will wear a headband for a few days as I try to avoid them generally. Other than that I just continue to use my scarf to smooth the hair down as much as possible and wear it in a bun or ponytail.
I know you are not supposed to wash your hair before a relaxer - or is it just scrub your scalp? couldnt you just wet your head the night before, and let it dry?

I am natural and didn't follow ANY kind of healthy hair rules when I was relaxed, I am just asking...
Maybe you could blow dry it...then a couple of days before the relaxer put a water-based moisturiser on your roots so they will revert a bit.
:spinning: See I was going to try to be slick (attempt to be slick I am not good at it) and do just that! I am just scared I will burn, I have never burnt but I have gotten pretty hot and I am quick to wash it out. HUH, I am just looking for a way out of not blow drying, from what you ladies said, I guess I need to tough it out, Oh well it was worth a try. LOL!

I know you are not supposed to wash your hair before a relaxer - or is it just scrub your scalp? couldnt you just wet your head the night before, and let it dry?

I am natural and didn't follow ANY kind of healthy hair rules when I was relaxed, I am just asking...
:spinning: See I was going to try to be slick (attempt to be slick I am not good at it) and do just that! I am just scared I will burn, I have never burnt but I have gotten pretty hot and I am quick to wash it out. HUH, I am just looking for a way out of not blow drying, from what you ladies said, I guess I need to tough it out, Oh well it was worth a try. LOL!

As long as the scalp is not manipulated you will be fine...I have done this a few times before and I have baby fine hair....
:spinning: See I was going to try to be slick (attempt to be slick I am not good at it) and do just that! I am just scared I will burn, I have never burnt but I have gotten pretty hot and I am quick to wash it out. HUH, I am just looking for a way out of not blow drying, from what you ladies said, I guess I need to tough it out, Oh well it was worth a try. LOL!

I've had this done once when I was 10+ months post relaxer. My beautician dipped my head into the bowl and let some luke warm water run in my hair. The whole time I'm thinking she's crazy...she did not rub, massage, or otherwise manipulate the hair while she ran the water. When I got my relaxer, I felt nothing. After the relaxing process still nothing.
I've had this done once when I was 10+ months post relaxer. My beautician dipped my head into the bowl and let some luke warm water run in my hair. The whole time I'm thinking she's crazy...she did not rub, massage, or otherwise manipulate the hair while she ran the water. When I got my relaxer, I felt nothing. After the relaxing process still nothing.

So she wet your hair right before your relaxer (minutes before) and then applied the relaxer? :look: (hmmmmm) (I might try the night before then to wet it down and just go under the dryer) Do you burn easy?
i say get a spritz bottle and spray ur hair a couple of days before so you see the reversion. Then when u get the relaxer, they should be able to tell the difference.