Can you recreated the Salon results?


Well-Known Member
Ok let me start out saying that I previously was a Salon girl for a very long time. Anyway, I just stepped into a salon again after 3 months of abstinence (for a relaxer), and I think I'm going to relapse :lachen:! It just came out so amazing! Now don't get me wrong my hair looks great when I do it all by my self, but I don't know how they get it to look and feel so shiny and silky! So my question is, this amazing professional salon result can it actually be replicated by the everyday girl? I go to a Dominican salon if that helps.. at all...
Practice makes better...I use to go to the Dominican salon like clockwork & I swear it always felt like I walked out with a completely different texture than I walked in with...But I can honestly say that after months and months of practice my roller sets come out Almost as good has the salon....Almost

Even though my stylist does a great job, Nobody can baby my hair like I I don't even get the urge to relapse...but I know what you mean :)
Practice makes better...I use to go to the Dominican salon like clockwork & I swear it always felt like I walked out with a completely different texture than I walked in with...But I can honestly say that after months and months of practice my roller sets come out Almost as good has the salon....Almost

Even though my stylist does a great job, Nobody can baby my hair like I I don't even get the urge to relapse...but I know what you mean :)

I been practicing my rollersets.. they are coming a long good but I need practice. I'm starting to suspect its also the products they use (like salon only).. I tried to peek at what they were using ... and it doesn't seem like they were even using much. I dying to know what they use in my hair to make it so light soft shiny and silky :yawn:
Given time, a good reggie, and lots of practice, you can get your hair to look salon-perfect. I do flat-irons so good my neighbors come to me to do theirs, lol. I have an unfair advantage, though, since I have been pressing/flat-ironing my own hair since I was 11 (26 years). I need to practice roller setting though.
Absolutely, I honestly feel I do a better job with less heat then they do. This came from deciding to do my hair myself at the same time I decided to go natural, in the beginning I knew nothing and had to teach myself to do presses, curly sets, the right way to rock a fro....all that, it was tough at times but now I enjoy a versatility that I never even imagined for myself before.

It really does come down to practice makes perfect, over time you'll master your hair and know it better then anyone else ever could and your results will surpass that of any stylist. You'll come to know how your hair will react and respond in any given situation. I was recently able to get my natural 4a/b hair to behave like I got a dominican blowout with a combination of the right products and technique and I can also make a wide array of fro's that wont leave me with knots or tangles when wash day comes around all because I have years of practice and trial and error under my belt.

No one knows your hair like you do.
I used to go to the salon every week, now I go maybe 2 or 3 times a year if that.

I can't recreate the absolutely slick and silky hairstyles that I got at the salon, but I can make my hair look bouncier and with more body. I sometimes miss the pampering, but I know that all that heat they use will just set me back.
I think I do it better. I can look good in the chair, but when the humidity hits my hair it falls. When I do it, the curls last.
When I switched from Motions wrap lotion to a serum (GVP Silk infusion), leave in and used almost zero oil and low heat, I noticed the same people I see everyday looking at my hair instead of me while we spoke. Finally one of them spoke up and asked, "did you get a relaxer?" To which I replied, "no" because I hadn't. So I figure it's the products as well.
I can. It has taken years of practice though. I can flat iron my hair so good people think I have had a fresh relaxer. I can do roller-sets just as good as salons can. The only thing I really need to work on is my blow out technique. But if I roller-set, blow-dry and flat iron, my hair looks hot.

It's all in product usage. When I do my hair I use: Shampoo, conditioner, biosilk, and Hask Frizz ease serum. That's it. I don't put it on my scalp, I use very little, and I get great results.
i feel you op.

for me doing my own hair at times has been like flippig a coin-
tails- it comes out perfect
or heads- not so much

if i goto a salon and i like the results, i always ask what they used. sometimes i have seen beauticians refill an empty bottle ( shampoo for example) with a product that was different than what the label read.
I been practicing my rollersets.. they are coming a long good but I need practice. I'm starting to suspect its also the products they use (like salon only).. I tried to peek at what they were using ... and it doesn't seem like they were even using much. I dying to know what they use in my hair to make it so light soft shiny and silky :yawn:

My sets came out significantly better when I bought my Pibbs!