Can You Help Me Understand? (Long) Anyone?


New Member
I don't come here much but when I do I read who needs prayer and send my prayers. But a couple of dreams my daughter has had has really gotten to me. I contacted a pastor already, but I want to know if anyone here comes up with the same solution he did. Okay here we go:

My daughter who is 12 has always been able to see sprits and describe people to you that she has never seen, more when she was younger. But it had stopped. Well on Monday night she had a dream that she went to heaven, she said a white light came down and took her up to heaven, she said that there were alot of people walking around in white robes and she also said that there were no gates to get in, she said while she was there she was looking down on me and her father on the sofa watching tv. she said that she wasn't scared at all, she saw no diceased family members ar anyone she knew, she said after awhile the white lights sarted closing and she wanted to come back down to home, and that is when she saw Jesus and she described him to me as being very Tan, with thick wavy hair either dark brown to black, with a very calm voice. she say he doesn't look like what people see on pictures and drawings. Anyway she said as she was wanting to get back down God told not to go,come back and stay, By that time I had woekn her up for school,She said she never died or felt like she was dying she just went up there.

2nd Dream, Tuesday Night she said she had a dream and was trying to find me to help her because for some reason she started crying tears of Blood. Ya'll when my daughter told me these dreams I knew it meant something and I started crying, I was like please god don't take my baby away from me,Please take me instead. So I conatced an Old preacher and when I told him he immediately went to his bible and called me back and told me that my Daughter is an Angel on earth & she is a child of god, he said the tears of blood was God purifying her with his blood, he said god has something that he want her to do, he told me before she went to sleep to ask god what is it that you want me to do. He said God has chosed her to do something.

He said most people will not understand but he does and he is old skool he is about 85yrs. old. This isn't her first dream of going to heaven, but her firts in speaking with god and describing him and heaven and tears of blood, She says she does not feel like she is going to die or anything she says she is gonna be here a long time.

Help Me Please!
The Lord often shows me things in dreams. I have had many dreams that I have had over the years that I know were from HIM. What I have learned though is sometimes we can "dream our own dreams". Our hearts can cause us to dream dreams that could lead us to beleive it is the Lord. Also if it does not line up with scripture, it's not the Lord. I beleive when people say that they have seen the face of God or have met Jesus in their dreams, that He only comes in an appearance that is comfortable/attractive for the dreamer.

I suggest your daugher just journal her dreams and ask the Lord to reveal if they are from Him or not. Also you should both know that if they are from Him , He may not give her revealtion until years from now. Lastly, be very careful with whom you share her dreams with. She should know this as well. Do not run to and fro trying find someone to discern the dreams. That is just an open door for the adversary.
I suggest your daugher just journal her dreams and ask the Lord to reveal if they are from Him or not. Also you should both know that if they are from Him , He may not give her revealtion until years from now. Lastly, be very careful with whom you share her dreams with. She should know this as well. Do not run to and fro trying find someone to discern the dreams.

Excellent advice.....

when I was young I had a series of recurring dreams about my parents dying at a time when I was little....that one of them would be taken when I was still a child...and so vivid the dreams.... that when I awoke and ran to their bedroom .. I...was shocked they were still alive the next morning

My father passed only last year......
My mother is still alive
that dream never came to fruition.......

Just as a precaution.....and you probably are not doing this ....but I'd certainly avoid crying or having extreme front of her about her dreams....

God bless and hold you both
You have been giving good advice so far but all I can really say is to go to God for answers and discernment regarding what your daughter has revealed to you. She is a special child and a gift from God. Seeing that she is a gift from God and ONLY God, I believe the answers to your questions will come from Him. As a parent I know that you are fearful and wondering why your daughter is having such vivid dreams at an early age? I would be concerned as well but I know that God uses the young AND the old. She may be one of his chosen ones to spread the Gospel. Her life has a purpose and he is developing her for that purpose. Do not be in fear for God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and truth.

Most people don't realize how powerful dreams truly are. I remember having a dream at the age of 13 of my mother being in a casket and me having a small child standing next to me viewing her body. I told the child to tell Mama "goodbye". That dream became a reality 17 years later. My mother passed in 2004, my daughter was only 5 and she was by my side the entire time.

There are so many other dreams that have come true but I also believe that some dreams have prophetic meanings. I have learned not to reveal my dreams to everyone because some people don't have the right to speak into my life. I too have had dreams of heaven and God. I have dreamed of judgement day. I have walked around heaven and viewed houses the size of mansions. My mother told me in a dream what the afterworld is actually like. There are so many more but I have learned to rely on God for all of my answers.

I agree with the elderly gentlemen that you spoke with, your daughter is an angel. She is a truly a gift from above. Don't worry too much. Continue to be there for her when is afraid, pray for revelation but also ask God what are YOU supposed to be doing and is there a message in all of this for your life as well.

Be Blessed
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Thank You all!

He leads i follow- The pastor told me the same thing, he said do not run and tell everyone!

Kayete-It just scared me at first and I was in my bathroom crying because I didn't want to upset her.

Natasha2005- You sound just like the pastor and we are doing journals about her dreams.

Healthynhappy- No we are not saved and have not seeked an actively relationship with god.

But Thank You all and I feel so much better you all basically said what the pastor said and I thank you all for listening and the advice you gave me. I mean even the pastor said it could be years from now before he reveal anything to her or it could be next week. But again I can't say Thank You enough to all of you, I bought her a special journal just for her privacy to write down her dreams.
Signature Beauty I read this book of John in my morning meditation and immediately thought of you and was moved to share it...hope it 's okay...
because this question posed by Healthynhappy..for me.... is one of life and death and since that was brought it up in your post...I wanted to offer these additional words of the Lord
God will help you, beloved, HE grants wisdom if only we ask HIM

SignatureBeauty - can I ask if you and your daughter are saved? Do you actively seek out a relationship with the Lord?

