Can you over-Henna?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to over henna??? I know you can go over board with regular protein, so what do you guys think? I hear people say they are doing it every week or two.
Ariana4000 said:
Is it possible to over henna??? I know you can go over board with regular protein, so what do you guys think? I hear people say they are doing it every week or two.

It's such a mild protein, but it may be possible. For me, my hair is thriving from henna and cassia/amla treatments. No dryness or breakage at all.
Yes and no. Henna itself will not damage your hair. However, because henna fortifies the protein in the hair and pushes moisture out, your hair can get dry. Most people avoid this by adding conditioner and oil or yogurt to their henna mixtures. I would just make sure that your hair isn't overly dry after the treatments by using a moisture deep conditioner. Any excess dryness from the henna can cause breakage.