Can you really treat split ends or do you have to cut them off?


New Member
I just noticed that i have a lot of split ends. The depressing part was seeing that not all splits are on the ends. Most were in the middle of the strands!! I cut off all that I can find in the front of my head. Right now I have the back cornrowed because I've been wearing a half wig. Im scared to see the damage back there. Can these ends be treated or do I HAVE to cut them? If they can be treated, can you recommend products?
Once the ends have split,there is no way to repair them.Some products can "mend" the hair temporarily but it will not last and they must be cut.After you cut them,care for them by Deep Conditioning and moisturizing so that you won't have to deal with this again.

At best, you can temporarily smooth a split end with products (serum) but you cannot repair a split end.

Snip, snip.

I see you're participating in the DC Challenge! This will definitely help your ends after they're trimmed.
Time to regroup, chock up the loss, trim or cut those nasty, raggedy splits and put in hard work and hair care to minimize splits and preserve your ends from now on.
I agree with everyone here. Just cut them off and save yourself the heartache of dealing with them when they worsen over time.
I just noticed that i have a lot of split ends. The depressing part was seeing that not all splits are on the ends. Most were in the middle of the strands!! I cut off all that I can find in the front of my head. Right now I have the back cornrowed because I've been wearing a half wig. Im scared to see the damage back there. Can these ends be treated or do I HAVE to cut them? If they can be treated, can you recommend products?

Split ends cannot be mended they need to be cut...if not they will continue to go up the hair shaft....