....I pray God will open a door to understanding and Love

Jeremiah..33 Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things thou knowest not

Jeremiah 29:12-13 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart

The Bread That Gives Life

22The people who had stayed on the east side of the lake knew that only one boat had been there. They also knew that Jesus had not left in it with his disciples. But the next day 23some boats from Tiberias sailed near the place where the crowd had eaten the bread for which the Lord had given thanks. 24They saw that Jesus and his disciples had left. Then they got into the boats and went to Capernaum to look for Jesus. 25They found him on the west side of the lake and asked, "Rabbi, when did you get here?"
26Jesus answered, "I tell you for certain that you are not looking for me because you saw the miracles, [a] but because you ate all the food you wanted. 27Don't work for food that spoils. Work for food that gives eternal life. The Son of Man will give you this food, because God the Father has given him the right to do so." 28"What exactly does God want us to do?" the people asked.

29Jesus answered, "God wants you to have faith in the one he sent."

30They replied, "What miracle will you work, so that we can have faith in you? What will you do? 31For example, when our ancestors were in the desert, they were given manna to eat. It happened just as the Scriptures say, `God gave them bread from heaven to eat.' " 32Jesus then told them, "I tell you for certain that Moses wasn't the one who gave you bread from heaven. My Father is the one who gives you the true bread from heaven. 33And the bread that God gives is the one who came down from heaven to give life to the world."

34The people said, "Lord, give us this bread and don't ever stop!"

35Jesus replied:

I am the bread that gives life! No one who comes to me will ever be hungry. No one who has faith in me will ever be thirsty. 36I have told you already that you have seen me and still do not have faith in me. 37Everything and everyone that the Father has given me will come to me, and I won't turn any of them away.
38I didn't come from heaven to do what I want! I came to do what the Father wants me to do. He sent me, 39and he wants to make certain that none of the ones he has given me will be lost. Instead, he wants me to raise them to life on the last day. [c] 40My Father wants everyone who sees the Son to have faith in him and to have eternal life. Then I will raise them to life on the last day.
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SignatureBeauty - thanks for answering my questions.

The bible says "Greater is He (Jesus) that is in me, than he (devil) that is in the world".

Just know that accepting salvation gives you power over every demonic force that exists.

There are so many things I'd like to express regarding your situation, but it is difficult to explain some of these things. Your daughter's dreams may mean absolutely nothing and you shouldn't give too much credence to them.

When God wants you to know something, believe me, He doesn't need cryptic dreams to get His point across.

God may be using your child to bring the both of you closer to Him. Sin can separate us from God, to a point where we can not hear his voice for He said only His sheep hear his voice. If we are choosing to be goats instead of sheep, we can not follow The Good Shepherd. Sin will definitely block your pathway of divine fellowship with God and from knowing (HIS) truth and (satan's) deception.
Kayte- Thank You so much for that, it was very uplifting, I copied it to keep.

Healthynhappy- Thank You!

Dreamgurl- I thought of that as well, he is doing something and that's for sure.
Hey hon,
It sounds as if she's about to convert to Christianity. I had alot of supernatural stuff happen to during my conversion. She may be accessing the spiritual realm whereas she's only experienced the natural before. I went through it alone and it was frightening because I didn't know any converted Christians to explain to me what was going on. I was an adult so I can only imagine going through it without someone knowing how to explain it to me as a child. The Lord isn't going to let anything happen to her but she is being strengthened to trust Jesus and defeat the devil.

She's seen Jesus. He looks differently to everyone who sees him. When He told her to stay, He didn't mean forever but He has a lot to teach her and they need to get to know each other and establish a secure relationship. Her spirit is longing for Him now and she'll have more spiritual dreams and visions.

I would advise that you join a good church, He's gonna let her dad know which one and get her involved. She needs to be around other spirit filled holy kids her own age so she can know that she's not going through some weird thing but it's perfectly normal, blessed but normal.
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Ms.Honey! I thank you so much for that and yes we are joining a nice church, I knew it meant something or else it wouldn't have touched me like it did. But I am glad to know others have went through it and it is totally normal and blessed! We hadn't been to church in awhile because I work nights and get off late in the am and don't have weekends off hardly, so I just want to rest, but come sunday mornings we will be there I will just have to nap when I get home, because we all need to be there, the whole family!
First let me start by saying that I am usually not an emotional person. When I began to read your description of your daughter's dreams(esp the second one) I began to tear up. Dreams can be so vivid and real that they can stir up emotions/feelings/thoughts/ideas in us. I've read your responses and it is good that you recognize that these dreams may or may not be from God and are seeking council on them. It is GREAT!!!! that you are joining a church to learn more and to establish a righteous relationship with God. Please continue to pray. I definitely will. There is some symbolism in your daughter's dream that has my mind blown.

1. Salvation does not have to occur at any particular place or time. If you are ready to be saved, it can be whenever, wherever--my mother was saved in the grocery store with a friend of hers who led her to Christ.

2. Make sure your daughter doesn't become afraid of her dreams. I know as a parent we worry about the wellbeing of our kids, but keep her communicating with you about her dreams so that maybe along with your journaling, the two of you(and your new pastor :grin:) can begin to understand the true meaning of her dreams and never fear what God may reveal

3. Check out a Bible concordance and search for dreamers, dreams, to see the context in which dreams played in the lives of people.
SuperNova- Thank you so much and I will be reading those, on the second dream my daughter was afraid to tell me because she didn't want to scare me, so I told her, No don't be afraid to tell me, it is okay. I was emotional, but not in front of her, I was in my room and she was in her room eating lunch and doing homework. But even if it don't mean a thing we will not ignore it.

Thank You so much!!!!