Can you leave Conditioner in?


I have noticed that when I leave my conditioner in. I love the way my natural curls look. When I rinse the conditioner out, the curls get bushy/frizzy.

I want to leave the conditioner in - all day. Is this ok? It's not leave in conditioner, it's regular conditioner. Is there any reason that it would damage my hair? I would wash it out the next morning and do it all over again.

What advice or knowledge would you give me?

Thank you
Yep. I use regular conditioner as a leave in 50% of time, my hair seems to love it. I cant think of any damage it would do to your hair if you leave it in, it can only benefit your hair.

I have often wondered this too. I asked my sister about "greasing" my nape with conditioner (not a leave-in) and she said that it would not be wise...too much product buildup and it would break my hair off. I would like to do this with Keracare Humecto if it'd work, but I'm not up for experimenting on my already broken kitchen.
its good as long as its not an everyday thing. doing it too much can lead to overconditioned hair...and you dont want that. overconditioned hair gets REALLY soft, kinda mushy, and breaks off really easily
I've talked to two naturals with pretty hair (randomly on the street) and they both said "just leave conditioner in." It seems so simple, but it works if you got coarse hair. I use Kenra Conditioner as a leave in as I'm doing my braidout. It keeps my hair moist and smelling good. As long as you don't use too much, you can't even tell you left it in.
You can leave the conditioner in. It won't cause any problems to your hair. I always leave some of my conditioner in. All the curlies I know do it and they don't have any problems with overconditioned hair. It's recommended to do that in the Curly Girl book and many curlies at Naturally Curly do the same thing.
Shatani said:
wont it turn white when it dries??

only if you use too much. I do a regualr co wash, rinse it out, and then I add maybe a quarter sized amount of whatever conditoner Im using at the time into hy hair. Ive gotten the best results with the Honeydew Smoothie by VO5 that I tried today:)
I'm 4b and relaxed. I have made my own creamy leave in using a moisturizing conditioner, olive oil, and a little distillled water. I also add some moisturizer conditioner to some hair grease to use as a hair dress on my ends. I love how soft my hair is by using this. These are better than any store bought products any day. I use my homemade creamy leave in twice a week, and I use the homemade hair dress every day. I haven't had any bad effects, just moisturized hair.
I do this all the time and it doesn't harm my hair. But I guess you have to experiment to see if it will benefit your hair.
weaveitup said:
its good as long as its not an everyday thing. doing it too much can lead to overconditioned hair...and you dont want that. overconditioned hair gets REALLY soft, kinda mushy, and breaks off really easily

Just chiming and saying yes you can leave in conditioners in your hair. Most leave-ins are basically light conditioners. On the bottle of Humectress by Nexxus, they say you can use it as a leave in.
Yes-I do. It just a matter of finding the right conditioner for your hair. Right now I'm using MnT w/ honey and my hair never feels mushy. It stays strong and shiny. :yep:
I've used Nexxus Humectress as a leave in. Not a lot but enough. My hair really liked it. I did not wash my hair for 4 days after I did it and I was fine. ;)
I use Vo5 conditioners and Suave conditioners on my hair after it has been washed before I apply my other hair products and I don't have any problems so far. I also started to mix some Vo5 conditioner and water in a spray bottle and I spray my new growth with it while I am doing my box braids and it makes my new growth very manageable, soft and moisturized.
I do this all of the time in the summer. I've used Humectress but I use a lot and Tresemme European Conditioner Vitamin E moisture rich is much cheaper and is excellent. I usually will CO wash every day and just put about a handful in my hair while in the shower, don't rinse, finger comb, and air dry. By the end of the summer my hair is long and healthy. It doesn't seem to damage it at all.
I had a really bad experience with Cholesterol conditioner. I purchased it thinking that it was hair moisturizer (i didn't read the bottle) :confused: I know, what a dunce! I used it as I would a daily moisturizer for about 2 weeks (before I realized that it was conditioner and not moisturizer). I know that I sound like a real space cadet, but I assure you that I have common sense and intelligence--i was just stuck on stupid for a minute...Anyway, my hair definitely noticed and my ends began to split...The next time I went to my hairdresser, she ended up cutting off about 2 inches, just from that 2 weeks worth of use...Believe me, I learned my lesson...

Thank you so very much. This is all been very helpful. I'm going to give it a try! I'll let you know how it turns out.
I use Elucence MB as my leave in...I can never rinse just enough to leave a bit in so I rinse completely after conditioning...then apply a little more to leave in. The bottle says: a dual purpose conditiner and leave-in treatment, as a leave-in, provides continuous moisturizing.
angellazette said:
I use Elucence MB as my leave in...I can never rinse just enough to leave a bit in so I rinse completely after conditioning...then apply a little more to leave in. The bottle says: a dual purpose conditiner and leave-in treatment, as a leave-in, provides continuous moisturizing.
this is the first conditioner that i have used for this purpose and i love it. ive tried humectress a million times but it just dried out my hair
I am thinking about doing this now. But would it be wise because I only wash my hair once a week. Als o i put gel in my hair afterwards so I am not sure how the gel and and conditioner would work.
I have used the Elucence MB as a leave in and it works wonders, soft and moisturized hair. I recently used Sauve Humectant as a leave in (I just wet my hair put the Sauve in then bunned it) and my hair was very moisturized.

I wash my hair 2-3 a week (with shampoo), so I don't think this will be a problem for me. I also don't comb my hair once it has dried because it is in a bun. HTH
Okay so I have a question. So when you wash your hair with shampoo and then the next step would be to condition, after that is over do you rinse it out or not? I mean do you:

1. wash with shampoo
2. then condition and then rinse out the conditioner
3. while your hair is rinsed and clean, add the conditioner to your hair like it is a styling product?


1. wash with shampoo
2. then condition and then leave it in from there
LABETT said:
Elucence conditioner is the only conditioner I use as a leave in and my hair loves it.
same here. the only other conditioners i tried to leave in were humectress which dried out my hair and suave milk and honey which also did the same thing
I've seen many (, the Curly Girl book) advise rinsing out MOST of the conditioner but leaving SOME in (like say 25%). That's what I kinda do but it's hard to tell what is still left in lol. I've also been using the Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner as a leave-in and seem to have good results. Elucence is supposed to be safe to do that with as well--I've tried it a few times and didn't notice anything bad. :)
I rinse all of the conditioner out and then add a little bit back in. I have been loving Kenra and now Herbal Essences for this... Very soft and tangle free hair!